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So do i get a medal ..... Maybe a Bharat Ratna ...... I deserve it don't you think? ;)
You already got a country with BHARAT help. Why you want Bharat Ratan ??? Did you do something very very good ???
You have made a mistake on TIME PLACE and SITUATION fronts
1. Time: it was 1990. And race for unipolar world. There was no one in the world that could have helped either side
2. Place: USA & USSR were thousands of miles away from each other. India and china are neighbours. We have to see each other we like or not.
3. Situation : in cold war there was no third party. In India-China situation there are some major parties that will help India for obvious reasons. So result will not be as you wish
India isn't having any other strong enemy. Pak itself isn't in situation to do anything good for you. Ere are some strong opposers in your back ground who will definately make trouble to you when you will be busy with India.

And about arm race the main topic. India has defenders advantage. So we can concentrate on quality. You need more. We don't. We just need good and enough to keep you in check. It's true that India can't threaten to invade china in next 10/15 years but China can't do it now. So it will always remain to hot airs. Just word service from both sides. India is not buying anything out of its reach. We are buying what we can afford. It's just 1.7% of GDP. So we being bankrupt will be remain just your dream.

Your comment worth me to spend some effort and time to reply, Make sense what you said to only spend on minimum deterrent and defensive so it will cost you less..that's on civilian perspective...but ask your commanders and generals if they're willing to just accept that: not long ago your arm chief was crying for short munitions and poor equiped despite you have high defense budget compare to Pakistan , Bd and other except China...the reason is simple your army use China as reference for your military procurement...so either you like or not there will alway be an arm race...your army chief don't want to be lagged behind vis-a-vis China.

As your statement that India has defenders advantage...that's irrelevant to arm race, even Indian army is on high alert defensive status...PLA can just adopt a tactic "not move as mountain" sit on the other side of fence and do nothing...to keep you guys waiting...for ever....

During the cold war U.S.S.R could defense itself against US invasion but why bamkrup in peace time?? ... all is about economy. ..and because they were forced to enter an arm race under U.S tactical and strategical pressure...not because U.S plan to invader U.S.S.R

And yes we need more defense budget becasue we have more enemies to deal with, that's the fact but people tend to forsee that China will have fight simutaniously all enemies at the same time in case war against India...is China so stupid??
Since ancient time Diplomacy is our first primary weapon before war ,we know how to manage our enemies and keep them happy while we deal with other.In case war with India, China can concetrate the full fire power while keep some deterrent against others nations...
As your statement that India has defenders advantage...that's irrelevant to arm race, even Indian army is on high alert defensive status...PLA can just adopt a tactic "not move as mountain" sit on the other side of fence and do nothing...to keep you guys waiting...for ever....

You know what , the Not move a mountain tactic adopted by you suits fine to us .... so buzz for for now and sit quietly on the other side of the Himalayas :smokin:
You know what , the Not move a mountain tactic adopted by you suits fine to us .... so buzz for for now and sit quietly on the other side of the Himalayas :smokin:

I forgot to add

"not move as mountain" sit on the other side of fence and do nothing...to keep you guys waiting...for ever....until you guys become fed up for waiting then...we act...:D
Jung ke junglon mein junk se kya karega yehh..:pop:
Your comment worth me to spend some effort and time to reply, Make sense what you said to only spend on minimum deterrent and defensive so it will cost you less..that's on civilian perspective...but ask your commanders and generals if they're willing to just accept that: not long ago your arm chief was crying for short munitions and poor equiped despite you have high defense budget compare to Pakistan , Bd and other except China...the reason is simple your army use China as reference for your military procurement...so either you like or not there will alway be an arm race...your army chief don't want to be lagged behind vis-a-vis China.

As your statement that India has defenders advantage...that's irrelevant to arm race, even Indian army is on high alert defensive status...PLA can just adopt a tactic "not move as mountain" sit on the other side of fence and do nothing...to keep you guys waiting...for ever....

During the cold war U.S.S.R could defense itself against US invasion but why bamkrup in peace time?? ... all is about economy. ..and because they were forced to enter an arm race under U.S tactical and strategical pressure...not because U.S plan to invader U.S.S.R

And yes we need more defense budget becasue we have more enemies to deal with, that's the fact but people tend to forsee that China will have fight simutaniously all enemies at the same time in case war against India...is China so stupid??
Since ancient time Diplomacy is our first primary weapon before war ,we know how to manage our enemies and keep them happy while we deal with other.In case war with India, China can concetrate the full fire power while keep some deterrent against others nations...
Comrade you answerd sincerely. I appreciate that. :)
Now on topic
Our commander or leaders or even media never advocated invasion. Kargil would have solved toooo early if India had opened a front in deserts of Rajastan. Don't you agree that ??? We didn't not because we couldn't. Invasion is against Indian policy.

You don't read what COAS Mr. Sing said. He point out the delays in some weapon systems and ammo of a single kind. He himself cleared that tanks will not run dry but they won't have armour piersing rounds after 2/3 days. He wasn't saying buy the hell of ammo. In Indian forces its minimum 30 days stock. Which was alarming low.
Yes the reason you mentioned is simple but it's your army that's was cross LOC not BD or SL. Modernisation of Indian armed forces was supposed to start in 90s decade. It's starting now and is slow. It's what he mean. Defence budget in recent past years is more focused on IAF and IN. IA is getting its share but lot of it goes into maintains of 1.3 mil soldiers. And yes if any country can try adventure is china not Pak and not openly. We are equipping our soilders with modern weapon systems that you too have. And we are happy waiting for ever. No problems with that. Trust me India will never wage a war. Not on SL let also China

USSR and USA arm race has many dimensions. And USSR surely didn't do good on economy front. India is doing it. And will continue doing it. USSR was closed to many major markets. It's not case with India and trust me if that situation has to come it will come to china if your relation with USA got spoiled somehow. Plus USSR produced over it needs. It will never be Indian conditions. If India need 100 A5 missiles to cover china India will produce 200 and stop production. It will not go on producing it just to station in your neighbourhood.
No china is not stupid to fight simultaneous wars but others are smart enough to understand the good time to strike. Suppose you have confrontation with Vietnam in coming times. Surely they can't win now so right now they will just keep you away from their land in case of war. After that if you start war with India few years later that times Vietnam will be aggressive and India will help it that time all it can. Like IN cant be used in Himalayas so they can spare some assets in SCS to cover vietnam. BTW it's just example don't get personal on it.

In 62 it was china who attack India dispite the fact India was the only mediator you had for rest of world. So it's not exactly peace policy from china. Plus it was weakness of Indian leadership at that time and wasn't the weakness of IA as your friends always troll. But fact is fact you captured some territory. I know you might have issues with India but they should have been tabled rather than taking advantage of underprepared people
I forgot to add

"not move as mountain" sit on the other side of fence and do nothing...to keep you guys waiting...for ever....until you guys become fed up for waiting then...we act...:D

We know you guys are good at only talking so when your done with that ... here is a small message to you :wave:
When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk :guns:
....No china is not stupid to fight simultaneous wars but others are smart enough to understand the good time to strike. Suppose you have confrontation with Vietnam in coming times. Surely they can't win now so right now they will just keep you away from their land in case of war. After that if you start war with India few years later that times Vietnam will be aggressive and India will help it that time all it can. Like IN cant be used in Himalayas so they can spare some assets in SCS to cover vietnam. BTW it's just example don't get personal on it.

Off course nothing personal...if you talk about Vietnam’s hypothetical revenge with Indian navy assistance to open a second front at sea...that’s possible but consider that Sino-India war at Himalayas, PLA navy asset is intact too...I don’t want to foresee who will win...the tactic is debatable..i will let expert to handle it....sure PLA Navy have free time to spare to have warm welcome of India navy in SCS.

In 62 it was china who attack India dispite the fact India was the only mediator you had for rest of world. So it's not exactly peace policy from china. Plus it was weakness of Indian leadership at that time and wasn't the weakness of IA as your friends always troll. But fact is fact you captured some territory. I know you might have issues with India but they should have been tabled rather than taking advantage of underprepared people

AS 1962...I don’t know much about the detail, maybe Chinese-Dragon can contribute more on this issue :D
But on Chinese side, we blamed India for inflexible for negotiate the McMahon line...you guys take it as blessing of God and Harbor Tibetans slave owners in 1959...and Nehru’s forward policy...these had degenerate into 1962 war...as I repeat again...I don’t know much detail..That’s only the general perception.
We know you guys are good at only talking so when your done with that ... here is a small message to you :wave:
When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk :guns:

Shooting :sniper:...is just too COWBoy...we chinese are peace loving people :D...dont make such instigation or you will hurt our feeling :cry:

but the problem is their only shooting from their mouth not from gun:D

No..wrong again...with you.. we dont even bother to shooting from mouth...Fart is enough.
Countries who claim them peace loving why don't come forward in solving border disputes??
Countries who claim them peace loving why don't come forward in solving border disputes??

Yeah I agree.. If China is peace loving then they should return the land of Kashmir they have illegally occupied..:tup:
but the problem ur farting is like a laughing gas for us which make us indian s & vietnamese lolled to death after listening ur
farting warnings .

I warn you dont insult our India and Vietname Warning system.:devil:..or else you will have to find a tanker big enough to contain our fart gaz...even your Agni-5 tanker won't be big enough for our premium Farting warning gaz.
1. The Chinese media or reports of defense build up in that country are exclusively defensive targeted at countering possible aggression by USA. Isn't it, therefore, strange that the Indian media and GOI are so hyper about an imminent Chinese attack? Perhaps it is not all that strange given the gullibility of Indians in buying WCC (Western Christian Civilization) prescription of a Chinese threat to their dream of attaining super power-hood.

2. The candid fact is what was disclosed by an eminent son of India. Sashi Tharoor has rebuked those who call India a super power whereas India really is a Super Poor.

3. It is not possible that Indian leadership, among whom are many eminent intellectuals, are not aware that the paranoia created by WCC is to pit her against China in a proxy war. Perhaps greed has overtaken intellect. India is the top destination of the global arms bazaar. Which presents opportunities for maha-graft. The objective of the Arms Peddlers is to create conditions to push sell. The objectives of Neo Cons is world domination. The objective of the Money Barons is Urban Renewal after a war has destroyed a nation. "When blood flows in the streets, there is money to be made," Rockefeller Sr.

4. Saner elements in India ought to realize she can never bring herself to confront PRC. What India needs to do is to address poverty alleviation,enact land reforms, remove illiteracy, and the top most, go for drastic social reforms. Otherwise she will crumble from within. In fact that is already happening. And if this internal weakening continues her smaller neighbors will intervene to take sides on account of ethnic, religious, linguistic or historic affinity.

1. The Chinese media or reports of defense build up in that country are exclusively defensive targeted at countering possible aggression by USA. Isn't it, therefore, strange that the Indian media and GOI are so hyper about an imminent Chinese attack? Perhaps it is not all that strange given the gullibility of Indians in buying WCC (Western Christian Civilization) prescription of a Chinese threat to their dream of attaining super power-hood.

2. The candid fact is what was disclosed by an eminent son of India. Sashi Tharoor has rebuked those who call India a super power whereas India really is a Super Poor.

3. It is not possible that Indian leadership, among whom are many eminent intellectuals, are not aware that the paranoia created by WCC is to pit her against China in a proxy war. Perhaps greed has overtaken intellect. India is the top destination of the global arms bazaar. Which presents opportunities for maha-graft. The objective of the Arms Peddlers is to create conditions to push sell. The objectives of Neo Cons is world domination. The objective of the Money Barons is Urban Renewal after a war has destroyed a nation. "When blood flows in the streets, there is money to be made," Rockefeller Sr.

4. Saner elements in India ought to realize she can never bring herself to confront PRC. What India needs to do is to address poverty alleviation,enact land reforms, remove illiteracy, and the top most, go for drastic social reforms. Otherwise she will crumble from within. In fact that is already happening. And if this internal weakening continues her smaller neighbors will intervene to take sides on account of ethnic, religious, linguistic or historic affinity.
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