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Ottoman Janissary March towards Skopje

were they like persian immortals ?


Ok , but i still wonder if jannissary means one who gives his life for the sultan or one who executes sultans
Mate to i would tell you much about that but wiki does the same... :) Also the above two posts gives answer to your questions. :)
They was also the life guars of Sultans but they also executed some of them if they thought it was neccessary.
Ok , cause the idea sounds so european to me , executing the king in times of necessity , in persia they only act as life guards
Ok , cause the idea sounds so european to me , executing the king in times of necessity , in persia they only act as life guards

times of necessity= when they're annoyed by the actions of Sultans, such as getting low pay, constant war, possibility of military reforms :D pretty much like Roman Praetorians.

But this only happened after a certain period in first 1-2 centuries Jannissaries were completely loyal.
Ok , cause the idea sounds so european to me , executing the king in times of necessity , in persia they only act as life guards
From wiki:

As Janissaries became aware of their own importance they began to desire a better life. By the early 17th century Janissaries had such prestige and influence that they dominated the government. They could mutiny and dictate policy and hinder efforts to modernize the army structure. They could change Sultans as they wished through palace coups.

Janissaries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Who killed Nadir Shah?
Nadir shah wasn't a turk he was lur or another ethnicity , and if i remember correctly two of his servants killed him cause they were threatened to be executed in the morning , not a jannissary or similar organisation.
Nadir shah wasn't a turk he was lur or another ethnicity , and if i remember correctly two of his servants killed him cause they were threatened to be executed in the morning , not a jannissary or similar organisation.

If he werent Turk, why his dynasty called Afsharid? You know Afshars, right?
Things are getting better with the economy... but that wasn't case as always.

There i a small ancient city named "Seleucia" in near Antalya/Manavgat... so we decided to check it out since our holiday resort was near..

While nearing the site, we noticed the farmer who lives near to ruins took some of the ancient stones and used for his garden's walls.... :hitwall:

Anyways ancient cities are abundant in Turkey from various civilizations.
Ancient settlements in Turkey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ephesos is gigantic. The tour guide said back the it was 5 th largest city in our empire. They have digged out only a small part and leave most as it is at the moment because they ear they simply dont have the rescources at moment to conservate
This Roman gate somehow survived in the middle of my city :D

Hadrian's Gate by Emre Ergin, on Flickr

Don't make Greeks hear you, many of them feel offended if someone from west claims stuf from Greece or Anatolia :D

Greeks...were part of roman empire. So it is rome. No matter what they say ;)
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