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Otokar unveiled Next Generation Cobra 2.5

@ LegionnairE Thank you bro, i'm a little fun guy. I hope we will see each other face to face one day. I find your posts useful of information.

@ madmusti Brother; a design must be feasible to be produced. You can even build a vehicle which can endure thermonuclear explosions. But producing such a thing may not be useful in real life. All of us want our army to have a light vehicle which can endure 120 mm AP tank shell but producing this kind of vehicle is out of light vehicle design concept.

A light vehicle must be cheap, so you can produce more with your limited resources.
A light vehicle must be light so it can move faster, have manouver capability, higher range with minimum fuel.
A light vehicle must be produced with less material so it can be produced in high amounts with minimum material in minimum time if you are at war...

So heavy protection is out of concept and used in heavier vehicles defined with heavy guns, heavy armor, high endurance against atacks, very high cost etc...

I know that ,but if they able to make ,then they should make it, i mean this Vehicles Protects the Crew from IEDs:


It´s light and have good Protection ,but maybe we wait for IDEF 2013 ,that will start in a few hours :)
I think new light vehicles will protect crew from most of IEDs. But there is not a standard IED... An IED might be a 10 KG ANFO; so it can damadge the tires or an IED might be 100 KG of TNT and even MBT will have a hard time.

I think(or hope) new vehicles will have enough protection if we consider our army's demands. (I hope cabatli writes something about protection of Cobra etc.)


BTW V shaped hull and a handsome look combined... Finally! Nice pic, thank you.
Look what pismergay apes made in North iraq. They tried to copy paste Otokar cobra APC. :)


AFTER seeing this pismergay chit i want our Armed Forces to buy NUROL EJDER YALCIN instead of Cobra...:)



Stop with your immature scolding. Just say Peshmerga instead of some childish "pismergay" comment. This is a respectable forum, not some Youtube comment section.
i think otokar must streight cobra aganist mine and other bombs?otherwise we would keep losting our soldiers..o? is it possible to make cobra solid aganist mine and bombs?at least can we save our guy life? or imposible for small size army truck? any advice .
i think otokar must streight cobra aganist mine and other bombs?otherwise we would keep losting our soldiers..o? is it possible to make cobra solid aganist mine and bombs?at least can we save our guy life? or imposible for small size army truck? any advice .
Mine should be possible i think but it still depends on the size of explosives, there are also mines for tanks for exsample, small vehicles have naturally a limit for armor, only a certain degree of protection can be reached, you need bigger things for anything beyond its limits.
i think otokar must streight cobra aganist mine and other bombs?otherwise we would keep losting our soldiers..o? is it possible to make cobra solid aganist mine and bombs?at least can we save our guy life? or imposible for small size army truck? any advice .
Mine should be possible i think but it still depends on the size of explosives, there are also mines for tanks for exsample, small vehicles have naturally a limit for armor, only a certain degree of protection can be reached, you need bigger things for anything beyond its limits.
original cobra is resistant to 9 kilograms of TNT explosion under the wheel

It all depends on the size of the mine. With enough explosives you can destroy anything.
Perfect For SWAT and AT teams , i guess Pakistan should buy a handful for Zarrars to drive around in.

Deflective Armour ?

Pakistan should get TOT from Turkey if these are bang of the buck.
Pakistan already had few of cobras in their inventory but not newer version.

The one in you post don't look as protected as the one in OP, why??
Could you share pictures of Pakistani Cobras?
Sorry for bumping the thread. Was wondering if the Cobra-2.5 went into serial production? I understand that it has better mine protection than the Cobra-2? Can anyone post the mine protection levels of both vehicle for comparison?
Sorry for bumping the thread. Was wondering if the Cobra-2.5 went into serial production? I understand that it has better mine protection than the Cobra-2? Can anyone post the mine protection levels of both vehicle for comparison?

Not in serial production because such configuration of Cobra 2 was not chosen by any country.
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