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Osmania University beef festival sparks violence

Try making Biryani from the Sindhi Biryani Shan Masala (I've heard Pakistani ready to cook masalas are available in India). Other Indians I've recommended it to swear that they haven't had better Biryani before.

Shaan Masalas are awesome..
Although more expensive but i found some of the masalas better than Indian counterparts.

Try Biryani masala from Shaan for Biryani and there is a brand from Andhra which i forget for Gravy..Heavenly match
Shaan Masalas are awesome..
Although more expensive but i found some of the masalas better than Indian counterparts.

Try Biryani masala from Shaan for Biryani and there is a brand from Andhra which i forget for Gravy..Heavenly match

Biryani shouldn't be eaten with gravy. A spicy biryani can be cooled off by a raita.

I make my Biryani slightly to the hotter side and then make a cucumber raita for people who can't take it.
Beef fry and Pork Vindalou enjoyed by all Indians irrespective of religion. :azn:

And how sir did you reach this admirable conclusion ?

Other than some dalits,some tribals and some eastern/ western parts of India, which Hindu/Sikh/Jain eats beef or pork?

Try slaughtering a cow in Rajasthan, and the local Rajputs, Jats, Gujjars will despatch you to afterlife.

If you don't believe me just ask the Meo Muslims in Bharatpur district of Rajasthan about the kind courtesies extended to them on numerous occassion by the Gujjars & Jats on this account.

I also would like to challenge all Indian posters waxing eloquent here about their love of beef to try and see how easy it is getting a house for rent in a typical north indian hindu household after first confessing your beef eating habits to them.
Obviously, Molana Azad was able to foresee all events including dictatorship in Pakistan and split of its eastern wing but his high intelligence never predicted that one day Muslims in India will be killed for eating beef.
Pork has been consumed by Dalits here in North India and Beef does not served anywhere even I have not heard any of my friend having beef being non vegetarian.

Most of the people opt for chicken or mutton.
This was clearly a cheap political point scoring event between Old city Islamist and ABVP.. Dalits are just the face being used. The fact that place of occurrence was Osmania proves more that this was a cheap political event obviously targeting or trying to inflame the opposition, that is, ABVP. I for one therefore believe that politics should be kept out of universities/colleges.. No student Unions, No student elections. It's a place to study and that should be the mere goal for one and all..

Pakistanis asking for freedom for others should get rid of Blasphemy laws in their lands and more so give Ahmadis the right to live in the country they fought tooth and nail for, first.. Let your people breathe freedom too and just not conveniently hide behind the Islamic country facade while taking digs at others.. Practice what you preach..
Biryani shouldn't be eaten with gravy. A spicy biryani can be cooled off by a raita.

I make my Biryani slightly to the hotter side and then make a cucumber raita for people who can't take it.

Unfortunately, most of the good biryani joints here are more Irani than sub-continental. So they will have the bottom masala, but not really spicy.

Man I've missed my lunch today, and this discussion is so not helping!
People should be free to eat or not to eat whatever as long as it is legal I see no issues

True..but do it outside the college campus. If they want beef inside the campus, write to the concerned authorities to change the rules. The festival boasted of about 200 attendees including professors. So I am sure, they can can get the necessary signatures to change the menu in college hostel.

Obviously, Molana Azad was able to foresee all events including dictatorship in Pakistan and split of its eastern wing but his high intelligence never predicted that one day Muslims in India will be killed for eating beef.

When did eating beef became the requisite of becoming a Muslim?
Pork has been consumed by Dalits here in North India and Beef does not served anywhere even I have not heard any of my friend having beef being non vegetarian.

Most of the guys opt for chicken or mutton.

They don't know anything. Take a Short Loin cut of a cow you will see a T shaped bone that will be separating the short loin and the tenderloin. Carve it out. You can get a larger piece of the tenderloin to get a Porterhouse.

Sprinkle with salt and pepper, put it on the barbe. I like mine medium rare with just a little pinkishness and don't use any steak sauce, just eat it with ranch dressing.

You will know instantly that this animal wants to be eaten!
True..but do it outside the college campus. If they want beef inside the campus, write to the concerned authorities to change the rules. The festival boasted of about 200 attendees including professors. So I am sure, they can can get the necessary signatures to change the menu in college hostel.

Eating was not the intent.. The intent was to incite people and make it a political event, I am sure student elections must be around the corner there..
I for one therefore believe that politics should be kept out of universities/colleges.. No student Unions, No student elections. It's a place to study and that should be the mere goal for one and all..

I disagree.I noticed that wherever the student unions are absent, the college management have a free reign. Also I don't understand that if we are allowed to vote at 18, why then student unions should be banned from college. If then voting age should be increased to 21.
They don't know anything. Take a Short Loin cut of a cow you will see a T shaped bone that will be separating the short loin and the tenderloin. Carve it out. You can get a larger piece of the tenderloin to get a Porterhouse.

Sprinkle with salt and pepper, put it on the barbe. I like mine medium rare with just a little pinkishness and don't use any steak sauce, just eat it with ranch dressing.

You will know instantly that this animal wants to be eaten!

Way before these long-short loins, all of your T-bones(including A-Z bones) would be handed over to the street dogs here. :lol:

Good and keep enjoying away from here :lol: Chickens and Muttons are serving here better.
Guys lets set the record straight here. No one is against Muslims eating beef.

During the month of Ramzan, here in Pune (most other places as well I guess) there are these street stalls that mushroom up, which are frequented by people of all communities. Both religions are schooled well in the Indian etiquette of food. The dishes are clearly designated (bada/chota) and its obvious to most which is which. And when in doubt, you ask and are directed accordingly.

No one objects to these festivals/stalls etc. There is proper permission, and its an annual affair. These are acually "stalls" only in name - they are actually full fledged restaurants and kitchens whch are on the street/maidans, with shamianas, tables, chairs, etc. There has never been any violence, and even the police on bandobast are majorly bored and waiting to take their parcels home.

What this thread incident about has obviously crossed the unspoken line somewhere, and is 100% political mischief. Such incidents are no longer hot news in India and junta is much more mature than 10-20 years ago. But we have come to this state after a lot of strife. That memory should teach us and guide us as to the lines to never cross.

Indian secularism evolving in action.
I personally support freedom of speech, however would encourage people not to do so of their own volition. Being an asshole is everybody's right, but nothing to show ma and pa over it.

Freedom gets top priority.

It is their joint, hence their free choice to not sell it. We should respect each other, but its not mandatory.

Yep but its out of respect hence why you won't find beef or pork dishes in 99% of places in UK and I eat in Pakistani food joints once a week for my Lamb keema.
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