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Osmania University beef festival sparks violence

Since their objectives were met, DEFINITELY next year also they are gonna organize it. The police , college management ,student unions etc etc have warned the organizers that situation is not good and its better if they cancle it...but they didnot pay heed to the police(& Why would they!!) & they paid the price.

It has become a popular, evergreen success formula to win in elections. Incite communal feelings, win votes.

In my place nothing happens inside the college campus without the permission from College Management. Are things different in Osmania University?
Would like a Delhi walla to confirm, but from what I remember, the entire Jama masjid area is a foodie paradise and you can get anything there - bada, chota, chicken, fish, with a variety of really innovative dishes of the entrails and organs as well. Nothing gets wasted.
also the most dirty in terms of hygiene, Delhi Belly comes from this area.
Would like a Delhi walla to confirm, but from what I remember, the entire Jama masjid area is a foodie paradise and you can get anything there - bada, chota, chicken, fish, with a variety of really innovative dishes of the entrails and organs as well. Nothing gets wasted.

For city folks like us, eating there is akin to visiting Bangkok without carrying a you know what I mean..... Lots a Fun and gratification, but deadly as hell ;)
I was wondering... What happens in Delhi? They invented Nihari and you can't have Nihari without beef.

Oh and what about Haleem? Haleem can be made of Chicken - a particularly Kashmiri touch to Haleem is Chicken Haleem.

But other than steaks and chops, many desi dishes have a central beef component.

Nihari is available in Delhi.A lot of my muslim friends use to eat it here in university hostels.
Oh no the Hindu Gods are being killed. Someone save the Gods of the Hindus..... I don't know about you but I won't pray to a God that requires me to save it but maybe that's just me.
and i wont pray to a god that needs some human for protection if they are insulted
Oh no the Hindu Gods are being killed. Someone save the Gods of the Hindus..... I don't know about you but I won't pray to a God that requires me to save it but maybe that's just me.

Says a person whose country have zero religious freedom.
Beef is a cheap unhealthy meat. some people find it tasty and juicy. good. i am vegetarian from birth and wouldnt know.
5 Rs kaka biriyani needs to be given to all
In my place nothing happens inside the college campus without the permission from College Management. Are things different in Osmania University?
Different in the sense.. there will be more of bandhs/protests. OU is the heartbeat of Telangana agitation and ABVP has a mighty presence over there. A perfect place for students to show their "power". Telangana and communal tensions...These are the two issues which keeps OU on the boil and they are not gonna die down in the near future.
Beef is yummy.

even Ayurvedic texts have recommendations.

Ayurveda on Meat and its types

Ayurveda says that meat is the most nutritious and strengthening food available in the world. It builds the waste muscular areas very fast. Usually meat is sweet in taste, hot in potency, hard for digestion and produces sleep. Ayurveda generally recommends meat soup to increase the digestive fire. Ayurveda advises to take cooked meat only.

Ashtanga Hrudaya Samhita explains about eight types of meats. They are as follows:

  • Meat of deer
  • Meat of peacock
  • Meat of dove
  • Meat of frog, snake etc.
  • Meat of cow, goat, camel etc.
  • Meat of elephant, lion etc.
  • Meat of water birds like swan etc.
  • Meat of fish, prawn etc.

Charka classifies the meat and its types as follows:

  • Household animals
  • Animals moving on the earth like snake etc.
  • Animals living on wetlands like boar etc.
  • Animals living in the water
  • Animals moving in the water
  • Forest animals like lion etc.
  • Birds of small nature
  • Birds of poultry like peacock and hen
  • Big birds like eagle etc.

There is more description on each one.

Goat and sheep meat: Goat meat is neither cold nor hot and is unctuous. It pacifies all the three doshas of the body. Ayurveda recommends goat meat as a general diet for everyone.

Beef: Humans are consuming beef since Vedic times. It is sweet in taste and very hot in potency.Excessive use of this meat causes diarrhoea and weakens the digestive fire.

Pork: It is sweet in taste, cool in action and potency. It is very heavy for digestion.

Buffalo: Buffalos meat is unctuous, hot in potency, sweet in taste, aphrodisiac, heavy and refreshing. Ayurveda recommends soup of buffalo meat for insomnia.

Chicken: It is sweet in taste and warm in potency. It is good and nutritive for the human body.Ayurveda recommends chicken soup for fever and convalescence after fever.

Fish: In general, fish is sweet in taste and warm in action. It is light for digestion. It is strengthening, nourishing, unctuous and aphrodisiac in nature.

Tortoise: Ayurveda recommends this meat for bleeding piles and all bleeding diseases of female reproductive system. It promotes complexion, strength, intelligence, memory and improves eyesight.

Egg: It is sweet in taste and hot in potency. It reduces the vitiated Vata and increases Kapha.


the three doshas are kabha,pita and vatha.

More references can be seen in ayurvedic text of vasthi kalpa.

Even today lots of rasayanas have meat content.

Its not a Taboo.. Its a Taboo for the ignorants.

Beef is a cheap unhealthy meat. some people find it tasty and juicy. good. i am vegetarian from birth and wouldnt know.
5 Rs kaka biriyani needs to be given to all

Beef is as healthy/unhealthy as any other red meat bro. And it is cheap in India because its mostly buffalo we get here.
Different in the sense.. there will be more of bandhs/protests. OU is the heartbeat of Telangana agitation and ABVP has a mighty presence over there. A perfect place for students to show their "power". Telangana and communal tensions...These are the two issues which keeps OU on the boil and they are not gonna die down in the near future.

If ABVP has a strong presence in University, they could have prevented the 'Beef Festival' when it was announced itself.
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