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Osmania University beef festival sparks violence

beef actually clean...It depends on where you eat.

I am eating beef for about 20 years in kerala...but i would not eat beef in north india cos it will not be fast moving. Always eat from a fast moving joint..wont have any problems.

been eating beef all my life (except the last 3 yrs) high cholesterol problems . but never found it to be" dirty".
guess it depends where you eat it from.
one thing i dont like about non vegetarian food is that after eating the sweat and the gases release from behind are extremely foul smelling.

Yeah, even the feces smell a lot worse. Compare the smell of cow poo versus dog poo.

Speaking of gas, bovines (cows, buffalos, etc.) release more methane than all animal forms and are largely linked to the green house effect and global warming.

if one is a vegetarian its not that bad.

Not that bad for the one smelling said vegetarian emissions. Not so good for the vegetarian surrounded by non-vegetarians and their emissions though.
To be frank i dont like people eating beef its fine if they are eating horse pork fish or any other thing but beef is a NO NO
Yeah, even the feces smell a lot worse. Compare the smell of cow poo versus dog poo.

Speaking of gas, bovines (cows, buffalos, etc.) release more methane than all animal forms and are largely linked to the green house effect and global warming.

Not that bad for the one smelling said vegetarian emissions. Not so good for the vegetarian surrounded by non-vegetarians and their emissions though.

Meat with BS IV(Bharat Standard) Emissions should be made mandatory.:laugh:
Yeah, even the feces smell a lot worse. Compare the smell of cow poo versus dog poo.

Speaking of gas, bovines (cows, buffalos, etc.) release more methane than all animal forms and are largely linked to the green house effect and global warming.

Not that bad for the one smelling said vegetarian emissions. Not so good for the vegetarian surrounded by non-vegetarians and their emissions though.

i just had a nauseated feeling when i thought about the dog poo i smelt many yrs ago.. thanks to your comment... human brain is amazing remembering things like taste/smell.

Meat with BS IV(Bharat Standard) Emissions should be made mandatory.:laugh:

LOL... jokes apart it is true fact on the smells. .. and BS stands for ???
i hear that one of the best meats is turkey meat.. i also hear good things about camel

had a lot of turkey meat in the states . they know how to prepare it there . tried making it here once (did not come out well)

i usually buy camel meat during the end of Ramadan . its widely available then .
been eating beef all my life (except the last 3 yrs) high cholesterol problems . but never found it to be" dirty".
guess it depends where you eat it from.

And in a pair of expert hands..it safe in any way you look it
To be frank i dont like people eating beef its fine if they are eating horse pork fish or any other thing but beef is a NO NO

last time i checked we live in a free society . :)
you and i may have different preferences but you cant force them on me .
The whole buffoonery began when one group of people thought it would be a good idea to worship cows. That's when the problem began.
The whole bafoonery began when one group of people thought it would be a good idea to worship cows. That's when the problem began.

don't comment on religion mate . what people believe is none of your business . its between them and god . don't ever ridicule any one religion.
i also read in many places that humans took a giant leap in evolution when they started eating meat. dont konw how true it is. apparently since we have eveolved from apes, we used to be veggies and eat smaller rodents etc. but at some point humans or pre-humans learnt to eat meat, first step in adaptation.
another intereting fact.. have you noticed that in animals their teeth are set perfectly in the wild? have you ever seen any animal that needs orthodontic care?
Human teeth are all messed up because of our change in diet. again evolution. there was a nice explanation given for this.
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