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Osmania University beef festival sparks violence

People should remember that the most influencial Islamic body in India the Deoband seminary has long ago issued a fatwa banning cow slaughter & beef eating for Muslims in India. Why no church/christian organisation has taken a similar stand?
tell the same to Christians, not me. I am born HINDU but i take all good things from every riligion at the same time descriminate all foolish ideas like this is not good that is good kind of stuff.
PM every member in this thred and ask them weather you are ignorant or I am and based on that relsult you can tell me that i am ignorant

atleast you acknoweldge the fact tht u may not have complete knowledge is a good thing.
I still get one thing from your post the copy right year says all these books are published later after 1980's and no where in his life "Jesus Christ" who started Christianity has talked about his followers should not eat pork.
Yet again you are a failure in this thread. But i have to appriciate your consitancy in your insanity to say that Christianity is dead and all those who eat pork are not Christians. :rofl:

Ashok bhai - look at what the thread title - then look at your post. I think we are getting a little off the topic in hand.
If these students specifically organized a "beef festival" to create anamosity and disrespect religion then firstly it should be banned next year - and the ring leaders should be dealt with severely. To disrespect or snigger at ANYONES religion or beliefs is wrong and shouldnt be allowed....
what do hinduism scriptures say about beef ?

Why bother about scriptures when beef is the only thing left in the world to fill your tummy??? Now I am just thinking of making combos and pork exactly fits the bill.. We will get good nutrients and high protein so why make a fuss??
First don't change your post after someone has replied to them.

Second regarding Anjem choudhary not being allowed in India,could you explain why his rally at white house postponded.Why didn't USA the "Land of free speech" did not provided him with visa.

And regarding hate mongering of your bosom buddy anjem,something i found from google

Shaira For Britain : Anjem Choudary : We Will Discriminate on Religion
Anjem Choudary Explains Muslim Hate For Christians And Jews « The Citizen's Report
Anjem Choudary: "Islam does not mean peace. Islam means submission." - Jihad Watch
Anjem Choudary: My taxpayer-funded benefits belong to Allah - Jihad Watch
British Islamist Anjem Choudary: They Give US Money, But We Attack Their System - YouTube
British Islamist Anjem Choudary Releases 2011 Christmas Message: Christmas is Evil - Topix
Anjem Choudary makes a lovely speech! - YouTube
RealClearPolitics - Video - Anjem Choudary: Flag of Islam Will Fly Over White House
Anjem Choudary talks of 7.7. - YouTube
Anjem Choudary, leading Muslim radical: “You can’t say that Islam is a religion of peace” | Islamic War Against the West

First don't change your post after someone has replied to them.

Second regarding Anjem choudhary not being allowed in India,could you explain why his rally at white house postponded.Why didn't USA the "Land of free speech" did not provided him with visa.

And regarding hate mongering of your bosom buddy anjem,something i found from google

Shaira For Britain : Anjem Choudary : We Will Discriminate on Religion
Anjem Choudary Explains Muslim Hate For Christians And Jews « The Citizen's Report
Anjem Choudary: "Islam does not mean peace. Islam means submission." - Jihad Watch
Anjem Choudary: My taxpayer-funded benefits belong to Allah - Jihad Watch
British Islamist Anjem Choudary: They Give US Money, But We Attack Their System - YouTube
British Islamist Anjem Choudary Releases 2011 Christmas Message: Christmas is Evil - Topix
Anjem Choudary makes a lovely speech! - YouTube
RealClearPolitics - Video - Anjem Choudary: Flag of Islam Will Fly Over White House
Anjem Choudary talks of 7.7. - YouTube
Anjem Choudary, leading Muslim radical: “You can’t say that Islam is a religion of peace” | Islamic War Against the West

yawn, is he banned in england?
It is banned in a single state out of 28 states but not half the states as you quote here.

get ur facts right its banned in more than half of the states, stop being apologetic here.
abosulte inhuman evil fascists, they even force people what they can eat & what they can't

I agree we should not force people then why are you so against pork? pork and beef curry will be good nutritious diet so you game for it??
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