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Osmania University beef festival sparks violence

check my post no #203 it clearly says beef is banned in more than half of the indian states

1) JK
2) Delhi
3) Haryana
4) Punjab
5) Rajasthan
6) madya pradesh
7) uttarkhand
8) himachal pradesh
9) gujrath

cant remember where else, but it is banned in more than half of the india.
I still do not have a link to any government site or judicial judgement in this record as your sides valid proof all you are doing is repeating a set of states and saying that beef is banned, And I belive that you have never been to these states either so don't play smart but at the end you fail misrably as you only act smart but not actually smart.
ill tell you how a indians think ? ohh they had a beef festival in hyderabad, did they ? yes they did? what govt is ruling hyderabad -? congress, these muslim appeasing congress goons, we need a strong leader lets vote for BJP govt & ban beef there.
Bravo here comes the Einstien who has been able to decipher the mentality of 1.2 B people.
Do you think beef being consumed for decades now, that to under Congress rule in many state then by this logic Congress should have been kicked out of power from the country shouldn't sir.
i think you have lost your mind, eating or not eating certain type of meat is my personal choice, you have no right to tell people what to eat & what not to. no one is telling you to eat beef or pork,

Nobody here except you has lost its mind.

You say that eating certain type of meat is your personal choice.

Did someone stopped you from eating beef.Most of the posts i have read on this thread have been quite unequivocal regarding right of people to consume beef.
The matter at university was not that they were eating beef.Beef is openly sold in Andhra Pradesh and these people were not dragged from their homes for eating beef.
The issue from the start was that they choose to make a political point by organising a beef festival to piss upon Hindus (Hyderabad is muslim majority city) and another faction replied in a political manner ( Strong arm tactics are part of politics in India).

but the irony is you are forcing people to stop from eating beef, by banning beef in half of indian states which is far more worse than facism (and putting people in prison for 10 years for what eating beef) thts bit over the top,

Your information regarding UP,Delhi and J&K was false.And only in 5 states it is a non bailable offence.

i don't think we have seen such a oppression of minorities in the whole history of the world, not even hitler did that.

Please enlighten me,

Do you want me to rant about the historical or current adventures of religion of peace or glorious past of church on whose command torquemeda crucified whole jewish population of Iberian peninsula.

Identify yourself so that i could bash your claims and i have a requisite knowledge of history to do that.
I have already explained in #245 that he is lying regarding UP,Delhi and J&K.For rest i don't know.Probably someone from other states may clarify that.
I for sure know that its not banned in the following states
1) Tamil Nadu
2) Kerala
3) Karnataka
4) Andra Pradesh
you know the facts right? as per your claim more than 14 indian states have banned beef. I'd like to know which are those states. with source of course.

source please

for a change you need to provide me a source to explain which parts of india beef is not banned,
for a change you need to provide me a source to explain which parts of india beef is not banned,

That's how a loser talks.. Banning something will come in news. there won't be a news for not banning stuff. you have claimed something as fact. prove it . what a junk! :lol:
Nobody here except you has lost its mind.

You say that eating certain type of meat is your personal choice.

Did someone stopped you from eating pork.Most of the posts i have read on this thread have been quite unequivocal regarding right of people to consume beef.
The matter at university was not that they were eating beef.Beef is openly sold in Andhra Pradesh and these people were not dragged from their homes for eating beef.
The issue from the start was that they choose to make a political point by organising a beef festival to piss upon Hindus (Hyderabad is muslim majority city) and another faction replied in a political manner ( Strong arm tactics are part of politics in India).

Your information regarding UP,Delhi and J&K was false.And only in 5 states it is a non bailable offence.

Please enlighten me,

Do you want me to rant about the historical or current adventures of religion of peace or glorious past of church on whose command torquemeda crucified whole jewish population of Iberian peninsula.

Identify yourself so that i could bash your claims and i have a requisite knowledge of history to do that.

no but you are jailing people for eating beef, so much for secular democracy, the fact is in more than half states of india eating beef is offence which can fetch a jail term for minimum of 3 to max of 10 years, if this is not facism what is ? any way i am off this thread.
no but you are jailing people for eating beef, so much for secular democracy, the fact is in more than half of india eating beef is offence which can fetch a jail term for minimum of 3 to max of 10 years.
kindly quote the number of cases ragistered under this act and how many punished. Today even peeing some where is a news in the media, so far sure if some one is arrested under this act it would have appeared in the media, please come up with links from INDIAN media that has reported the misuse of this act.
You guys are OK with the killing of a governer in Pakistan for speeking for minority rights but when the same comes to INDIA it does not apply and is a descrimination against MUSLIMS, if it ever was so let the MUSLIMS in INDIA tell us that they dont feel good about the law, so you can fu#k off
no but you are jailing people for eating beef, so much for secular democracy

As i said again sir you are mixing Western secularism with Indian secularism Indian seularism is more sensitive to peoples belief. Let's talk about satanic verses hurting muslim sentiment or for the matter Da vinci code hurting christian sentiment not banned in west but both are banned in India.

Secularism means sepration of state from religious body and no discrimination on basis of religion, but that doesn't mean you can hurt religious sentiment here in India.

There is a reason for this a state like India which is highly diverse cannot function if there is intolerance among it's community. Check's and balance's are necessary to keep the union united.
Personally for me i do not mind if citizen of my country what to indulge in beef but in certain place you have to take care of cultural sensitivity.

Imagine if there is resentment among community's what will happen India would break up like Yugoslavia .
My question is again WHY? Whats the problem with cooking pork in the same kitchen.
It can't be done in the same utensils, meat gives off juices and that would be the same as eating pork.

It becomes a matter of observable procedure to sufficiently separate it. If there is trust in the procedure to use separate utensils and store it separately then why not, it can be cooked on the same stove.

We should allow beef consumption in India and also

1) Pork
2) Cartoons of prophet muhammad and all other gods
3) Salman Rushdie's books
4) Taslima Nasreen's books

The people who get this worked up about beef unki zindagi bekaar hai.
Only a fascist country bans beef & prisons people for 10 years for eating beef. even hitler never had any problems with people eating what they want, India is worse than a facist country far worse actually.

not that i like hitler here, but hitler will look like an angle when compared to hindu facists.
no but you are jailing people for eating beef, so much for secular democracy, the fact is in more than half states of india eating beef is offence which can fetch a jail term for minimum of 3 to max of 10 years, if this is not facism what is ? any way i am off this thread.
First it is not half states.

Firstly,As far as my knowledge goes eating beef is not an offence anywhere in the country.In a lot of states slaughtering cows is an offence. And only in few states it is a non-cognizable offence,not in half of states.

Even though i myself prefer from Laïcité form of secularism where government does not allow religion to interfere in public life but given the ground situation in India and the hold clerics have over population,it would spectacularly backfire if not enforced by an Iron fist and that over a time period of couple of generations.

Thus even though i am not comfortable with,but would make peace with the current system where things explicitly offensive to every religion is banned.With increasing education levels we may rach at a situation where most people are naturally secular.

I am not writing this explanation for you.You are a fanatic troll not some flag bearer of secularism.
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