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Oslo attacker Anders Breivik and Eur. right's hate-filled rhetoric

Unfortunately, extremist ideologies of hate and intolerance towards others are the root cause of terrorist attacks in our world today. People, who commit heinous crimes such as this Norwegian man, are the same as those who commit suicide attacks in countries such as Pakistan and Afghanistan. Terrorists like Taliban, TTP, Al-Qaeda may reside in different countries or target innocent people of different ethnicities, religion and nationalities, but they are joined by their belief of violently murdering those of different cultures and beliefs. All these terrorist acts are unacceptable and needs to be fought against no matter where or by whom it is committed.

This terrorist was against the inspiring concept of coexistence and multiculturalism that countries around the world are gradually promoting. It is unfortunate that promoting cooperation and understanding between different cultures and societies is under attack from those who follow the language of hate and violence. It is regrettable that most often people all around the world are guilty of stereotyping, generalizing and labeling an entire nation or ethnicity for the crimes of a few. We will say it again; these terrorists have no country, know no humanity and do not belong to any religion. We must recognize that violent extremists must be brought to justice and those who act upon these tendencies to be eradicated from our societies.

CDR Bill Speaks,
DET – U.S. Central Command
U.S. Central Command
An unfortunate clash of cultures has indeed led to a rise in right-wing extremism across this otherwise peaceful and egalitarian region.

This is all bullsh!t for the sheeple to mop up.

There is no clash of culture. There are elements of each "culture" (people) that do clash but this is more down to social reject status.

It is a made up concept to help segregate the sheeple.

It seems like the assassin spent his time obsessed with Christianity and forcing the Christendoms to unite, very remniscent of the bungling fools at Hizb-ut-Tahrir.
what a mad christian terrorist...this could possbily be a world record....killing so many innocent people with one gun under 20 minutes.
Pamela Geller's Followers Go Nuts (or Are Nuts, or Something)
By Jeffrey Goldberg

Please, nutty people, leave my e-mail inbox alone! I've been flooded with mail from defenders of Pamela Geller, the shrieking bigot who thinks all Muslims are evil, that Muslims live under her bed, that Muslims short-sheeted her bed at summer camp, and so on. Here is one such letter:

Pamela Geller is right, you want to see America and Israel destroyed. Why do you love Muslims so much? Are you a secret Muslim?

You got me! I am a secret Muslim. Well, not a secret one anymore. I'm actually known in Occupied Palestine as Abu Tsuris. I was a summer intern with Hamas (in the press office) and I'm hoping to get my M.A. in Shari'a from al-Azhar University, where I also play for the lacrosse team.

It is amazing to me how Geller's followers think of Islam the way they believe Islam thinks of Christianity and Judaism. For the record: I'm a proud Jew, not observant enough, but trying, and I also admire many aspects of Islam. I don't believe this to be a contradiction. I love Islamic art and architecture and poetry, and I appreciate the manner in which Islam provides meaning and solace to its followers. I appreciate Islam's firm stand against idolatry, and I also find comfort in Islam's stunning diversity. Included in this diversity, of course, are streams of Islam I find disagreeable, and one or two I find repugnant. But Islam, like Judaism, and like Christianity, is a universe. It is not a monolith, as Pamela Geller and her ilk would have you believe. Some of the best people I know are Muslim, and some of the worst are Muslim. The same holds true for Judaism. Pamela Geller is a terrible bigot because she believes that Islam is an intrinsically evil system, and that everyone who adheres to this system is intrinsically evil.
I feel surprised Andres expressed hatred towards Pakistanis - who are generally progressive, educated, and giving to Norwegian society. But he express no execrate for North Africans, and Somalis who are known trouble makers in Norway.

That's interesting coming from someone who looks more African than Pakistani. Is that why you go around claiming that you're Punjabi and that you have green eyes?
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