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Oslo attacker Anders Breivik and Eur. right's hate-filled rhetoric

i dont agree with his actions...but i agree with his words.......islam doesnt have exactly a histopry of peace to fall back on...look at all the conquests right from the start in the seventh century........they were all bloody and the blood never stopped flowing....

A guy believes in his words that he is justified in killing and shooting innocent people for whatever his cause and you agree with his words???
Its so convenient yet again for Islam to be mentioned. If its not the cause of the evil action its because of it that it has occurred. It shows the anti islamaphobia people that are narrow minded like you clearly to the world.
I think your recollection of blood flowing is very selective to say the least.
Sad smugness after Oslo

As the news of the horrific terrorist attacks in Oslo unfolded, I must admit that my first inclination was to suspect jihadist forces at work. A few years ago, I had attended a Friday khutba at a mosque in Oslo and had been shocked by the level of political vitriol which the Urdu-speaking cleric at the mosque was hurling at the West. Several threats had been made against Norway by Muslim fanatics, as well as by Libyan leader Qaddafi, regarding Norway’s military involvement with Nato. Thus to assume a possible connection of such an attack to Muslim extremism was understandable.

The Pakistani community in Norway is the largest ethnic minority in the country, and while many of them have assimilated quite well and are serving in numerous professional positions, there are also others who remain on the margins. The same is true of other Muslim immigrants in Scandinavia. An unfortunate clash of cultures has indeed led to a rise in right-wing extremism across this otherwise peaceful and egalitarian region.

Pakistani-born Danish activist Bashy Quraishy has documented cases of racism against Muslims in the region. What is remarkable about Mr Quraishy’s work is that he is not religious personally, but has championed the cause of Muslims in Scandinavia and Europe in the face of rising extremism. No doubt, we have a clash of extremism that has turned malignant and must be addressed. The Oslo attacks will perhaps catalyse greater action in this regard and more soul-searching among conservative political parties in Europe. In this regard, it is important to keep the pressure on western media venues to be fair in their reporting and analysis and to give Muslims due respect and the benefit of any doubt.

Yet there was an unfortunate reaction from the Muslim world that is also palpable after this attack. As soon as it was revealed that the attacker was a non-Muslim, emails and tweets started coming through of Muslims feeling vindicated that this time it was not one of them. Implicit in this reaction was a disturbing smugness that we Muslims are now beyond reproach and are victims of a western media ‘smear campaign’. No doubt the media should have waited before jumping the gun and suggesting Muslim connections to the attack. In particular, The New York Times article right after the attacks was particularly irresponsible by quoting some rumours about an Islamist connection.

However, Muslims must not become complacent and need to be shocked out of denial and realise that the most pernicious terrorist attacks within Muslim countries, including Pakistan, are indeed caused by Islamic fundamentalists. We constantly have to deal with fundamentalism on a daily basis in Pakistan because of a paranoid view of the world where fanatics want everyone else to respect them and their interpretation of faith, and who consider anyone who disagrees with them as ‘infidels’. Note how many moderate Muslim scholars such as Javed Ghamdi have fled the country for this reason. So let’s not sink into a ‘victim complex’ and let’s not ignore these serious challenges.

Because one Christian fundamentalist terrorist committed a vile and despicable act in Norway does not exonerate or diminish the seriousness of the problem of Islamic fundamentalism. While I hope this tragedy will make western organisations reconsider their assumptions about the source of terrorism, it is essential that this is not used as an excuse by Muslims to become sanguine about the problem in their own house. All forms of absolutist ideologies have to be resisted whether right wing, left wing or flightless follies that might later take wing!

Sad smugness after Oslo – The Express Tribune
This man should be hanged publicly.. no one should get away another man live, no matter if he is communist, nazi, atheist or black.

NOP, keep him in jail for the rest of his life and dont give him propaganda chance by cutting off all ties to him from outside world.
When a Muslim commits Terror, every Muslim in the world somehow shares responsibility. When it's a white Christian, he's a lone wolf... and why I'm not surprised.
A guy believes in his words that he is justified in killing and shooting innocent people for whatever his cause and you agree with his words???

i said i agreed with his word...meaning how he has raised concerns about the muslims intolerant policies and the dangers of immigration...their refusal to integrate and the threat it poses........that does not mean i agree with his actions of terrorism....he could have done it in a non-violent way....look both netaj and gandhiji wanted the same ideal....independence...one took a violent way and other a non-violent path.....that is what im trying to say.....even though i agree with his ultimate idea....i dont agree with the means he used to express his idea......

Its so convenient yet again for Islam to be mentioned. If its not the cause of the evil action its because of it that it has occurred. It shows the anti islamaphobia people that are narrow minded like you clearly to the world.

instead of raving about me for my narrow mindset...have you for once wondered why there is islamophobia in this world when there is no such equivalent in other religions......surely no one decided one morning lets target the muslims and create islamophobia...it was built up over a long period of time.....and yes....muslims and the way they practise their religion is also an important cause for its rise........

I think your recollection of blood flowing is very selective to say the least.

did i say anything wrong.....it may be bitter for you....but that doesnt change the truth......islam may be described as a religion of peace on paper......but thats it...practically every action on ground over a millenium....suggests the exact opposite......
A guy believes in his words that he is justified in killing and shooting innocent people for whatever his cause and you agree with his words???

i said i agreed with his word...meaning how he has raised concerns about the muslims intolerant policies and the dangers of immigration...their refusal to integrate and the threat it poses........that does not mean i agree with his actions of terrorism....he could have done it in a non-violent way....look both netaj and gandhiji wanted the same ideal....independence...one took a violent way and other a non-violent path.....that is what im trying to say.....even though i agree with his ultimate idea....i dont agree with the means he used to express his idea......

Its so convenient yet again for Islam to be mentioned. If its not the cause of the evil action its because of it that it has occurred. It shows the anti islamaphobia people that are narrow minded like you clearly to the world.

instead of raving about me for my narrow mindset...have you for once wondered why there is islamophobia in this world when there is no such equivalent in other religions......surely no one decided one morning lets target the muslims and create islamophobia...it was built up over a long period of time.....and yes....muslims and the way they practise their religion is also an important cause for its rise........

I think your recollection of blood flowing is very selective to say the least.

did i say anything wrong.....it may be bitter for you....but that doesnt change the truth......islam may be described as a religion of peace on paper......but thats it...practically every action on ground over a millenium....suggests the opposite......

A guy believes in his words that he is justified in killing and shooting innocent people for whatever his cause and you agree with his words???

i said i agreed with his word...meaning how he has raised concerns about the muslims intolerant policies and the dangers of immigration...their refusal to integrate and the threat it poses........that does not mean i agree with his actions of terrorism....he could have done it in a non-violent way....look both netaj and gandhiji wanted the same ideal....independence...one took a violent way and other a non-violent path.....that is what im trying to say.....even though i agree with his ultimate idea....i dont agree with the means he used to express his idea......

Its so convenient yet again for Islam to be mentioned. If its not the cause of the evil action its because of it that it has occurred. It shows the anti islamaphobia people that are narrow minded like you clearly to the world.

instead of raving about me for my narrow mindset...have you for once wondered why there is islamophobia in this world when there is no such equivalent in other religions......surely no one decided one morning lets target the muslims and create islamophobia...it was built up over a long period of time.....and yes....muslims and the way they practise their religion is also an important cause for its rise........

I think your recollection of blood flowing is very selective to say the least.

did i say anything wrong.....it may be bitter for you....but that doesnt change the truth......islam may be described as a religion of peace on paper......but thats it...practically every action on ground over a millenium....suggests the exact opposite......

No bitterness Mr Kazhugu. I come onto this forum to learn about different views and ideologys. I am open minded and take on board most peoples opinions but when the question of religion comes up by people that are not prepared to look in their own back yard it does disappoint me.
I think you will find a hatred of race/religion/racism etc in most religions. I think (perhaps it will remain a dream) it would be fantastic if we could put religion to 1 side. I am in business with a hindu partner who a treat like a brother and trust 100%. We have never and will never say a bad word about each others beliefs.
No bitterness Mr Kazhugu. I come onto this forum to learn about different views and ideologys. I am open minded and take on board most peoples opinions but when the question of religion comes up by people that are not prepared to look in their own back yard it does disappoint me.
I think you will find a hatred of race/religion/racism etc in most religions. I think (perhaps it will remain a dream) it would be fantastic if we could put religion to 1 side. I am in business with a hindu partner who a treat like a brother and trust 100%. We have never and will never say a bad word about each others beliefs.

that is the essence of my post friend......no one has any inbuilt prejudice against any one right from the start....its the situation... the preceding actions....history etc...that brings out the bitterness in us....its a natural human reaction........even the body through its wbc tries to protect itself from particles considered foreign/harmful......both parties are to introspect for their actions.....though both are not responsible for the problem in the same magnitude......
Well, I too had respect for you for being objective. Can't say that anymore.

What is the problem in reading / replicating what a Pakistani paper says ?

I cannot understand the response from someone like you. If the article were written by a non Pakistani and / or published in a non - Pakistani news paper one could understand the indignation.

its not the article, its your 'insinuation'!
why dont you put in your thoughts other than these lame pictures...we are here to discuss and learn......

I think you are being too edgy over religion :lol:

The current wave of Muslim extremism we see today are the result of many flawed decisions by the key people in power around the world. And coupled with a bunch of turban clad nutcases.

The Taliban and Al-Queda of Afghanistan appeared to be suffering from severe cases of psychological warfare trauma, something they weren't trained about. That's what happens in a guerrilla army. That similarly can be said about Somalia. And did terrorism partly came about there? Yes.

It is a combination of poor decisions from key Muslim and some American leaders that contributed to the problem of today's extremism. It's a cycle which no one can fully control, albeit it can be repressed. To eliminate it, one has to address the key problems revolving around Muslims in which the extremists find cause in. We are not seeing that.

As far as cultural assimilation go, do you really think the European colonialists 'adapted' with the locals back in the old days of colonialism? Every new member in an alien world would have adaptability issues, be it religion, society and technology. It just comes and goes and yes some people would be hurt in the process, but life goes on.

The lunatic who carried out the massacre in Norway was some right-wing wackjob - end of story.
I think you are being too edgy over religion :lol:

No...im just asking others not to be too edgy with their religion which causes these attacks..and counter-attacks....

The current wave of Muslim extremism we see today are the result of many flawed decisions by the key people in power around the world. And coupled with a bunch of turban clad nutcases.

It is a combination of poor decisions from key Muslim and some American leaders that contributed to the problem of today's extremism. It's a cycle which no one can fully control, albeit it can be repressed. To eliminate it, one has to address the key problems revolving around Muslims in which the extremists find cause in. We are not seeing that.

they (politics) may be a reason...but they are not the only reason......for the rising islamophobia all over the world......muslim immigrnats , wherever they may be from...north africa, pakistan,middle east.... tend to ghettoise, not integrate into the mainstream easily, swayed easily by mullah nutjobs...all in all build a sort of invisible wall around themselves.....this leads them to be treated like "outsiders" by the majority population there and this according to me is another key reason apart from the political angle you mentioned.......muslims should introspect about this......

As far as cultural assimilation go, do you really think the European colonialists 'adapted' with the locals back in the old days of colonialism? Every new member in an alien world would have adaptability issues, be it religion, society and technology. It just comes and goes and yes some people would be hurt in the process, but life goes on.

thats a wrong analogy.....they need not get assimilated because they came to rule and loot our resources....not to work and earn money and if possible settle here.......but immigrants around the world today go to earn and not to rule the country.....
Even though this is a CHRISTIAN terrotist, they still somehow linked it to muslims by sayin ' hey he said he did it because there are too many muslims here', its all BS since he killed non muslims in oslo if he hated muslims why not kill muslims??
i dont agree with his actions...but i agree with his words.......islam doesnt have exactly a histopry of peace to fall back on...look at all the conquests right from the start in the seventh century........they were all bloody and the blood never stopped flowing....look at the treatment meted out to minorities where they are in majority..again not a paragon of peace......
Dont blame islam blame the human being that follow it, some follow the real islam and live in peace, some follow some stupid idealogy and blow them selves up. how is that islams fault? its human stupidity.
p.s i am not a muslim.
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