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Oslo attacker Anders Breivik and Eur. right's hate-filled rhetoric

For every hindu-fanatic/neo-nazi/far-right/ racist/ anti-Muslim sites and blogs there is an equal amount of jihadi/ West-hating/ Islamists/ Jew and Christian hating inciting Al-Qaida sites and blogs.

So your point being?:what:

The point is that the kind of tragic violence we have seen in Norway is inspired by hateful words regardless of their source.

The precedent for it is what happened in Germany where Jews were demonized by Hitler that led to the Holocaust.

And the growing demonization of Muslims in Europe and America poses a serious danger for all of us, regardless of religion or ethnicity.
For every hindu-fanatic/neo-nazi/far-right/ racist/ anti-Muslim sites and blogs there is an equal amount of jihadi/ West-hating/ Islamists/ Jew and Christian hating inciting Al-Qaida sites and blogs.

So your point being?:what:

They are gay.
we already have 1 million Pakistanis in U.K and millions more in europe...dont fear them...they are peace loving,rich and above all muslims that make them best in your community...however dont piss them and hate them cause they are Pakistan's strategic asset...once britishers,spaniards and europeans colonialized the entire world....now its your turn sir but its all peaceful..they dont come on gun-point...you dont have brains so you allow them in.
'we will achieve the desired strategic depth once the population of Pakistanis reach 5 million in U.K by 2015.....and i would also encourage turkish kardes to reach strategic depth in Germany:yahoo:
Well, in 'his manifest', he also talks about other European countries, USA, Taiwan, Japan and Korea, Arabic states and so forth.

It is strange though, even as we know for three days that Pakistan has nothing to do with these terrorist attacks, some Pakistani papers are still trying to connect this somehow with Pakistan or Pakistani.

Obviously he might have talked about many countries from America to Australia or Britain to Pakistan. But here is stupid Pakistani media like express tribune trying to make a story out of it. Pathetic I must say.
The guy was freaken a nut case.... and needs serious medical help what he did has nothing to do with Pakistan and plus it doesn't justify anything or how many Pakistani's are living in Europe or else where int he world we are hard working people and we don't cause any one any harm.
well if he is of some kind of mentality that so-called ''Pakistanisation'' entails violence, murder or extremism --- well he seems to be the first one to have ever brought it to Norway --through his hatred, his vitriol and his eventual COWARDLY act

leave name ''Pakistan'' out of it because it has nothing to do with his hatred
found this interesting:

Killings in Norway spotlight Anti-Muslim thought in US: Report

The man accused of the killing spree in Norway was deeply influenced by a small group of American bloggers and writers who have warned for years about the threat from Islam, lacing his 1,500-page manifesto with quotations from them, as well as copying multiple passages from the tract of the Unabomber.

In the document he posted online, Anders Behring Breivik, who is accused of bombing government buildings and killing scores of young people at a Labor Party camp, showed that he had closely followed the acrimonious American debate over Islam.

His manifesto, which denounced Norwegian politicians as failing to defend the country from Islamic influence, quoted Robert Spencer, who operates the Jihad Watch Web site, 64 times, and cited other Western writers who shared his view that Muslim immigrants pose a grave danger to Western culture.

More broadly, the mass killings in Norway, with their echo of the 1995 bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City by an antigovernment militant, have focused new attention around the world on the subculture of anti-Muslim bloggers and right-wing activists and renewed a debate over the focus of counterterrorism efforts.
In the United States, critics have asserted that the intense spotlight on the threat from Islamic militants has unfairly vilified Muslim Americans while dangerously playing down the threat of attacks from other domestic radicals. The author of a 2009 Department of Homeland Security report on right-wing extremism withdrawn by the department after criticism from conservatives repeated on Sunday his claim that the department had tilted too heavily toward the threat from Islamic militants.

The revelations about Mr. Breivik's American influences exploded on the blogs over the weekend, putting Mr. Spencer and other self-described "counterjihad" activists on the defensive, as their critics suggested that their portrayal of Islam as a threat to the West indirectly fostered the crimes in Norway.

Mr. Spencer wrote on his Web site, jihadwatch.org, that "the blame game" had begun, "as if killing a lot of children aids the defense against the global jihad and Islamic supremacism, or has anything remotely to do with anything we have ever advocated." He did not mention Mr. Breivik's voluminous quotations from his writings.

Mr. Breivik also quoted European blogs and writers with similar themes, notably a Norwegian blogger who writes under the name "Fjordman." Immigration from Muslim countries to Scandinavia and the rest of Europe has set off a deep political debate across the continent and strengthened a number of right-wing anti-immigrant parties.

In 2009, when the Department of Homeland Security produced a report, "Rightwing Extremism," suggesting that the recession and the election of an African-American president might increase the threat from white supremacists, conservatives in Congress strongly objected. Janet Napolitano, the homeland security secretary, quickly withdrew the report and apologized for what she said were its flaws.

Killings in Norway spotlight Anti-Muslim thought in US: Report | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

author here brings up some good points:

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—In the first few hours after a Christian terrorist killed tens of Norwegians, the New York Times published a report claiming an unknown Muslim group, Ansar al-Jihad al-Aalami [Supporters of Global Jihad] has claimed responsibility for the attack.

Within a couple of hours of the attack, an online report warned that CIA and its broadsheets in the US media will exploit the attack to garner European support for the failing Afghan war.

This is exactly what many CIA-affiliated websites and ‘translation companies’ have been doing for the past decade, translating claims of responsibility after every terrorist attack anywhere in the world.

As expected, the New York Times published this claim quoting an unknown American analyst who said he saw the claim of responsibility on a website in Arabic and that he translated it into English.

The truth is that an ordinary discussion forum in Arabic, like millions of similar online forums, published what appears to be a celebratory note on the Norway attack arguing the attack was punishment for all the wrong done in Libya and Afghanistan, the two wars where Norway is a participant by default because of its NATO membership.

But nowhere in the Arabic was text there a claim of responsibility. Also, the person who posted the text in Arabic used a fake name.

So a claim by an unknown group that no one heard of, using a fake profile on a discussion forum? Any real journalist would ignore it.

But not the New York Times, which is famous for publishing absolute lies drafted by the CIA. The paper spent the whole of 2002 publishing sophisticated ‘news reports’ about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction complete with expert illustrations of alleged Iraqi weapons. One of NYT’s top reporters, Judith Miller, was discredited because she ran CIA-planted stories under her byline and went to jail in another case of harassment of a US diplomat and his wife who exposed US government lies on Iraq (Jailed reporter reaches deal in CIA leak probe - CNN).


The credibility of the mainstream US media and its links to US government and the CIA is an open secret. The Pakistani military has accused the New York Times of running a ‘slander campaign’ against Pakistan, its military and its spy agency at CIA’s behest.

Even the Norwegian media was cautious when the NYT came up with this claim of responsibility. Norway TV did its own translation of the text and discovered there was no explicit claim of responsibility for the attack.

The investigative work that reveals NYT’s professional dishonesty was done by Alexander Higgins, and published on his blog under the telling title, Corporate Media Runs False CIA Story Stating Muslim Group Claimed Responsibility For Oslo .


Mr. Higgins makes several interesting observations in his report.

The first is that Norway is a Muslim-friendly country that has not followed the American policy of harassing its Muslim community. It is also a supporter of Palestinian rights and an independent Palestinian state. The Norwegian government has also formally apologized for a couple of local newspapers that reprinted cartoons offensive to Muslims. So unlike the propaganda in American media, Muslims have little reason to attack Norway.

The second important observation is that while the American media continues to emphasize that the Christian extremist is anti-Islam, more important is the fact that he is pro-Israel and a big admirer of anti-Islam writers and bloggers in the US.

This last point is very critical because it confirms our longstanding argument that the United States government and in particular its main intelligence service the CIA are promoting anti-Muslim feelings inside the US and worldwide to continue their interventions in other countries in the name of war on terror.

The anti-Pakistan propaganda worldwide is also the work of CIA and other elements of the US government. They have been using the same twisted methods of demonizing Pakistan that have come to the surface now after the Norway attacks.
we already have 1 million Pakistanis in U.K and millions more in europe...dont fear them...they are peace loving,rich and above all muslims that make them best in your community...however dont piss them and hate them cause they are Pakistan's strategic asset...once britishers,spaniards and europeans colonialized the entire world....now its your turn sir but its all peaceful..they dont come on gun-point...you dont have brains so you allow them in.
'we will achieve the desired strategic depth once the population of Pakistanis reach 5 million in U.K by 2015.....and i would also encourage turkish kardes to reach strategic depth in Germany:yahoo:

Mate, this is the kind of attitude why Europe-US is becoming more and more Islamophobic.

And you what??!! :O 5 million by 2015? lool For that every Pakistani woman needs to give a birth to 10 children in 5 years. This includes girls aged between 0-14 as well. Which is just impossible not that giving birth to 10 children is 5 years is possible.

And let's say hypothetically Pakistanis achieved that target by some means at some time in future? So what? It would still be only 7-8% of British population do you think Pakistani community would be able to make a mark in UK itself with 7-8% population? And let's say they did that but who'd care about UK at that time in the future? As much as I'm proud to be British I hate to admit that Britain doesn't have any geo political depth right now forget about future. Can you see UK passing a resolution against emerging countries like Brazil, India, China or Russia for that matter?

You know how Russia took away the opportunity of hosting FIFA world cup from us? We just kept staring, couldn't even do anything. We sent our prince, prime minister and Beckham we still didn't get it.

So rather than making stupid comments like 'Muslims will take over Europe' and stuff you should concentrate on your own country.
Mate, this is the kind of attitude why Europe-US is becoming more and more Islamophobic.

And you what??!! :O 5 million by 2015? lool For that every Pakistani woman needs to give a birth to 10 children in 5 years. This includes girls aged between 0-14 as well. Which is just impossible not that giving birth to 10 children is 5 years is possible.

And let's say hypothetically Pakistanis achieved that target by some means at some time in future? So what? It would still be only 7-8% of British population do you think Pakistani community would be able to make a mark in UK itself with 7-8% population? And let's say they did that but who'd care about UK at that time in the future? As much as I'm proud to be British I hate to admit that Britain doesn't have any geo political depth right now forget about future. Can you see UK passing a resolution against emerging countries like Brazil, India, China or Russia for that matter?

You know how Russia took away the opportunity of hosting FIFA world cup from us? We just kept staring, couldn't even do anything. We sent our prince, prime minister and Beckham we still didn't get it.

So rather than making stupid comments like 'Muslims will take over Europe' and stuff you should concentrate on your own country.

He was kidding.
his words pakistanisation was not about connecting pakistan directly to the incident as obviously pakistan had nothing to do with that....but with the treatment of minorities once the muslims become majority in a region...and to support his viewpoint he gives out numbers about he ever decreasing hindu community percentage which stood at about 25% at partition to about 1 % today........
I don't understand why everyone is ragging on third eye for posting this article when he clearly said these aren't his views. What's even more pathetic is the attempts to stereotype all Indians as "anti-Muslim". The same bigoted mentality that this killer had...

the same intolerance for other's views....breivik raged against.......
There are differences between a fundamentalism and an extremism. The latter is the problem.

fundamentalism leads to extremism........there is only a very thin and a blurred line separating the two.......
This man should be hanged publicly.. no one should get away another man live, no matter if he is communist, nazi, atheist or black.
BRAVO super logic.. Whats the difference between this guy & AQ ?? both r killing on the name of religion.. i see no difference between him & AQ ... both hold the same fear or r suffering for the same sickness.... one thinks ISLAM/PAKISTAN will take over the world by 2083 & the other party fears that the west is after ISLAM..... ....... by agree'g to his opinion ur supporting his actions, ur justifying his actions......

i dont agree with his actions...but i agree with his words.......islam doesnt have exactly a histopry of peace to fall back on...look at all the conquests right from the start in the seventh century........they were all bloody and the blood never stopped flowing....look at the treatment meted out to minorities where they are in majority..again not a paragon of peace......
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