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Oslo attacker Anders Breivik and Eur. right's hate-filled rhetoric

They say every terrorist is Muslim...Likewise every army attacking a Muslim country happens to be NATO and American..
If Muslims were working towards annihilation of Non-Muslims...why there are no terror attacks in Kenya,South Africa and many other African and south American country where there is a sizable Muslim population for centuries?

On the main topic of this thread..there is a British right wing organization called EDF or English Defense league who are a bunch of jobless,social security leeches,..But they are under strict scrutiny by British intelligence..We Muslims are always advised by the British police if the EDF are holding a demonstration and we keep away and let them vent their spleen.

well, South Africa is a place to learn how humans should live, i have never been to SA, but some of my friends have been, from them I came to know that after aperthide has been eradicated, the whites and blacks go hand in hand and the communal hormoney promoted by the SA governments are great. so no budy needs to worry about SA, Muslims and Christians there do not have problems because they respect each others belives and do not go on a preaching spree or do not go on a forcible conversion tacticks,

and As far as Kenya is considered, its a Jungle and people fight for livelyhood from nature and its not developed yet, so the one thing the population cares there is live and become a little rich and do not care much for religion.
i dont see anybody buying that church terrorist ideology except hindu guys, instead of pointing me, why not approach these hindu guys and tell them to refrain such acts

go and see those articles in reuters, cnn, bbc etc, and now look at some hindu views in this ET article

none of the Hindus in this thread have ever said that all muslims are terrorist, as you have commented on Hindus, they are just debating on the ideologies of the man who went on a killing spree, look at the mans record, so far he has not been linked to any terror outfit, he does not have a cirminal record yet he did some thing he himself would have not imagined until his mind became unstable on the issues that he has tried reasoning with for a long time and the question that he had is simple, "Why most imigrants of Muslim origin do not find themselves mingling with the locals, why do they wish to create a seperate place of them in and arround Europe?"
hope now you get to what we are debating on, so please stick to the topic.
He was also a fan of World of Workraft, Dexter, Adam Smith, Kafka and Putin. So what? Unless this kind of terror becames systematic you can draw any conclusions at all.

Its like saying that Hitler was a fanatical anti-Semite who killed millions of Jews, but we can't draw any conclusions about his actions from his hate beliefs, because it was not systematic. After all, the Holocaust was unique in history.
Here is picture of him in a police car going to court !!!


It appears that the Norwegian white supremacist terror suspect Anders Behring Breivik's mind has been heavily influenced by the kind of anti-Muslim rhetoric which is typical of the Nazi-loving Hindu Nationalists like late Madhav Sadashiv Golwalkar (1906-1973), and his present-day Sangh Parivar followers and sympathizers in the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) who currently rule several Indian states. This Hindutva rhetoric which infected Breivik has been spreading like a virus on the Internet, particularly on many of the well-known Islamophobic hate sites that have sprouted up in Europe and America in recent years.

Hindu nationalists in India have a long history of admiration for Adolf Hitler, and his "Final Solution". In his book "We" (1939), Madhav Sadashiv Golwalkar, the leader of the Hindu Nationalist RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) wrote, "To keep up the purity of the Race and its culture, Germany shocked the world by her purging the country of the Semitic races -- the Jews. Race pride at its highest has been manifested here. Germany has also shown how well-nigh impossible it is for races and cultures, having differences going to the root, to be assimilated into one united whole, a good lesson for us in Hindusthan to learn and profit by." (We, p.35/p.43)

Here's an excerpt from an Express Tribune story on Norwegian terror suspect Breivik's anti-Muslim manifesto:

"While Breivik’s rhetoric against Muslim immigration into Europe is not unusual, he cites many names that might be familiar to Pakistanis, including Allama Muhammad Iqbal and Maulana Abul Ala Maududi, as well as prominent human rights activist Hina Jilani and Dawn columnist Irfan Hussain.

He seems to believe that Iqbal, in particular, was sympathetic to communism and views multiculturalism as a Marxist concept. He quotes Iqbal as saying “Islam equals communism plus Allah.”

Breivik also claims that Pakistan is systematically annihilating all non-Muslim communities. He claimed that Hindu girls are being forced to convert to Islam in Sindh. In this context he even quotes Hina Jilani as saying: “Have you ever heard of an Indian Muslim girl being forced to embrace Hinduism? It’s Muslims winning by intimidation.”

He goes on to describe the situation for Christians in Pakistan as being no better, citing Father Emmanuel Asi of the Theological Institute for Laity in Lahore as saying in 2007 that Pakistani Christians are frequently denied equal rights.

Jamaat-e-Islami founder Abul Ala Maududi is also quoted in the manifesto, though in a manner that would imply that the stated objective of an Islamic state is to kill or subdue all non-Muslims around the world.

Breivik seems to be a fan of Daily Times columnist Razi Azmi, whom he calls “one of the more sensible columnists of Pakistan”. He mentions one of Azmi’s pieces where the columnist asks whether it was possible to imagine a Muslim converting to Christianity or Hinduism or Buddhism in a Muslim country, using it to support his view of Islam as an intolerant religion.

He also cites Dawn’s Irfan Hussain’s column criticising Hizb u-Tahrir’s vision of a caliphate.

His ire against Pakistanis and Muslims seems to have at least partial origin in personal experience. He speaks at length about his childhood best friend, a Pakistani Muslim immigrant to Norway who, despite having lived several years in Europe still appeared to resent Norway and Norwegian society. “Not because he was jealous… but because it represented the exact opposite of Islamic ways,” Breivik conjectures.

The inability of Muslim immigrants to assimilate into European society seems to bother him, which he blames on Muslim parents not allowing their children to adopt European ways. He also asks why Muslim girls are considered ‘off-limits’ to everyone, including Muslim boys, and why Muslim men view ethnic Norwegian women as ‘whores’.

He also seems to believe that the Muslims in Europe who collect government benefits view it as a form of jizya, a medieval Islamic tax charged on non-Muslim minorities."

Golwalkar died in 1973. But Nazi memorabilia, including Adolf Hitler's biography Mein Kampf, are continuing to grow in popularity in India, according to the BBC. The marketing chief of Crossword, a national chain of book stores in India, told the BBC that Mein Kampf has "been a consistent bestseller for us."

At Mumbai bookstores located in upscale neighborhoods, the Hitler book sales have risen sharply from 40-50 copies a year to several hundred copies annually in each store. It's not just the autobiography - books on the Nazi leader, T-shirts, bags, bandanas and key-rings are also in demand. A shop in Pune, called Teens, says it sells nearly 100 T-shirts a month with Hitler's image on them.

Haq's Musings: Norway Nazi Breivik's Hindutva Rhetoric
lol lol lol.....norweigians getting influenced by golwalkar........there is no hope for islam with these mindsets that blame everyone else but will not look into themselves......

btw how credible is this blog.?....looks like bs to me.....
Sigh...............And I thought for once, Pakistan would not have anything to do with a terrorist attack about three quarters of the globe away.
we just had to be there, in some way..

Oslo attacker feared


Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian terrorist who killed more than 90 people in two attacks in Oslo, was mortally terrified of the idea of several ‘mini Pakistans’ appearing all over the map of Europe.

In a 1,600-page manifesto titled ‘2083: A European Declaration of Independence’, Breivik laid out a stark picture of the future of Europe, citing poor human rights in Pakistan as the fate of the continent. Norwegian authorities confirmed on Sunday that the manifesto was written by Breivik.

In his doomsday scenario for Europe, Breivik predicts that several ‘mini-Pakistans’ would be created all over Europe by 2083, one in each country due to ‘Lebanon-style’ conflicts. “It could be similar to the division of India after World War II, with the creation of one or several Islamic ‘Pakistan’ enclaves,” he says.

While Breivik’s rhetoric against Muslim immigration into Europe is not unusual, he cites many names that might be familiar to Pakistanis, including Allama Muhammad Iqbal and Maulana Abul Ala Maududi, as well as prominent human rights activist Hina Jilani and Dawn columnist Irfan Hussain.

He seems to believe that Iqbal, in particular, was sympathetic to communism and views multiculturalism as a Marxist concept. He quotes Iqbal as saying “Islam equals communism plus Allah.”

Breivik also claims that Pakistan is systematically annihilating all non-Muslim communities. He claimed that Hindu girls are being forced to convert to Islam in Sindh. In this context he even quotes Hina Jilani as saying: “Have you ever heard of an Indian Muslim girl being forced to embrace Hinduism? It’s Muslims winning by intimidation.”

He goes on to describe the situation for Christians in Pakistan as being no better, citing Father Emmanuel Asi of the Theological Institute for Laity in Lahore as saying in 2007 that Pakistani Christians are frequently denied equal rights.

Jamaat-e-Islami founder Abul Ala Maududi is also quoted in the manifesto, though in a manner that would imply that the stated objective of an Islamic state is to kill or subdue all non-Muslims around the world.

Breivik seems to be a fan of Daily Times columnist Razi Azmi, whom he calls “one of the more sensible columnists of Pakistan”. He mentions one of Azmi’s pieces where the columnist asks whether it was possible to imagine a Muslim converting to Christianity or Hinduism or Buddhism in a Muslim country, using it to support his view of Islam as an intolerant religion.

He also cites Dawn’s Irfan Hussain’s column criticising Hizb u-Tahrir’s vision of a caliphate.

His ire against Pakistanis and Muslims seems to have at least partial origin in personal experience. He speaks at length about his childhood best friend, a Pakistani Muslim immigrant to Norway who, despite having lived several years in Europe still appeared to resent Norway and Norwegian society. “Not because he was jealous… but because it represented the exact opposite of Islamic ways,” Breivik conjectures.

The inability of Muslim immigrants to assimilate into European society seems to bother him, which he blames on Muslim parents not allowing their children to adopt European ways. He also asks why Muslim girls are considered ‘off-limits’ to everyone, including Muslim boys, and why Muslim men view ethnic Norwegian women as ‘whores’.

He also seems to believe that the Muslims in Europe who collect government benefits view it as a form of jizya, a medieval Islamic tax charged on non-Muslim minorities.

He rails against multiculturalism, which he blames for making immigration too easy for Muslims in Europe. “When the veil of multiculturalism disappears, it will be Pakistanis who live in London, Turks who live in Berlin, Algerians who live in Paris and Moroccans who live in Amsterdam. And then the show begins,” he says.

That show, he says, is a dramatic demographic shift that he calls the ‘Pakistanisation of Europe’.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 25th, 2011.
In the United States, Charles Johnson is among the first post-911 bloggers who have inspired other "anti-Jihadists" to join the blogosphere, including people like Pamela Geller, and helped broaden the audience for blogs like Gates of Vienna and Jihad Watch. Hindu Nationalists regularly post comments on some of these sites and frequently quote from them on other websites to promote their anti-Muslim and anti-Pakistan agendas.

After the tragedy in Oslo, however, Johnson is worried that his "anti-Jihadist" blogging campaign has inspired various violent xenophobic and extremist groups to promote their own agendas. He now says that these bloggers have "blood on their hands." He is quoted by Slate magazine as saying: "I don’t think there is an anti-jihadist movement anymore. It’s all a bunch of kooks. I’ve watched some people who I thought were reputable, and who I trusted, hook up with racists and Nazis. I see a lot of them promoting stories and causes that I think are completely nuts."

Haq's Musings: Norway Nazi Breivik's Hindutva Rhetoric
we just had to be there, in some way..

Well, in 'his manifest', he also talks about other European countries, USA, Taiwan, Japan and Korea, Arabic states and so forth.

It is strange though, even as we know for three days that Pakistan has nothing to do with these terrorist attacks, some Pakistani papers are still trying to connect this somehow with Pakistan or Pakistani.
For every hindu-fanatic/neo-nazi/far-right/ racist/ anti-Muslim sites and blogs there is an equal amount of jihadi/ West-hating/ Islamists/ Jew and Christian hating inciting Al-Qaida sites and blogs.

So your point being?:what:
Anders Breivik and the Jews

Cross-Post, July 25th 2011, 10:00 am

by Joseph W

I’d just like to deal with the nasty lie that somehow Anders Breivik was acting on behalf of Jews, Zionists, Israel, etc., because he is somehow pro-Jewish, and this somehow explains why he is a murderer.

Two quotes from his appalling document.


“If the NSDAP had been isolationistic instead of imperialistic(expansionist) and just deported the Jews (to a liberated and Muslim free Zion) instead of massacring them, the anti-European hate ideology known as multiculturalism would have never been institutionalized in Western Europe, because the Marxists would never have been so radicalized to begin with.”​

and this:

In any case; educate yourself and learn the difference. Today’s conservatives and wantto-be Nazis are ignorant when they obsess so much over the Jews. There is no Jewish problem in Western Europe (with the exception of the UK and France) as we only have 1 million in Western Europe, whereas 800 000 out of these 1 million live in France and the UK. The US on the other hand, with more than 6 million Jews (600% more than Europe) actually has a considerable Jewish problem.

He thinks that the Nazis should have “just” expelled the Jews, and the US probably has to think about expelling Jews.

He thinks that Palestine can only be free if there are no Muslims there.

Breivik is firstly an abominable child murderer.

He is also a racist. He thinks in a racist way.

On the “Nordic tribe”:

There are many non-Nordic that try to mimic Nordic beauty by dying their hair blond and wearing contacts. So why not offer our children the actual genetical gift instead, through repro-genetics, rather than spending thousands of Euro and thousands of hours on make-up trying to mimic the Nordic ideal? As the Nordic ideal obviously is still prevalent in this multiculturalist world it may not be too late to prevent the extinction of the Nordic tribes. We are still a strong tribe, representing the most numerous in Europe, counting more than 200 million individuals worldwide.​

On inter-racial marriage:

Race-mixing leads to suicidal children with severe mental problems. The offspring of race-mixers will feel like outcasts and it is very common that these individuals suffer from severe psychological problems throughout their life. Their parents obviously do not care as it would appear that their children’s psychological health and general well being is irrelevant to them. The suicide rate among these individuals is extremely high, which reflects the suffering they are put through by not having an extended ethnic family. A majority of Europeans sees ethnic, blood-bonds as the most essential cultural factor and considers their ethnic tribe to be their extended family.​

You could make the argument, I suppose, that he was pro-Israel because he wanted Israel to have power over Muslim nations. But this wasn’t for sentimental reasons. By the same token, you could say he was pro-Islamist, because he spoke about wanting to work with jihadi groups to succeed in dominating European and Muslim nations respectively.

After all, he said of jihadists:

We both share one common goal. They want control over their own countries in the Middle East and we want control of our own countries in Western Europe.​

But no-one saying Breivik is a Zionist, is also saying Breivik is an Islamist. It’s not hard to work out why. The Machiavellian amongst us will turn Breivik into the political monster they want him to be, preferring not to examine the true nature of his evil, in an honest way.

Breivik is a racist – a self-styled racist whose racism mainly targets Muslims, whose racism would also severely affect Jews and “non-Nordic” people, if given the opportunity – and whose murderous violence targets children.

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