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OSINT. Indian Air force Base Bathinda.

@BHarwana is taking screenshots from a 2 year old Youtube video taken from the cabin of a civilian airliner landing at Bathinda airport.
See 0:08 & 0:14 secs marks of this video

@BHarwana you might be able to fool some Pakistanis with these false pics but you will never be able to fool an Ultra-High IQ man like me.



I already told this
@BHarwana is taking screenshots from a 2 year old Youtube video taken from the cabin of a civilian airliner landing at Bathinda airport.
See 0:08 & 0:14 secs marks of this video

@BHarwana you might be able to fool some Pakistanis with these false pics but you will never be able to fool an Ultra-High IQ man like me.


You have not discovered anything bro I already told this in the jodhpur thread. All your bases have civilian flights and all I have to do is go through the data of Indians traveling and posting on social media. But the images are real with date and tell a lot about your bases. The amount of data I have and on all your bases. Why shouldnt I make it public knowledge. If IAF constructs new bases it will cost billions any way IAF is doomed.
btw should we really post these images here ? why not keep it as confidential and if situation arises, give the enemy a bloody surprise. Now they may hide/shift important assets at that base.
@BHarwana is taking screenshots from a 2 year old Youtube video taken from the cabin of a civilian airliner landing at Bathinda airport.
See 0:08 & 0:14 secs marks of this video

@BHarwana you might be able to fool some Pakistanis with these false pics but you will never be able to fool an Ultra-High IQ man like me.



+ hes been given a positive rating on fake images. lol

Now probably a good cover up spam coming.
Here is image of second AWAC hanger north side of the runway between second & third entry points.

Awac Hager.jpg

Sat view of Hanger.


+ hes been given a positive rating on fake images. lol

Now probably a good cover up spam coming.
How are images fake you just confirmed images are authentic and from your Air base?

Now this image is not from that video find the new video. You Indians fucked IAF your self. I did not do anything. Just innovated.

Here is image of second AWAC hanger north side of the runway between second & third entry points.

View attachment 625938

Sat view of Hanger.

View attachment 625941

How are images fake you just confirmed images are authentic and from your Air base?

Now this image is not from that video find the new video. You Indians fucked IAF your self. I did not do anything. Just innovated.

I found the exact same image on google earth :partay::pdf:
@BHarwana you might be able to fool some Pakistanis with these false pics but you will never be able to fool an Ultra-High IQ man like me.


Ultra High IQ :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Abay tasweerain chor chutye

Yeh kia bola tu nai??? Ulta High IQ LMAO :haha: :haha:

You are the most dumb and stupid bharati pajeet on this forum

You have got your dozens of IDs banned. And then come back to this forum with a new ID and then give up that ID with your dumb posts that you are a multiple ID joker

Ultra High IQ :lol:

@IAF Meteor missile You just pray that I don't become a mod here. You won't survive even a hour on this forum with your IDs :lol:
btw should we really post these images here ? why not keep it as confidential and if situation arises, give the enemy a bloody surprise. Now they may hide/shift important assets at that base.
They probably already know by this point that they fucked up and if they dont by doing this they will not be able to take full advantage of this FOB in time of War. And this is a further proof of how Inept IAF actually is can any of us go to a FOB of Pakistan Air force and Take Pictures on Critical assets.
Great share, keep it coming bro
I will bro. India has made its bases in public airports to save money. Okay super powers save money good but that mistake will give info. I have been on it for 8 months downloaded all videos 2 tb of data and I will make detailed post on each and every airbase IAF has. Lol. They are doomed.II have blue prints of their bases each and everyone of them.
Blue Print of Air Base.

View attachment 625988
First it's called sketch not blueprint blueprint's means u have more technical info included like dimensions etc, also IAF bases co exist with civilian bases are qrf bases not strategic bases, no one in world will allow a civilian base and strategic base to be in same section, yes for thread sake u can say all these, rather than that these things don't have any tactical value. by the way PAF already have more advanced methods to know abt all IAF bases, feb27th is an example for that,
First it's called sketch not blueprint blueprint's means u have more technical info included like dimensions etc, also IAF bases co exist with civilian bases are qrf bases not strategic bases, no one in world will allow a civilian base and strategic base to be in same section, yes for thread sake u can say all these, rather than that these things don't have any tactical value. by the way PAF already have more advanced methods to know abt all IAF bases, feb27th is an example for that,
Give 2 days & every detail will be there. Including dimensions. Here is example of what i have.

Their whole base mapped with dimensions.

plus current social media images from their own citizens.

These are locations of their harden hangers at Bathinda air base I am working on forming a whole map all in sometime. Have I ever disappointed in past.

This is a zoom able blue print. Welcome to the world of IT. May be if lockdown extends I will have time to render it 3D.
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