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Osama Dead. Obama Confirms.

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President is coming on . its almost 10:46 Pm at night on the east coast to announce major announcement about Osama Bin Laden...

I'll report as soon as hear..watching and waiting for him on TV
body is in US hands! His meeting with 72 virgins..
I wonder who got the bounty on him.
OSAMA BIN LADEN DEAD - whoooooooooooooooooooooooo details to follow
Pres. Obama is about to give a "major national security" speech in minutes from now. US claims it has body of OBL and has verified it using DNA testing.

The news doesn't say he was "killed in Pakistan", simply that US has his body I'm speculating probably found his body in Afghanistan.
Still waiting! but rumors DRONES KILLED HIM!!!! YES USA USA USA USA!
Yes i see it on the news. Good Job USA :cheers:
i am watching CNN RIGHT NOW

president obama to make statement soon
US HAS THE BODY!! now reporting ---

you can run baby but you cant hide... splash 1 !
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