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Osama Dead. Obama Confirms.

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U.S. president Obama said it is NOT a joint operation.

US President OBAMA once said that- Raymond Davis is a Diplomat- which he was not- I rather believe Rehman Malik than him-
Abottabad area is known as no Fly Zone

"The free lance reporter in Pakistan spoke to Ret. Chief of PAF who confirmed that PAF provided support to American Choppers and they knew as the area is a no fly zone and you simply cannot fly there without PAF knowing."
Don't worry Allah is there,he will help pakistan...

Good night guys :wave:

Allah doesn't involve him self in such minor things- he has bigger things to worry about- Have a sound sleep- Good Night
It was a joint operation-
Fearing severe backlash from Al- Qaida and Taliban- now in consent with GoP- The role of Pakistan in OBL's death is being down played-

---------- Post added at 09:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:58 PM ----------

I think Pakistan ka Allah hi Hafiz hai now-

Koi baat nahi.
Pakistan ne bohat bore waqt toh kia bore halat se bhi gozrra, aur goozar raha hai.
Wahan eik aur sahi.

Allah Malik he.
I wonder why USA took 10 years to killed him?
Maybe now its the time because of coming election in USA?

US presidential as well as congressional elections are at the end of 2012. Don't you think if Obama had a choice, he would have preferred to do this next year a little closer to the elections? Please dispense with the conspiracies, its not like US had Osama in prison for 10 years and decided to kill him now. They found him now and chose to get rid of him.

US President OBAMA once said that- Raymond Davis is a Diplomat- which he was not- I rather believe Rehman Malik than him-

Your own president, foreign office and CIA chief has said it is not a Joint Operation. Who would you believe now?
many reports also says osama was having sum kidney problem he cant survive more than 5 years by the help of dialysis machine isnt it miracle he survived 10 year without that machine :woot:

If he can live in million dollar home in Pakistan, how hard is it for him to get such machine if he is really in need of it?
It is clear that Pakistan is in a jam.

After the death of Osama bin Laden and his body thrown into the Arabian Sea by the Americans the focus will be 100% on Pakistan; its incompetent civilian government, its impotent elected parliament, its misdirected judiciary, its corrupt civil servants and its crooked military establishment.

What is common amongst all of these institutions is that they lie to each other, they lie to foreign countries, they lie to the people of Pakistan and most important of all they lie within themselves.

They think if they lie all issues related to Pakistan will somehow be solved and no one will ever question them for their lies.

Now that the Americans have proven to the world without a shadow of any doubt that Pakistan’s government and military have been lying to them for the past many years, the people of Pakistan should now expect a very unilateral mode of business between the Americans and GoP and its military establishment.

Pakistan’s point man, Husain Haqqani in Washington, D.C., has explicitly stated that there will be an inquiry to see why did the ISI and other intelligence agencies failed in locating Osama. Good riddance to Mister Ambassador for ditching the people who he is supposed to be representing.

Good riddance to ISI for failing miserably to defend and protect the people of Pakistan and its sovereignty. If the military establishment is proud of itself and compares its ISI with Mosaad than why has been reluctant to detail the extent of its involvement in the raid on a compound in Abbottabad
Pakistan is in jam because now the US will make demands without any hesitation. They will increase UAV attacks, they’ll send Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) without any permission into Pakistan for snatch/grab/assassination operations, and the people of Pakistan now should expect even direct USAF attacks.

One of my sources informed me today that in his discussion with a senior PAF officer about the JSOC raid in Abbottabad, the PAF officer said to him we don’t know when and how they came in. This PAF officer later informed the source that these helicopters flew into Tarbala Ghazi Base refueled both ways. The PAF officer said we don’t have the equipment to track these aircrafts. My source said to the PAF officer you are one lying SOB. What is all this Erieye, Chinese 3-D radars, JF-17, F-16, etc., for? No answer.

There is only one way for Pakistan to come out of this jam. All these institutions should be honest and open to the people of Pakistan. Everyone knows that the USA has approval to use AUAV and the Pakistani military man in charge of the operation in FATA has admitted that AUAV attacks have been very successful.

Pakistan is in a jam because everyone in Pakistan lies. ISI has been lying to the Americans for the past nine years. They told the Americans one thing, said something different to the people in the government and did something completely different for themselves.

The lie has been caught and there is only one solution: STOP lying and talk straight!

If this is the viewpoint of one of the most respected and credible sources from online defence community, you can only imagine how deep this rabbit hole goes

"wow, wow, wow....this guys is 100% right on...my brother who resigned from the PAF told me the same thing....he told me that ppl in armed forces lie among each other...they dont have any trust among themselves.....ill tell u guys y he resigned from the PAF....he resigned cos he grounded the son of an ex air force chief on discipline basis...he was forced to resign for that reason and which he did...alhumdulillah he now serves in UAE air force at the same rank and on the same air craft and till this day he says he has no regret of quiting PAF...so take that u all military supporters...there is a corruption in armed forces as well and its eating it from inside..all the higher class officers are assholes and their kids r even worse then themselves...oh and that ##### ex cheif of PAF also got rid of 16 officers as well...that i dont know y...but i do know is that he forced my bro to resign...and my bro was a wing commander served for 9th squadron..."

Congratulations to all the people of the world the most wanted terrorist has been terminated.:yahoo:

PAK army will have to come clean now and should stop there double dealings both with the US and the people of Pakistan.

USA has proved that they stand by there words. Now Obama has proved that his statement is the reserve currency of the world in the form of credibility just like the green back it self.:usflag::pakistan::usflag:

USA should sell bangles instead of the F-16's in future. lol

This event also proves that Pakistan is wasting money on china made junk instead we should pay the 2000 billion rupees a year to USA as protection money instead of paying this money to GOP in taxes that protects and provides safe heavens for terrorists like OBL.
Osama bin Laden’s Useful Death

by Paul Craig Roberts

In a propaganda piece reeking of US Triumphalism, two alleged journalists, Adam Goldman and Chris Brummitt, of the Associated Press or, rather, of the White House Ministry of Truth, write, or copy off a White House or CIA press release that "Osama bin Laden, the terror mastermind killed by Navy SEALs in an intense firefight, was hunted down based on information first gleaned years ago (emphasis added) from detainees at secret CIA prison sites in Eastern Europe, officials disclosed Monday."

How many Americans will notice that the first paragraph of the "report" justifies CIA prisons and torture? Without secret prisons and torture "the terror mastermind" would still be running free, despite having died from renal failure in 2001.

How many Americans will have the wits to wonder why the "terror mastermind" – who defeated not merely the CIA and the FBI, but all 16 US intelligence agencies along with Israel’s Mossad and the intelligence services of NATO, who defeated NORAD, the National Security Council, the Pentagon and Joint Chiefs of Staff, the US Air Force, and Air Traffic Control, who caused security procedures to fail four times in US airports in one hour on the same day, who caused the state-of-the-art Pentagon air defenses to fail, and who managed to fly three airliners into three buildings with pilots who did not know how to fly – has not pulled off any other attack in almost ten years? Do Americans really believe that a government’s security system that can so totally fail when confronted with a few Saudi Arabians with box cutters can renew itself to perfection overnight?

How many Americans will notice the resurrection of the long missing bin Laden as "terror mastermind" after his displacement by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the Guantanamo prisoner who confessed to being the "mastermind of 9/11" after being water-boarded 183 times?

Americans are too busy celebrating to think, a capability that seems to have been taken out of their education.

Americans are so enthralled over the death of bin Laden that they do not wonder why information gleamed years ago would take so long to locate a person who was allegedly living in a million-dollar building equipped with all the latest communication equipment next to the Pakistani Military Academy. Allegedly, the "most wanted criminal" was not moving from hide-out to hide-out in desolate mountains, but ensconced in luxury quarters in broad daylight. Nevertheless, despite his obvious location, it took the CIA years to find him after claiming to have gained information of his whereabouts out of captives in secret prisons. This is the image of the CIA as the new Keystone Cops.

In an immediate follow-up to the announcement that the Navy SEALs and CIA mercenaries acted in an exemplary fashion following the rules of engagement while a cowardly bin Laden hid behind a woman shield when the gunfire erupted, we have from the pressitutes that "U.S. officials conceded the risk of renewed attack. The terrorists almost certainly will attempt to avenge bin Laden’s death, CIA Director Leon Panetta wrote in a memo. . . . Within a few hours, the Department of Homeland Security warned that bin Laden’s death was likely to provide motivation for attacks from ‘homegrown violent extremists’."

John Brennan, White House counter-terrorism adviser, told reporters that "it was inconceivable that the terrorist fugitive didn’t have support in Pakistan where his hideout had been custom built six years ago in a city with a heavy military presence."

So the claimed murder of bin Laden by the US in a sovereign foreign country with which the US is not at war, a crime under international law, has set up three more self-serving possibilities:

Terrorists will avenge bin Laden’s death, says the CIA, setting up another false flag attack to keep the profits flowing into the military/security complex and the power flowing into the unaccountable CIA. Homeland Security can extend the domestic police state, abuse of travelers, and arrests of war protestors. And Pakistan is under the gun of invasion and takeover (for India, of course) for shielding bin Laden.

The Israel Lobby’s representatives in the US Congress quickly fell in with the agenda. Senator Carl Levin, Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, declared that the Pakistani Army and intelligence agency "have a lot of questions to answer, given the location, the length of time and the apparent fact that this was actually – this facility was actually built for bin Laden, and its closeness to the central location of the Pakistani army."

The two reporters question nothing in the government’s propaganda. Instead, the reporters join in the celebration. Nevertheless they let slip that "officials were weighing the release of at least one photo taken of bin Laden’s body as part of what Brennan called an effort to make sure ‘nobody has any basis to try and deny the death.’"

As the Guardian and European newspapers have revealed, the photo of the dead bin Laden is a fake. As the alleged body has been dumped into the ocean, nothing remains but the word of the US government, which lied about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction and al Qaeda connections, about yellowcake, about Iranian nukes, and, according to thousands of experts, about 9/11. Suddenly the government is telling us the truth about bin Laden’s death? If you believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I’ll let you have for a good price.

My initial interpretation of the faked bin Laden death was that Obama needed closure of the Afghan war and occupation in order to deal with the US budget deficit. Subsequent statements from Obama regime officials suggest that the agenda might be to give Americans a piece of war victory in order to boost their lagging enthusiasm. The military/security complex will become richer and more powerful, and Americans will be rewarded with vicarious pleasure in victory over enemies.

May 3, 2011

Paul Craig Roberts [send him mail], a former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury and former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal, has been reporting shocking cases of prosecutorial abuse for two decades. A new edition of his book, The Tyranny of Good Intentions, co-authored with Lawrence Stratton, a documented account of how Americans lost the protection of law, has been released by Random House.

Osama bin Laden’s Useful Death by Paul Craig Roberts
I wonder why USA took 10 years to killed him?
Maybe now its the time because of coming election in USA?

there have been 2 more elections between 2001 and 2011
US presidential as well as congressional elections are at the end of 2012. Don't you think if Obama had a choice, he would have preferred to do this next year a little closer to the elections? Please dispense with the conspiracies, its not like US had Osama in prison for 10 years and decided to kill him now. They found him now and chose to get rid of him.

Your own president, foreign office and CIA chief has said it is not a Joint Operation. Who would you believe now?

I said that before -
Fearing severe backlash from Al- Qaida and Taliban- now in consent with GoP- The role of Pakistan in OBL's death is being down played-
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