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Osama Dead. Obama Confirms.

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Well, we still have a long way to go, Ayman al-Zawahiri, Mullah Omar, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, Jalaluddin Haqqani and his son Sirajuddin Haqqani, Hakimullah Mehsud, Hafiz Gul Bahadur, Maulavi Nazir, and many more terrorist scums are out there planning and plotting to kill innocent children, women and men.

The war is not over!

Yup! and we still have 16 Cr "alive" civilians for this war.. hopefully they will be enough to kill these listed people..
why are my posts being deleted? I have had a zero post deleted record. WTH?
I am deeply sad of the thing you just disclosed

Once ISI admits that there are loop holes in it they will get a licence and easily use this argument to say that ISI is not capable of protecting the nuclear assets aswell and therefore you know what....

Who knws ..maybe they r already under US custody ...Our govt must be fooling us ...when the time will come we will find nothng in our arsenalz...LOL
thats what we r getting from our Army , PAF and NAVy and Govt...so dont have to rely on them ..needa save our @$$z ourselves....LOL
It clearly wasn't a generic statement.

It mentions the compound.

Fearing a leak has nothing to do with the intelligence part. That's to do with the actual operation.

Well one can keep harping about statements from politicians which can have dual meanings, on which many question can be further raised.

"Pakistan helped lead us to where he was hiding"

eg Did Pakistan lead Americans to Osama intentionally or was it an accident?
or If Pakistani intelligence did tell the American where Osama was..how come they were not involved in his capture?

but bottom line remains

from Leon Panetta

"The US says it did not tell Pakistan about the plans to capture al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden amid fears the Pakistanis would leak information."
crap !!! same day burial doesnt mean same hour burial. there is no rule in Islam that you cant take even picture of the dead body...are you telling me the man whom US searched for more than 10 years buried him within hours of killing him ??
Got the pics, got the DNA, got his secrets. Me, I would have called in the taxidermist and mounted him at Ground Zero: both his friends and foes could assure themselves of his death. However, a fair fraction of the world's Muslims consider him an ideal Muslim and Obama accepted that, hence the burial - out of respect for them, not him.
Washington Post is showing this picture on its site right now...It seems Hafiz Saeed and his Jamaat-ud-dawa has made some serious enemies this time..


Supporters of banned Islamic group Jamaat-ud-Dawa hold a symbolic funeral prayer for bin Laden in Karachi.
Well one can keep harping about statements from politicians which can have dual meanings, on which many question can be further raised.

"Pakistan helped lead us to where he was hiding"

eg Did Pakistan lead Americans to Osama intentionally or was it an accident?
or If Pakistani intelligence did tell the American where Osama was..how come they were not involved in his capture?

but bottom line remains

from Leon Panetta

"The US says it did not tell Pakistan about the plans to capture al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden amid fears the Pakistanis would leak information."

This has been explained to you before, but you've decided not to accept it.

The US may not have told Pakistan about the operation itself. But the intelligence that led them to the compound was Pakistani in origin.

That suggests a substantial Pakistani role.
crap !!! same day burial doesnt mean same hour burial. there is no rule in Islam that you cant take even picture of the dead body...are you telling me the man whom US searched for more than 10 years buried him within hours of killing him ??

They did the same with Benazir Bhutto. Its not like autopsies of Muslim dead bodies has never happened. Its when you don't want a particular type of investigation you decry this nonsense.
ISLAMABAD: A senior Pakistani intelligence official said one of Osama bin Laden’s daughters had seen her father being shot dead by US forces, and was one of about 10 relatives of the al Qaeda leader in custody pending interrogation.

The official, who declined to be identified, said the daughter, aged 12 or 13, was one of the people who had confirmed that the mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks had been killed by US commandos in a raid early on Monday.

The relatives — one of bin Laden’s wives and up to eight children
— will be interrogated and then probably turned over to their countries of origin, and not the United States, in accordance with Pakistani law, he said.

The official said the wife and children were left behind after an American transport helicopter, possibly an MH-60 Sea Hawk, was abandoned because of mechanical problems.

He said there was not enough room for the group on the other helicopters, which were transporting bin Laden’s body, other male captives and the commandos.

A small US strike team dropped by helicopter to bin Laden’s hide-out in Abbottabad, near the Pakistani capital Islamabad, and shot him dead.

The revelation bin Laden had been holed up in a compound in the military garrison town for years has threatened to worsen US ties with nuclear-armed Pakistan, and raised questions over how the al Qaeda leader could live in comfort near Islamabad.

The Pakistani intelligence official acknowledged bin Laden’s whereabouts may cause problems with the United States, and also embarrass Pakistan.

“It looks bad,” he said. “It makes us look like a fool or an idiot. It’s pretty embarrassing.”

But, he added, the CIA had not had any luck finding bin Laden for 10 years either. “Had we known where he was, we would have gotten him ourselves,” the official said.

The White House counterterrorism chief said on Tuesday there was no evidence Pakistani officials knew bin Laden was living at a compound deep inside the country, but the United States was also not ruling out the possibility.

Echoing President Asif Ali Zardari, the Pakistani official said the United States had acted alone in killing bin Laden, and that it had not asked for permission to enter Pakistani airspace.

“There is every possibility that what radars were there (in Abbottabad) were jammed,” the official said, adding that up to 40 commandos had attacked the bin Laden compound.

But he said it was possible that some of the U.S. aircraft used in the raid had come from the Pakistani air base of Ghazi, just 54 km (33 miles) away from Abbottabad, while the transport helicopters possibly came from Afghanistan.

Ghazi was used by the United States for humanitarian relief operations after the floods of 2010.

www.dawn.com - Security Verification
Got the pics, got the DNA, got his secrets. Me, I would have called in the taxidermist and mounted him at Ground Zero: both his friends and foes could assure themselves of his death. However, a fair fraction of the world's Muslims consider him an ideal Muslim and Obama accepted that, hence the burial - out of respect for them, not him.

Another factor is Hero-worship... Who knows somebody would have made nice looking tomb for him and thus he would have been more dangerous dead than alive..
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