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Osama Dead. Obama Confirms.

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(CNN) -- The mission that killed one of the world's most notorious terrorist leaders was carried out by U.S. forces with the cooperation of Pakistan, U.S. President Barack Obama said Sunday night.
Osama bin Laden -- the longtime leader of al Qaeda -- was killed by U.S. forces in a mansion about 100 kilometers, or 62 miles, north of the Pakistani capital of Islamabad along with other family members, a senior U.S. official told CNN.
Members of Pakistan's intelligence service, the ISI, were on site in Abbottabad during the operation, a senior Pakistani intelligence official said.
Bin Laden resisted the assault and was killed in a firefight, senior administration officials said.
The Pakistani intelligence official said he did not know who fired the shot that actually killed the terror mastermind.

Just analysing the thread on heli:
somebody who witnessed this helicopter roaming around 12:30am till 1:15am like 200meters above ground....
the area is almost 1-2km away from PMA kakul road its called Thanda Chowa Village area now developed into a small town...
The helicopter looked like on training exercise... there seemed to be some kinda faulty noise coming from its engine
(from the noise it looked like something iswrong with it).....there was some kinda explosion ...
but the helicopter fell 15 minutes after the explosion..... The helicopter lights were turned off....
and it was roaming around in the radius of 2 to 3 kilometers....over that area...the guy seen this all from his roof top
....cuz he was amazed why the helicopter is not landing for one hour and
is flying without its lights turned on(maybe the lights were not wrking)..
maybe it was trying to find place to land in some open area...
.the whole area was covered under darkness due to load shedding at that time
Heard from a resident over there in Abbotabad that PAf has scrambled its jet over the area Strange !!
that his dead body was being transported in the heli and it was shot down ,
as a friend of mine who was having a fag on the roof of his house said ,
there were three or more helis none looked like normal pak ones ,
one crashed or either entered a fire ball and then disappeared .,
the other two hovered around for a minute or so and then went toward mansehra
and as he was seeing the helis flying toward mansehra he was knocked out but a massive blast .
Americans wanted to conduct that operation themselves without letting know the brass tacks of Pakistan military,
Pakistan army retaliated and their heli was shot down,Hmm so finally dots are connecting
to rescue the dropped heli two other also came
So there were 3 helicopters. 1 had mechanical issue as it was making noise. It got osama in but then was shot out by artillery. Where the hell did artillery come in. So they had some kind of anti aircraft gun up there . The two other helis then took the body and remaining crew out. Looks like they chose the regular load shedding time to avoid suspicion. A pakistan jawan was in critical condition. If we believe cnn that jawan had no idea of the attack. So what is his purpose there? If army knew about it why only this jawan was injured. Why were the PAF jets scrambled?
how can the webmaster talk like a moron

us navy uses nuclear submarines to remain afloat for long durations

and the special forces which carried out the ops were NAVY SEALS
so please dont make yourself a laughing stock by putting forward childish comments

:rofl::lol: Abay o bharti Jahaz (LCA :lol:) are you seriously that dumb? You never understood what Webmaster said...

Pakistan and USA joint Operation.
Listen the newz.
Obama Called PAK President - Asif Ali Zardarii

PI*$ on Indians trolling on this forum

Mods, Indian are trolling, ur strict action is strict action is required or I will take on them with hard words which r not allowed on PDF.....and would get myself BAN.

Where it tells joint operation? It tells ,

US conducted operation
I authorized the attack
US launched an attack against OBL's compound under my direction
A small teams of Americans carried out the operation
Americans had a firefight with OBM men and killed him. Took custody of his body.

US's war not against Islam, OBL was not a Muslim leader
I fulfilled my promise that we will take action inside Pakistan if we know where OBL is.
Our cooperation with Pakistan help to led us to Laden
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This is a very unusual compound, just 100 meters from the military academy. 12 foot walls, barbed wire, security checkpoints, ...

Didn't anybody ask questions who was living there and what was going on?

Well no, that area is expensive and having 6 foot high walls with barbed wires is common in pakistan,nothing unusual.
ISI helped CIA in pinpointing the position of OBL.That's obvious.But it was the seals who went into the compound & did the dirty work.

and scene, you noticed the Americans are out shouting USA, USA, USA and celebrating and you guys are just being a nuisance now. Let's say by my decree, I call this issue CLOSED. CLOSED.

Face consequences for giving me a headache and moderating on this non-issue from now on.
This is a very unusual compound, just 100 meters from the military academy. 12 foot walls, barbed wire, security checkpoints, ...

Didn't anybody ask questions who was living there and what was going on?

no unusual. if you are familiar with the area there land was cheap and you can buy many kanal land at nominal price. the house or to say compound was occupied by tribals/afghans for long.

it is said it was being monitored for last 4 years
Just an observation.. Away from all the blames and counter blames..

We in the subcontinent are constant victims of terrorism. But you gotta give it to the Americans.. This man attacked them 10 years back. They went thru 10 years of brickbats from all over the world including some of their NATO allies on their WoT. But they did not step back and now they got the man they feel responsible for that attack. Think how a normal American would be thinking at this time. The level of patriotism would be unbelievable. Can you ever imagine an Indian or Pakistani govt so resilient in tracking and killing people they feel are responsible for killing its citizens..

I don't think so..
Now the Question is.... WHAT ABOUT NEXT ?
There is a possibility that TTP/A-Q might commit terrorist attacks in Pakistan.

And Osama bin Laden will NOT become a martyr because he has killed so many Pakistanis!

Well, thank God for that... I hope it remains peaceful in Pakistan, as I know that a lot of hurt souls will find comfort that some of their near and dear ones were killed by this very man or his troops... I am sure, lots on people on both sides of border are praying for a peaceful and celebrated week ahead...

It's about time that the world (irrespective of flag colors) come together and makes sure that this blow can become the final blow and really help and 'contribute' to weed out OBL's support infrastructure to make sure that this scourge on humanity can be removed...
There's no news about how many soldiers were injured or killed in the operation... anyone has any info on that? Even a Helicopter was downed and no news about the soldiers involved?
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