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Osama Dead. Obama Confirms.

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Well, thank God for that... I hope it remains peaceful in Pakistan, as I know that a lot of hurt souls will find comfort that some of their near and dear ones were killed by this very man or his troops... I am sure, lots on people on both sides of border are praying for a peaceful and celebrated week ahead...

It's about time that the world (irrespective of flag colors) come together and makes sure that this blow can become the final blow and really help and 'contribute' to weed out OBL's support infrastructure to make sure that this scourge on humanity can be removed...

I agree with everything you have said!

I hope so too, but knowing these scums they are going to try to hurt as many innocent people as possible! Pakistan and western countries should be on very high alert
I think retaliatory related attacks are bound to happen

and that is the price Pakistan and Pakistanis will pay for killing OBL for the US and still enemies of Pakistan will come up with many rants so indeed a tough time ahead for us
Now World should extent thier helping hand to the Pakistan.....
I sense strom is coming to jolt Pakistani roots.

(CNN) -- The mission that killed one of the world's most notorious terrorist leaders was carried out by U.S. forces with the cooperation of Pakistan, U.S. President Barack Obama said Sunday night.

Osama bin Laden -- the longtime leader of al Qaeda -- was killed by U.S. forces in a mansion about 100 kilometers, or 62 miles, north of the Pakistani capital of Islamabad along with other family members, a senior U.S. official told CNN.

Members of Pakistan's intelligence service, the ISI, were on site in Abbottabad during the operation, a senior Pakistani intelligence official said.

Bin Laden resisted the assault and was killed in a firefight, senior administration officials said.

The Pakistani intelligence official said he did not know who fired the shot that actually killed the terror mastermind.

U.S. sources including a senior official and a congressional source familiar with the operation said bin Laden was shot in the head.

Three other men were also killed in raid, as was a woman who was being used as a human shield, senior administration officials said.

The U.S. team was at the compound for about 40 minutes, the officials said. There were no casualties on the American side, although a U.S. helicopter crashed during the raid due to mechanical problems. The helicopter was then destroyed for security reasons, senior administration officials said.

A senior administration official told reporters that Obama's administration did not share intelligence gathered beforehand with any other country -- including Pakistan -- for security reasons.

The official said only a small group of people inside the U.S. government knew about this operation ahead of time. Another official said a "small U.S. team" was involved in the operation; but the official would not confirm any U.S. military involvement.

However, a senior defense official said U.S. Navy SEALs were involved.

CNN's Nick Paton Walsh, Ed Henry and Chris Lawrence contributed to this report

Now where is trolling?? The Americans told the Pak ISI, that there is going to be an operation in the region, but didn't give details of the operation.

The rest was carried out by Americans, the Pakistanis came to know when it was all over...
with respect brother since u are in us I think u are watching cnn. That reporter in afganistan clearly says us sources say they did it on their own then he adds the pakistani source were saying they helped but then reporter says pakistans can only say that to save their face. Obama was diplomatic because if he was no then pakistanis and indians will have a tough day going to office tomorrow because to the americans we look same.
According to CNN, Osama's dead body already buried somewhere in middle of the sea !!


Which Sea??? and CNN hmmmmmmmm so they buried it under the sea without DNA test ?

btw US should flew the dead body to Washington and show to its public. lets end this saga so that Pentagon should not make him alive next time for using an excuse to launch another war
no official statement from pakistan govt & militry till now...

U.S. helicopter crashed during the raid due to mechanical problems. The helicopter was then destroyed for security reasons
can anybody explane which security reasons made to distroy the heli....
Fox news saying, Operation was done by US seals only. The crashed heli was belongs to US.
Updated at: 0958 PST, Monday, May 02, 2011
KARACHI: Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has denied the reports that Osama Bin Laden was killed, Geo News reported.
TTP says Osama alive - GEO.tv
CNN report on what was pakistan's part:


Obama on the operation:

No mention of any pakistani cooperation.

The president also said that USA is not at war with islam.



This issue has been settled.

It is in Obama's speech that Pakistan helped lead the US to OBL.

“It is important to note that our counterterrorism cooperation with Pakistan helped lead us to Bin Laden and the compound where he was hiding,” Obama said, acknowleding the Pakistani cooperation."
Obama acknowledges Pakistani cooperation in Osama hunt | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

It has been established Pakistani helicopters were involved in exchanges.

Do you trolls just join to reply to any positive comments about Pakistan?
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