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Osama Dead. Obama Confirms.

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CNN report on what was pakistan's part:

A senior administration official told reporters that Obama's administration did not share intelligence gathered beforehand with any other country -- including Pakistan -- for security reasons.


Obama on the operation:

"Today, at my direction, the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan," Obama said. "A small team of Americans carried out the operation with extraordinary courage and capability. No Americans were harmed. They took care to avoid civilian casualties. After a firefight, they killed Osama bin Laden and took custody of his body."

No mention of any pakistani cooperation.

The president also said that USA is not at war with islam.

In his speech, Obama reiterated that the United States is not at war with Islam.
"I've made clear, just as President Bush did shortly after 9/11, that our war is not against Islam. Bin Laden was not a Muslim leader; he was a mass murderer of Muslims."


The leader of an Afghanistan opposition party on Monday said the killing of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden proves that Pakistan is a "haven" for terror groups.

U.S. forces killed bin Laden in a mansion outside the Pakistani capital of Islamabad.

"Killing of Osama bin Laden is pleasant news for Afghans, and now it's proven that al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations are not based in Afghanistan and Pakistan is a haven for them," said Abdullah Abdullah, the leader of the Hope and Change political party in Afghanistan.

Now the Question is.... WHAT ABOUT NEXT ?

I think retaliatory related attacks are bound to happen. Maybe not sometime soon but every country that is somewhat related to WoT should stand guard.
Best of luck to all countries. And hope these scumbags are exterminated permanently
I have heard that the Murree beer is very good?

Is it true??

Besides, Booze is banned in Pakistan..so how come they have a brewery in Murree??
Its been there since british era.
This is a very unusual compound, just 100 meters from the military academy. 12 foot walls, barbed wire, security checkpoints, ...

Didn't anybody ask questions who was living there and what was going on?

You ask questions and he disappears. Best is to make your enemy feel at home when you want to surprise him.
It takes days if only few parts of body are available. Since whole body was available it took little time. Moreover, DNA testing machine was already within helicopter to test DNA.

:what: OMG come on arihant . stop conspiracy theories
According to CNN, Osama's dead body already buried somewhere in middle of the sea !!

More power to the conspiracy theorists !!
There are bound to be retaliatory attacks against soft targets in Pakistan..

Question is.. will the TTP come out of denial.

Be safe guys...No one deserves to be hurt, if these guys go around on a rampage...

I think CIA/PA should do what Lankan army did... SHOW it to the world that the bugger is dead by showing his body and results of DNA profile! The whole list of these 'nay' sayers will then drop down to zilch...
Well .......Pakistan should try to cash on this thing.
Develop it as tourist spot...........after all It has history attached to this place now

yeah, i think we should preserve the place and promote to attract american tourists.
I haven't been back here in awhile, but wanted to read some of the views about OBL's death from people close to the action. The press here is now reporting that the operation was kept from, at least, most elements of Pakistan's military and government. It was conducted by US Navy SEALS on direct orders from the White House. Massive spontaneous celebrations breaking out here in New York City and in front of the White House and it's 2:00 AM here. No one is sleeping.

Believe on what u want to believe. As every Pakistani knows about the Abotabad and it's importance for PA
Now at last USA can say Job well done...::...they can held their heads high and go home with pride and honour.

They got what they for.........salute to all the soldiers of Nato , usa , afghans and Pakistanis who fought with this evil evil stupid Osama.
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