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Osama Dead. Obama Confirms.

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I don't think anybody doubts that. I think it was just a matter of security if these reports are true that President Obama ordered the attack without informing Pakistan. The fewer the people who know about these things, the better. It's not meant to be a snub. Had he been in Saudi Arabia we probably would have done the same thing. These type of operations depend on absolute secrecy.

your assertion goes wrong here about 'not informing Pakistan'- there was complete blackout for about 3 hours prior to gun shots and blast while the heli maneuvered for about half hour before the shots and the only way I see american troops landing there is by choppers which needs pakistani cooperation.
Secondly and most importantly the heli which crashed is Pakistani confirming pakistani authorities full involvement.
Can someone do operation against the Bharati trolls. It doesn't matter whether it will be joint operation or whatver.:lol:

Mods please throw the garbage out of this forum.
This is a very ockward condition for Pakistan.

If they dont take credit..................other countries are going to say what the hell was pakistan doing?? Is ISI invovled with Osama??? Was pakistan sheltering Osama and other terrorists????

If they take credit...........All Extremists are going to be angry at Pakistan..........more attacks on Pakistani soldiers..........as extremists wont be able to attack the USA ....Pakistan will be a way to take out frustration
You know maybe it's right to think of Pakistan as a den of vipers -- How can it be that criminals of Osama and Zawahiri's stature continueto live in luxury in Pakistan and Pakistanis claim they did not know -- How??

And this Fauj and her ISI - they didn't know?? Then why are they needed??

The world must squeeze Pakistan hard - for Pakistan's own sake, for the good of Pakistan - Pakistan must come clean, she must give up of the terrorism that is Islamism, the malignancy that perverts religion into a ideology of hate and power.

It's clear the politicians can't do this and it's clear the ISI and the Fauj are unwilling to be a part of the solution -- so what is to be done?? It's up to Pakistanis themselves to clean this up and if that means a new, fundamentally different, non Islamist ISI and Fauj, then lets do everything in our ability and influence to ensure that

ISI and Fauj is not islamist , you need to study more about organisation structure of PA

In past they defeated USSR now they will defeat terrorism and Al Qaeda
Livefist 26/04/2011: Goa Hosts US Navy Los Angeles-class SSN

H_T_T_P livefist.blogspot.com/2011/04/us-navy-los-angeles-class-ssn-at-goa.html

India Today: US nuclear submarine docks in Goa

H_T_T_P indiatoday.intoday.in/site/story/us-nuclear-sub-docks-in-goa/1/136350.html

Well that; spec about seals infiltrating into Pakistan from India.
BTW welcome to this forum.
indians fear the day when our commandos will enter india breakfast in delhi ho ga INSHALLAH

Cut the jingostic crap.. will you please?

This is a great moment for Humanity... Perpetrator of one of the biggest crimes on the 'land of free' has been brought to justice... I am sure (some will definitely argue) that lot many more are still roaming free... I think all of us, irrespective of the color on flag should be happy about that...

Knowing the way this operation was conducted, there is no way that CIA did not have ISI/PA/Local administration help... Now, was Pakistani administration was a part of it or not or if ISI ratted him out or whatever else will be a permutation and will be contested and faught over... But we must appreciate that he has been Killed and in Pakistan and there was no one from Pakistani Administration who was found supporting him else Obama would have stated it... It's a great day guys... For once, lets say Cheers!

The only worrisome thing here is that he was staying close to Islamabad and that should send jitters down everybody's spine in Pakistani who felt that they were safe...

What will be more interesting is to see America's interest (and the level of it) in Pakistani soil for WoT, as the main guy (for which they got all the budget approvals etc) has been nailed... I have no doubt that their collaboration with Pakistan will continue and actually may see a slight upsurge (to kill the snake, as it's head has been chopped)... and what the hell was he doing soo deep inside Pakisatan? Yes, we can debate those later and i will leave it at that

For now, it's a good morning with a bottle of champaign! I've lost someone special on that fateful morning and I am sure, she will RIP now! Amen!
Members of Pakistan's intelligence service were on site during the operation

India Today : HTTP:- indiatoday.intoday.in/site/story/us-nuclear-sub-docks-in-goa/1/136350.html

At a time when India continues to resist US overtures for an agreement that would allow American warships access to Indian ports and services, a US Navy nuclear submarine has docked in Goa
Livefist 26/04/2011: Goa Hosts US Navy Los Angeles-class SSN

H_T_T_P livefist.blogspot.com/2011/04/us-navy-los-angeles-class-ssn-at-goa.html

India Today: US nuclear submarine docks in Goa

H_T_T_P indiatoday.intoday.in/site/story/us-nuclear-sub-docks-in-goa/1/136350.html

Yeah, they need nuclear submarines to kill Osama. ok. :coffee:
This is a very ockward condition for Pakistan.

If they dont take credit..................other countries are going to say what the hell was pakistan doing?? Is ISI invovled with Osama??? Was pakistan sheltering Osama and other terrorists????

If they take credit...........All Extremists are going to be angry at Pakistan..........more attacks on Pakistani soldiers..........as extremists wont be able to attack the USA ....Pakistan will be a way to take out frustration

Yes thats what i said in my first post on this thread.

i will repeat we should go for second option and tell the truth that we conducted the operation.

even if we keep quiet terrorists from al-Qaeda will wrack havoc in Pakistan as they cant reach US. so better we should accept that we conducted the operation
Can someone do operation against the Bharati trolls. It doesn't matter whether it will be joint operation or whatver.:lol:

Mods please throw the garbage out of this forum.

yes mods ban all indians from this forums
its good for you
u can boast nething then
u will listen only what you want to
So it means that you are trying to say that the navy seals commandos who did the operation were infiltrated into pakistan via India...


If that is true, India played its part!!...glad to know that OBL's nemesis' were routed by India..

Wow...really great cooperation.
I think this was even more global my friend.

I bet the sub had a russian crew so that ISI agents in the Indian Navy did not send out an alarm.
I bet all the rest of ISI agents were evaluating the snazzy high G maneuvers being carried out by the French and British pilots in their Rafael and EF for the IAF.

And the seals were all Asian Americans who infiltrated Pakistan from Chinese border with Chinese help dressed as Chinese military dudes with big guns.
This did nothing to arouse the suspicion of ISI and Pakistan Army who were expected a delegation of Chinese commandos for Friendship 11 exercise.

At the end of the day the seals had their dinner at Pakistan Military Academy and then instead of going to their accommodation, sneaked into the compound and killed OBL instead.

At the end of the day, USA, Russia, China, France, Britain and India played their part and Pakistan did a poor job of protecting their beloved OBL who killed more Pakistanis than anyone else.
God bless you all!
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