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Osama Dead. Obama Confirms.

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Guys just see the following pic i just found in a newspaper giving detail of the assault preparations and components:
i don't know how much true it is but take it as a part of the thought process


The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) | Frontpage | Delhi pragmatic on post-Osama Pak

While listening to Al Jazeera English, I was blessed with a live interview of this buffoon “Chidambaram”, based on his statement above, the newscaster asked him did he mean that the Pakistani establishment was hiding OBL?

To which Chidambaram, (sounding regal) said he was not in a position of making a “valued judgment on this question”.

Undeterred the Western newscaster re-phrased his question and ask him if he thought that Pakistani state was playing both sides?

Again sounding grim and serious, Chidambaram said “I cant comment on this…”

To which the reporter looked at the camera and failed to hide his smile while saying thanks to him as if saying “WTF was that statement for if you cant say anything valuable you puppet

Pakistanis calling others bufoons sounds very incongruous in the light of what has just transpired. Don't worry about Chidambaram, he has just been rated as India's best performing minister; he knows what he is doing. Not sure your guys can make the same claim.
If that is where we thought he was, what exactly is the problem?

A Pakistan 'free of her Army' will do nothing more. It is a 'Pakistan free of the current corrupt and inept political leadership' that will deliver, with the Army staying in the barracks.

And what 'machinations' are you referring to in the OBL situation?

Totally wrong given the evidence and current state of Pakistan. It has been ruled by the Pakistani army for all years that anyway matter and even when the civilian faces have been around, they have been there at the mercy of the army.

Army's policies in taking the country towards fundamentalism have totally fallen on the face and the results are for you to see today. Do we really need to debate about it and are we then going to start a debate about if the sun goes around the earth? And the machinations that muse mentioned could easily be awarding OBL the guest of honor and the pampering to use him as a strategic asset as has been the thinking and the evidence available. Can you imagine what this single incident has done to Pakistan's economy and the psyche of the common pakistani who does not want to do anything with the strategic depth of the army? And before you come back asking for more evidence, I will sincerely suggest that please wait a few days before you start refuting the terrorism support angle of pakistani army. You never know what the US took on the discs and the drives. Everyday is a fluid situation and a lot of analyst are eating the words within minutes of emitting them. Why put oneself in that position Sir?
US always ahead!

It was stealth helicopter with radar jammers that came deep inside Pakistan near the capital totally undetected to kill Osama.


Stealth: The strange design of the rotor tail has led many to speculate that U.S. Navy SEALs used a secret stealth helicopter in Sunday's raids


Unknown: Distinctive features, such as the smooth and angular outer shell, covered rotor blades and pointed rear end have bamboozled aviation experts


Black Hawk UH-60


Comparison: The rotor of the crashed 'stealth' helicopter (left) from Sunday's raid and a close up of a standard UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter



Equipped: SEALs and other special forces have access to the latest military hardware, potentially explaining why they would have used an experimental or secret helicopter type
To all the pakistanis on this forum i would like to know your version on the operation and pakistan's involvement as support/against Osama.
and what is the issue i'm seeing in tv where pakistanis taking out procession in support of osama and burning US flags denouncing US action?? frankly speaking i really don't understand pakistanis take on the matter......on one hand pakistan is a major part in WoT, sacrificed many and conducting military ops and on the other hand people see osama as a beacon of light or stuffs like that and do anti-US activities!! Strange situation. i think such a division also exists among the military and administration Guess thats why the US did not divulge any info about the op and took a stand "WITH US OR AGAINST US" seem justified.

Seems like the helicopter lost was a high tech stealth type chopper----now there is concern that the technology would go through china to pakistan.

First OBL strike gives us the tomahawk cruise missile---the last strike gives us a stealth helicopter or a part of it----shoudn't we be grateful to someone.

American news media is talking a lot about the technology of this chopper.
Totally wrong given the evidence and current state of Pakistan. It has been ruled by the Pakistani army for all years that anyway matter and even when the civilian faces have been around, they have been there at the mercy of the army.

Army's policies in taking the country towards fundamentalism have totally fallen on the face and the results are for you to see today. Do we really need to debate about it and are we then going to start a debate about if the sun goes around the earth? And the machinations that muse mentioned could easily be awarding OBL the guest of honor and the pampering to use him as a strategic asset as has been the thinking and the evidence available. Can you imagine what this single incident has done to Pakistan's economy and the psyche of the common pakistani who does not want to do anything with the strategic depth of the army? And before you come back asking for more evidence, I will sincerely suggest that please wait a few days before you start refuting the terrorism support angle of pakistani army. You never know what the US took on the discs and the drives. Everyday is a fluid situation and a lot of analyst are eating the words within minutes of emitting them. Why put oneself in that position Sir?

PA is best army in world , which defeated USSR and Indian joint venture in Afghanistan , ISAF failed in Afghanistan because of lack of trust on PA . This was joint operation that is why it was successful.

Agreed that our political institutions are weak because from last sixty years we are spending on defence more than our capacity to face challenges of enemies.
Baloch bhai -- in the end I dont think civilians, military leaders or government ''personnel'' could really damn care less what these indian ministers say

They are NOT meant to the Pakistani audience and hence we could not care less that you could care less.

Chidambaram is a joke. Krishhna, Mukhrajee and all those other monkey-looking individuals are hard to take seriously even by looking at their faces and hearing the way they constantly yap about Pakistan. They look like the cheap peasants who look like theyre only worthy to polish and shine your shoes.

Lol...the shock of the world's most wanted terrorist found in a posh mansion in a garrison city right under the nose of the military academy which houses about 3 regiments IIRC and a serving major general as his neighbour and the other fact that the Americans brutally violated the sham of a sovereignty of Pakistan seems to have gotten to you. Chill.

In any way Chidambaram is no less monkey looking than Rehman Malik clown or Kiyanahi saab.

Seems like the helicopter lost was a high tech stealth type chopper----now there is concern that the technology would go through china to pakistan.

First OBL strike gives us the tomahawk cruise missile---the last strike gives us a stealth helicopter or a part of it----shoudn't we be grateful to someone.

American news media is talking a lot about the technology of this chopper.

From Fox News.

The U.S. expects Pakistan to transfer the wreckage back, the Defense official told Fox News, with discussions likely taking place at the highest levels.
Photos Reportedly Show Stealth Helicopter Design, Unidentified Men Dead at Bin Laden's Hideout - FoxNews.com

US special representative to Pakistan and Afghanistan Marc Grossman already there in Pakistan.
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