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Osama Dead. Obama Confirms.

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Thanks for nice and quick reply... what about Osama ;) this friend also back-stabbed :P

First of all.. nobody claims him to be a friend.. he is either "hero" or "terrorist".. so comparison doesn't occur..

Secondly, do you have a proof that he was there in the "mansion"?.. i suggest you watch the youtube link given up on this page.. Post #2330.. that'll help you :P
a. Since when did you start considering US a friend of yours? Most of the Pakistanis see US as a threat.

b. India, for all I wish, does not have the political will power to undertake any such adventure that the US could embark upon. That does not negate the fact that India is, nevertheless, capable of carrying out covert ops. in Pakistan, not the US style but Mossad style. Then again, we don't have the will power with a PM like MMS at the helm of affairs.

a. its not what i consider.. its what our Govt. advertise

b. Correction.. India wishes to have the power.. they are overflowing with will.. and India has always been carrying out covert ops. in Pakistan Mossad style, there is no question about it.. so has Pakistan.. thats not a secret anymore..
This is a person who's been with many US govt.s & is insider...

He was dead since LONG & was frozen,,,

Many contradicting stories. We also had one awhile back coming from the late Benazir Bhutto before her assasination. There were also claims that he was suffering from kidney desease. Judging from his 'not so healthy' look back in the 2001 video. I cannot imagine what he'd be like today if he was still alife without the much needed treatments.

So until we see further 'credible' evidence that he was still alive and prove that he was killed on monday, it still leaves room for imagination. That's unless you unquestionably accept Obama's speach just like Bush's speach on WMD in Iraq as concrete facts.
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Many contradicting stories. We also had one awhile back coming from the late Benazir Bhutto before her assasination. There were also claims that he was suffering from kidney desease. Judging from his no so heavy look back in the 2001 videos. I cannot imagine what he'd be like today if he was still alife without the much needed treatments.

...and that raises even more doubts on the complicity of the Pakistani establishment in hiding him.
I wonder why people of Pakistan are not as excited or spirited to call for proof from their own government and agencies for all the things that they do ! GOP and agencies are directly accountable to people of Pakistan - and here we have people asking for proofs from everyone in the world rather then there own government...strange isn't it? Compare the whole world to IDEAL WORLD scenarios and castigating them for not meeting that standard is all talk - demonstrate by behavior as how its done! I am sure how Pakistan is run today is not a very good example for people to stand up on roof and tell the world that world is not a place is to live in will take you anywhere or get you any reasonable ear !

Please be honorable enough to provide me a proof.. if you can't then shut up!.. even USA can't provide any proof..
Am I? Is there some reason America couldn't have torn through Iraq as a knife through butter to cut out Saddam and thus leave the populace hanging for the tender mercies of Al Qaeda or the Iranian mullahs?

No matter how much I do these things, how do you envision them solving your problems?


The U.S. had the immense advantage of the north-eastern portion starting out with the Puritan ethos of democratic governance. They made it work. The southern states were more along the lines of "royal" enterprises, complete with class systems from slave to county magnate. It took the destructive war of General Sherman to demonstrate to the South that it could oppress and produce raw goods but not create, hence its wealth was permanently at the mercy and pleasure of superior Northern Armies. After the South surrendered not even a guerrilla resistance remained afterward.

And so, AAtish, we're back to what constructive suggestions and policies you have in mind for your country, now that the military and ISI have been exposed and discomfited by their eagerness, duplicity, and incompetence. Or are you of a mind to keep blaming the U.S. for all problems and assigning it responsibility for change, while you be content to do nothing yourself?

Well you skillfully skipped the portion of my post.. anyways, I have solutions to the problems of the country, but i am afraid they will not come into effect that i don't hold the power.. and NO.. military and ISI has not been exposed and discomfited for anything.. the whole Osama drama is still unfolding.. lets see where it rolls next.. i don't know if you heard the news.. a court in USA has called it "extra judicial killing".. but before that.. we have to justify USA's claim about Osama being in that "mansion".. so until that is proven.. there is no weight in whatever story they blabber.. now it is all looking like a badly made soap opera.. every next hour there is something changing in the story.. and funny thing is.. THEY WERE WATCHING IT LIVE..

My friend.. If they can have so many discripencies even though they were WATCHING IT LIVE.. think.. how many lies they have told you before..
Pentagon, White House Can’t Get Their Bin Laden Fairy Tale Straight


Steve Watson
May 4, 2011

The purported Bin Laden raid hoax gets kookier by the minute. The account has already changed multiple times over as the Pentagon and the White House do not seem to be able to get their story straight with each other. The entire debacle is only serving to throw up more questions and create more doubt over the legitimacy of the entire fable.

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters Tuesday “Even I am confused” when he was questioned over the exact details of the Navy SEAL raid on the so called “compound”.

Carney made of number of revisions to the original account that was relayed Monday by Deputy National Security Adviser John Brennan and other Pentagon officials.

While Brennan had said that Bin Laden engaged in a firefight with US commandos and resisted capture, Carney told reporters that the al qaeda leader “was not armed”.

“He [bin Laden] was engaged in a firefight with those that entered the area of the house he was in. And whether or not he got off any rounds, I quite frankly don’t know,” Brennan had said Monday. Other pentagon officials told the same story earlier in the day.

When questioned on Tuesday, however, Carney said that “resistance does not require a firearm” but directed questions about how bin Laden “resisted” to the Pentagon. This followed a background, off-camera briefing for television reporters later Monday, during which a senior White House official said bin Laden was not armed when he was killed.

Pakistani officials have even suggested that there wasn’t even a shot fired in the raid, which contradicts the US government assertion that al qaeda henchmen were firing indiscriminately at the special ops team.

Details about the use of a woman as a human shield have also been chopped and changed multiple times.

At a Pentagon briefing early on Monday, a senior defense official said bin Laden was hiding behind a woman so he could get shots away at the US soldiers. “He was firing behind her,” the official said.

This was then expounded upon by Brennan who said Bin Laden was “hiding behind women who were put in front of him as a shield,”

A woman killed in the raid was bin Laden’s wife, Brennan said: “She was positioned in a way that indicated that she was being used as a shield.”

Yet later that account was altered by another Pentagon official who claimed Bin Laden’s wife was “injured but not killed,” and that “A different guy’s wife was killed”.

Then yet another official familiar with the operation said it did not appear that any woman was used as a human shield.

Then Tuesday, Press Secretary Carney said that when Bin Laden was approached, the Al Qaeda leader’s “wife” rushed the US forces. The woman was shot in the leg but not killed, Carney said.

Conveniently, this wife who was dead, but then not dead, has also now identified Bin Laden’s body both to the Navy SEALs and Pakistani authorities. You know, the body they dumped in the sea, and the Pakistani authorities that were not involved, but then were involved and then were not involved again.

Another part of the story that has been revised is Brennan’s assertion that Bin Laden’s son Khalid was killed in the attack. However, the official White House transcript of the on the record briefing states that it was a different son named Hamza, who was killed.

Quite why Brennan had gotten these fundamental details wrong is unclear given that he was one of the officials supposedly watching the entire raid via a live video feed.

Carney also noted that there is a discrepancy in the number of floors raided by the SEAL team inside the luxury mansion “compound”, a description in itself that has since been seriously questioned given that the dwelling had no air conditioning, had damp and growing around it and contained only a small triangular plot of land at the back, according to reporters on the scene.

In addition, the value of the property, originally said to be $1 million dollars, is way off the mark according to property professionals in Abbottabad, who say it is worth less than a quarter of that amount.

In short, it is a less than attractive house that is nothing out of the ordinary for where it is located, which is most likely why the people in the immediate vicinity find it laughable and beyond ridiculous to suggest that they were neighbours of Osama Bin Laden for six years.

Why can’t the government get it’s story straight? Is the White House intentionally muddying the waters to divert attention to the minutia of the event and away from the fact that the entire scenario is on it’s face ludicrous? Or are they just flat out lying through their teeth?
Come on, when is Pasha and Kiyani going to resign?

Its time to close down this CIA's third class Pakistani division called ISI.

Similarly, all the money that this business called Pak Army has hogged up should be taken away from them and used for education, development and other social matters.

Close this shameless army and its intelligence divisions down.

Compare apple with apple , US has latest technology what you have is outdated .

Nations always learn from mistakes , dont lose heart just wake up !
I wonder why people of Pakistan are not as excited or spirited to call for proof from their own government and agencies for all the things that they do ! GOP and agencies are directly accountable to people of Pakistan - and here we have people asking for proofs from everyone in the world rather then there own government...strange isn't it? Compare the whole world to IDEAL WORLD scenarios and castigating them for not meeting that standard is all talk - demonstrate by behavior as how its done! I am sure how Pakistan is run today is not a very good example for people to stand up on roof and tell the world that world is not a place is to live in will take you anywhere or get you any reasonable ear !

My friend, we are asking questions to our own government too, you can see the Pakistani Media, have a look, every channel is asking the same questions.. anyways, the burden of proof is not on Pakistan or Pakistani people.. its still on USA.. cuz it has NOT BEEN PROVEN that OSAMA was KILLED in THAT mansion.. until THAT is proven, we are guilty of NOTHING.. simple!
Can any body have the answer of this question that, before leaving Pakistan after completing successful action whom they handover the captured & injured men women & children ?
Can any body have the answer of this question that, before leaving Pakistan after completing successful action whom they handover the captured & injured men women & children ?

Neighbours... uh.. no.. ISI.. ummm.. maybe.. ohhh... no.. it was Police.. was it?.. uhhh.. ummm.. Guard Dog... nah.. there wasn't one.. Oh this information is very gruesome so it cannot be told to civilians.. all we can say is we handed over the captured and injured men women & children..
First of all.. nobody claims him to be a friend.. he is either "hero" or "terrorist".. so comparison doesn't occur..

Secondly, do you have a proof that he was there in the "mansion"?.. i suggest you watch the youtube link given up on this page.. Post #2330.. that'll help you :P

Your army, gov and ISI have no balls to ask.
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