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Osama Dead. Obama Confirms.

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and your point is?? does this line has anything to do with WoT?? i said lives.. not pockets.. learn to read and understand first please
Yes, that's what you wrote. I just couldn't believe that's what you meant! The reality is that thousands of Americans have died in the wars of the past ten years, wars with the purpose of saving the lives of tens of thousands, perhaps even millions, of Americans and others through suppressing and defeating terrorism. It's blindingly obvious that the few are sacrificing for the many.

No sir, isn't it PAKISTAN where the lives of the soldiers and citizens have been treated callously for over forty years with the purpose of increasing the wealth and "honor" of those at the top? Ayub and ZAB would have kept fighting and losing the 1965 war if the U.S. hadn't suspended supplies; in 1971 the East Pakistanis revolted, angry at being perpetually abused by the Western elite; the Soviets invaded Afghanistan in 1979, responding to a Pakistani-inspired movement to destabilize the country, thus causing much refugee misery in Pakistan; millions of Pakistani children have been brainwashed by fairy tales masquerading as education; and the military maintains the bloody policy of creating a terrorist backbone that preys upon the populace for the ultimate purpose of extending their own imperialism.

In a sense, I suppose it's unfair that I, a foreigner, are bashing you so hard. After all, I don't share your burdens - but nevertheless, they are yours. Are you going to keep blaming others, AAtish, are you going to work to do something constructive for your country and its inhabitants, or are you just going to let the ideals of your mouth and pen fade into empty nothings, joining the sea of corruption and wilful blindness around you?
No need to worry dear, it was parat of darama, a nephew of my friend is in ssg, he told that at 1 am they received order to clear the area arround the compound, after some time operation started, but he did not know who started the operation, are you guys no brain ? Just think whome they handover the wife and childern of obl before leaving pakistan
Maybe he is alive and being "interrogated" in top secrecy. Claiming that he is dead means no trial, no media, no terrorist attacks demanding his release, etc.

certainly a good reason to say he is dead, the rash of kidnappings to demad his relase had the potential to be catastrophic.
Thing is in a wikileak world we have seen there are very few secrets stay hidden for ever, can you imagine the back lash in the US if next week some one proved osama was really in guantanamo being interogated after the president has told the American people he is dead?
Point Proved....

Pakistan is unsafe even to Osama Bin Laden
India is safe even to Ajmal Kasaab

Man :woot: US choppers can reach up to Military academy in Pakistan without getting traced :lol: and Osama can live next to that academy :rofl: again without getting traced by Pakistani officials :cheers:

To be very honest this is the biggest embarrassment for Pakistan in past few years...
Yes, that's what you wrote. I just couldn't believe that's what you meant! The reality is that thousands of Americans have died in the wars of the past ten years, wars with the purpose of saving the lives of tens of thousands, perhaps even millions, of Americans and others through suppressing and defeating terrorism. It's blindingly obvious that the few are sacrificing for the many.

No sir, isn't it PAKISTAN where the lives of the soldiers and citizens have been treated callously for over forty years with the purpose of increasing the wealth and "honor" of those at the top? Ayub and ZAB would have kept fighting and losing the 1965 war if the U.S. hadn't suspended supplies; in 1971 the East Pakistanis revolted, angry at being perpetually abused by the Western elite; the Soviets invaded Afghanistan in 1979, responding to a Pakistani-inspired movement to destabilize the country, thus causing much refugee misery in Pakistan; millions of Pakistani children have been brainwashed by fairy tales masquerading as education; and the military maintains the bloody policy of creating a terrorist backbone that preys upon the populace for the ultimate purpose of extending their own imperialism.

In a sense, I suppose it's unfair that I, a foreigner, are bashing you so hard. After all, I don't share your burdens - but nevertheless, they are yours. Are you going to keep blaming others, AAtish, are you going to work to do something constructive for your country and its inhabitants, or are you just going to let the ideals of your mouth and pen fade into empty nothings, joining the sea of corruption and wilful blindness around you?

My friend.. either you have some twisted logic.. or you have not left your mind open to accept difference of opinion..

One thing you said is right.. Americans have lost thousands of lives.. for others?.. if you mean others inside your country.. then yes you are right.. if you are mentioning someone outside your country.. then i'm sorry to say.. you are living in land of denial.. If you are so hell bound in blaming someone then why not start from questioning pre-9/11?? i hope you have enough honesty to follow the events post-soviet war.. before blaming others do tend to look at yourself first..

As far as Pakistan is concerned.. YES.. you are right.. we, the nation of Pakistan has been played down by our leaders, we have been sold, we have been betrayed.. we have been distributed.. we have been always under pressure.. but i'm not ashamed of it.. we have achieved things in 60 years which more than 150 countries haven't achieved in centuries.. you talk about 40 years of people looting us?.. accepted.. but hay.. Pakistan came into being 64 years ago.. and in a country's life.. its just like only a "day".. Your country (which you so much boast about) took centuries to come where it is now.. and if you pick your history books of USA.. you'll see it is pretty "colorful"..
“The terrorists’ being on our soil is the biggest violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty,” said Athar Minallah, a prominent lawyer. “If Osama bin Laden lives in Abbottabad, there could be a terrorist in my neighborhood.”

I think he missed out on the lawyers' rose petal showering of Mumtaz Qadri, and more recently, the lawyers in Abbottabad condemning the killing of their hero - Osama bin Laden.

Strange, this particular lawyer still shows such uncertainty on the likelihood of terrorists in his neighborhood.
Although I initially said that the operation could not have been carried out without Pakistani military support now I am not sure. I think it is entirely possible that American technological supremacy--with men on the ground and heli flights over the north of Pakistan during the 2005 Earthquake--were able to completely bypass Pakistani defences AFTER years of very smart and meticulous planning. I also think that the Pakistani security apparatuses--including the police, the army, the navy, and indeed the ISI--have been so rattled by attacks against them they, who are supposed to protect, have been naturally a bit overwhelmed.
Considering all this--and the undeniable incompetence--it is quite conceivable that American Navy Seals bypassed them. However, I ALSO think that Americans would have done that in most other countries of the world in similar scenarios.
However, I still think there is no love for Al Qaida in Pakistan. It would be foolish and suicidal. Barring a few thousand fundos there is hardly a drop of tear for OBL in past two days.
I dont know where to start but there is NO trusting US gov. and thats for sure, for what reasons it backstabbed Pakistan, that is an unknown variable to public for the time being.
I would encourage all Indians in here to lookup history of US wars, it will do you a lot more good to shut your trap than to shout wolf day in day out! Find ways to establish peace and stability and if there is noway for you to contribute positively then save it!

So apparently Pakistan has family of OBL in custody, that should pretty much sum it up that it was OBL. US gov has already classified everything for any single entity to even think about FOIA. Why are they holding critical info from the public, they thrive on peoples emotion and anxiety. Obama definitely ended the debate of his birth certificate, got the last laugh on Donald Trump and ignored NATO bombing of Gadaffi's son and grandchildren.

I am aware there have been numerous reports prior to this of OBL being dead but without any conclusive evidence. Whats here to stay is, the stain left on Pakistan by US gov. I am not sure whether ISI did give him up on their final meeting with CIA, neither am I holding my breath but the fact Seals conducted a operation on a sovereign nation and killed unarmed individuals and OBL cold blooded without trial and jail time is pretty sick! In congress, pretty much everyone hates Pakistan and wants to cut aide, to which I am glad! Pakistan needs to develop sustainability and improvements itself, by now you must have realized that Kerry Luger like bills are NOT in the best interest of Pakistani people. This incompetence has been a continuous pathology, courtesy of Zardari gov. It's f***ing despicable that every other gov officials has mansions in foreign countries while the public bites the dust and Imran Khan is in Bronx every other month to collect donations for his party. I am sorry but I simply have no respect for these leaders who come abroad and represent Islam and Pakistan with a bottle of champaign and a casino clubcard in the other hand with a meeting pre-booked with IMf.

All this death and destruction, millions dead, millions displaced and OBL is not even tried and sent to jail is pretty sick. This narrative obviously would have had repercussion for The official 9/11 story and the 20 odd ABCDC soup of intelligence agencies. Look forward to what Pakistan has to say about all this....

Indians, you really are oblivious to the facts, have NO heart or feel pain for these 'collateral damage' millions of victims. instead you come here with your crocodile tears and brag... Just give it a rest, live and let live!
Point Proved....

Pakistan is unsafe even to Osama Bin Laden
India is safe even to Ajmal Kasaab

Man :woot: US choppers can reach up to Military academy in Pakistan without getting traced :lol: and Osama can live next to that academy :rofl: again without getting traced by Pakistani officials :cheers:

To be very honest this is the biggest embarrassment for Pakistan in past few years...

An honest suggestion to you and your government... If you r capitalizing on what your general (or whoever it was) said.. don't even think about it.. :P.. for if there is any Indian chopper in air space of Pakistan.. we wont even need army.. some one from "public" will shoot it down.. US was a different case.. it was case of friend back-stabbing..
An honest suggestion to you and your government... If you r capitalizing on what your general (or whoever it was) said.. don't even think about it.. :P.. for if there is any Indian chopper in air space of Pakistan.. we wont even need army.. some one from "public" will shoot it down.. US was a different case.. it was case of friend back-stabbing..

Thanks for nice and quick reply... what about Osama ;) this friend also back-stabbed :P
An honest suggestion to you and your government... If you r capitalizing on what your general (or whoever it was) said.. don't even think about it.. :P.. for if there is any Indian chopper in air space of Pakistan.. we wont even need army.. some one from "public" will shoot it down.. US was a different case.. it was case of friend back-stabbing..

a. Since when did you start considering US a friend of yours? Most of the Pakistanis see US as a threat.

b. India, for all I wish, does not have the political will power to undertake any such adventure that the US could embark upon. That does not negate the fact that India is, nevertheless, capable of carrying out covert ops. in Pakistan, not the US style but Mossad style. Then again, we don't have the will power with a PM like MMS at the helm of affairs.
Americans have lost thousands of lives.. for others?.. if you mean others inside your country.. then yes you are right.. if you are mentioning someone outside your country.. then i'm sorry to say.. you are living in land of denial.
Am I? Is there some reason America couldn't have torn through Iraq as a knife through butter to cut out Saddam and thus leave the populace hanging for the tender mercies of Al Qaeda or the Iranian mullahs?

If you are so hell bound in blaming someone then why not start from questioning pre-9/11?? i hope you have enough honesty -
No matter how much I do these things, how do you envision them solving your problems?

but i'm not ashamed of it.. we have achieved things in 60 years which more than 150 countries haven't achieved in centuries..

you talk about 40 years of people looting us?.. accepted.. but hay.. Pakistan came into being 64 years ago.. and in a country's life.. its just like only a "day".. Your country (which you so much boast about) took centuries to come where it is now..
The U.S. had the immense advantage of the north-eastern portion starting out with the Puritan ethos of democratic governance. They made it work. The southern states were more along the lines of "royal" enterprises, complete with class systems from slave to county magnate. It took the destructive war of General Sherman to demonstrate to the South that it could oppress and produce raw goods but not create, hence its wealth was permanently at the mercy and pleasure of superior Northern Armies. After the South surrendered not even a guerrilla resistance remained afterward.

And so, AAtish, we're back to what constructive suggestions and policies you have in mind for your country, now that the military and ISI have been exposed and discomfited by their eagerness, duplicity, and incompetence. Or are you of a mind to keep blaming the U.S. for all problems and assigning it responsibility for change, while you be content to do nothing yourself?
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