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Osama Dead. Obama Confirms.

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Perhaps because a deal was done to allow the US to get him.

It's there in black and white what Pakistan's role was. The details are even there.

But you Indians have your heads in the sand. Obama and Clinton have acknowledged Pakistan's role.

You say that they're lying and believe commentators without access to the sensitive information. That's denial

The Hindu : Front Page : Pakistan laments ‘unilateral' U.S. action

Offical statement by Pakistani FO:
Official statement: Pak denies prior knowledge on Osama

It's clear now that Pakistan had no info. of the operation whatrsoever.
The US has the perfect excuse for invasion now.
Let the US come, we Pakistani's are not afraid of them, like all great empires they fade through time and eventually meet there match. If the US attacked Pakistan the Whole Nation will rise and all the clans of the tribal region will give there support to Pakistan. The patriotism of the 60s will be reborn again.
You can dream on Mr Clueless, I live in the UK yet I proudly call my self a Pakistani, not British even though I was born in London. Pakistan is my motherland and those Pakistani's who are ashamed well in my opinion they are low class scum.

May be its time you go back to Pakistan as a proud Pakistani, and put everything in order. Most of them are in denial mode at present. I thought all Pakistanis are proud, and HONEST, no exceptions. Be happy you are in UK, not in Pak. If you are so proud of being a Pakistani, why on earth you are still in UK? Ignorant is bliss Hypocrisy as well. Keep coming Bro
The Hindu : Front Page : Pakistan laments ‘unilateral' U.S. action

Offical statement by Pakistani FO:
Official statement: Pak denies prior knowledge on Osama

It's clear now that Pakistan had no info. of the operation whatrsoever.

Its not about telling the FO or our government.

Its all about relaying this info to 'some' sections of our ISI and PA. Concentrate on that some because you might be aware of the internal friction.

Similarly, apparently there were PA soldiers telling people to stay inside during that night.

Things are a bit unclear and sketchy, lets wait a while.
One thing that most people should be aware of is that that PA and ISI are very scared of the Islamists, the extremist violent kind that is.

They have many of them in their own setup and the kind of attacks they can carry out on Pakistan is unimaginable.

So lets wait a while, if the ISI is indeed supporting terrorists, it should be disbanded and its leadership prosecuted.

If it helped the Americans, then it should be helped in improving this country.
Funny story, one kid threw a cricket ball over the compound and when they went to knock for the ball they were given 50 Rupees for a ball worth only 20-30 rupees max :lol:
May be its time you go back to Pakistan as a proud Pakistani, and put everything in order. Most of them are in denial mode at present. I thought all Pakistanis are proud, and HONEST, no exceptions. Be happy you are in UK, not in Pak. If you are so proud of being a Pakistani, why on earth you are still in UK? Ignorant is bliss Hypocrisy as well. Keep coming Bro

you leave our country alone.. we'll leave yours..
May be its time you go back to Pakistan as a proud Pakistani, and put everything in order.

Maybe you should go back to Cambodia...then again maybe not as it is a hole.

And for your information I visit Pakistan regularly when ever I have spare time, when was the last time you visited Cambodia, because the last I heard Child prostitution is quite famous there. Furthermore unlike you at least my Grandfather and great Grandfather fought for the British army in WW1 and WW2, so please pipe down you are looking like a clown from the circus.
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