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Osama Dead. Obama Confirms.

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Almost entire Pakistan knows that ISA and PA took part in the raid but because of reactions from Taliban they cannot claim it.
Everyone understands this, only Taliban will not understand it. They are fools right?
The level of denial and skepticism seen on this thread is amazing. There are videos of both the operation and the burial at sea. US government will release the video whenever it feels the need for that!:rolleyes:
Almost entire Pakistan knows that ISA and PA took part in the raid but because of reactions from Taliban they cannot claim it.
Everyone understands this, only Taliban will not understand it. They are fools right?

They arn`t fool.
Because USA never going after fools.

---------- Post added at 12:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:43 AM ----------

The level of denial and skepticism seen on this thread is amazing. There are videos of both the operation and the burial at sea. US government will release the video whenever it feels the need for that!:rolleyes:

Ji Ayaa Noo.
Why cant ur army of 612,000 active troops take down 4-5 guys in a short perimeter , if you had the intelligence.

Every now and then there is a cry of violation of soverignity and you guys needed to call US and say " hey fellaws you know where laden is... come and get them".....????

Perhaps because a deal was done to allow the US to get him.

It's there in black and white what Pakistan's role was. The details are even there.

But you Indians have your heads in the sand. Obama and Clinton have acknowledged Pakistan's role.

You say that they're lying and believe commentators without access to the sensitive information. That's denial
The level of denial and skepticism seen on this thread is amazing. There are videos of both the operation and the burial at sea. US government will release the video whenever it feels the need for that!:rolleyes:

The level of stupidity is also amazing on this thread.. when was the last time you saw anything PROVEN LATER?.. we all remembered WMDs.. and blair and bush being "sorry" AFTER millions of people had ALREADY suffered
Perhaps because a deal was done to allow the US to get him.

It's there in black and white what Pakistan's role was. The details are even there.

But you Indians have your heads in the sand. Obama and Clinton have acknowledged Pakistan's role.

You say that they're lying and believe commentators without access to the sensitive information. That's denial

Kia khoob kaha aap ne bhai. :tup:
At present they are ashamed of identifying themselves Pakistanis

You can dream on Mr Clueless, I live in the UK yet I proudly call my self a Pakistani, not British even though I was born in London. Pakistan is my motherland and those Pakistani's who are ashamed well in my opinion they are low class scum.
Here's some details of Pakistan's role

How Pakistan helped the US get Osama[/url]
Pakistan helped lead US to bin Laden hideout: Clinton[/url]

From the same newspaper:
US feared Pak might 'alert' Osama about raid: CIA
Perhaps because a deal was done to allow the US to get him.

It's there in black and white what Pakistan's role was. The details are even there.

But you Indians have your heads in the sand. Obama and Clinton have acknowledged Pakistan's role.

You say that they're lying and believe commentators without access to the sensitive information. That's denial

I got your expert opinion in that bolded part. Thanks... those were the exact words i was looking for... It was a deal.

So the deal is like "You come to abottabad , which is near to military headquarters and take him and say its all ur decision and we will say we didnt knew he was there and the world would say "amazing joint operation by US and Pakistan"..

Simply a brilliant idea of a wonderful deal.
This is gonna turn ugly. The US has the perfect excuse for invasion now. Especially after Pakistan has established good relations with China, and after Benjamin Netanyahu expressed repeatedly that Pakistan is "the biggest threat" to world peace today. Guys Pakistan is slowly falling into the zionists' hands.
Dont know is this was posted before but this is worth noting.

Did ISI sacrifice Osama in quid pro quo deal?

NEW DELHI: The success of the ‘Kill Osama’ operation was the result of a backhand deal between the US and the Pakistan army and the ISI, believes India’s security establishment.

Top intelligence sources in the government believe that ISI chief Shuja Pasha’s recent visit to the US was to strike a quid pro quo deal for giving up bin Laden in return for an end to surgical strikes by US forces, including drone attacks, on its land.

“It is impossible that Pasha and army chief (General Pervez) Kayani did not know of the strike. In fact, we won’t be surprised if the ISI itself threw off the cover on Laden and handed him over to Am e ricans. But probably, civilian government was not in the loop for operation’s success,” they stressed.
Factoring in a possible fallout from the killing, intelligence sources warn that the coming days are going to be crucial, as there can be lethal retaliatory strikes against the interest of the Western countries, especially the US. While security at the US Embassy, consulates, other centres and institutions having presence of US citizens has been stepped up, a high alert has been sounded in Jammu and Kashmir, where 80-120 militants belonging to the Lashkar-e-Toiba are supposed to be hiding.

According to former RAW chief A S Dullat, the killing of Osama would serve a psychological blow to the hardcore elements because of his larger-than-life image. But, adversely, it could also lead to a spurt in terrorist attacks by a more determined lot. “We need to understand that Al-Qaeda has become more of a thought than a merely operational organisation,” says Dullat. That bin Laden was hiding deep in Pakistan gives credence to India’s claims about Pakistan’s complicity, said Dullat. “It is good that Pakistan finally cooperated with the US.”

However, another security expert, Ajay Sahni, differs. In his view, bin Laden’s elimination was a top secret operation done by the US alone and has increased problems for Pakistan, as it is caught in a dilemma whether to concur for providing help to the US in killing the Al-Qaeda leader or feign ignorance of his presence in a garrison town like Abbottabad where he was being “kept in an ISI safehouse”. “It is doomed either way. It cannot claim not knowing Osama’s presence nor can it say that the US operated on its own deep inside its territory without its knowledge. Pakistan establishment now should brace for severe Al-Qaeda retaliation,” he warned.

The next few months will determine how bin Laden’s killing impacts the global terrorist movement. “If there is a strong follow-up action, Al-Qaeda can disintegrate. But if it doesn’t happen, then the monster will emerge even stronger,” says Sahni.

Did ISI sacrifice Osama in quid pro quo deal? | Osama bin Laden | ISI | Indian Express
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