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Osama bin Laden’s death: Updates & Discussions

Though you have chosen not to use my handle in the referred line, I assume it is from one of my post, so I feel it necessary to respond point to point..

If you haven’t noticed, or you just simply deny to accept the reality, Pakistan IS in court of law right now, it has been blamed for harbouring a world renowned terrorist, and if you don’t know this, Pakistan IS being “tried” every where.

Every news channel, every news paper, every FO of every country is a court room for Pakistan and its alleged involvement in providing “safe heaven” to OBL.

So yes, Pakistan IS in court and WE are the advocates of this nation, It really pains me that our next generation (though educated) is gullible enough to not understand anything.

If you go back to original thread of “Osama Dead”, I have mentioned many things, which people like you just ignored or don’t want to acknowledge (personal reasons? Mental slavery? Western Ideology? Materialistic hunger? Half breed? Pick your choice).

Forums are a good place for people like you to rant as much as you want, but in real world (in Pakistan) you are not more than a few hundred thousand..

Let me analyse your post point by point:

I even highlight that Pakistan must allow people to fall on their swords but those people being Pakistanis and Muslims are not likely to do the honorable thing and therefore the state will have to "assist" them

This bold sentence shows that either you are not a Pakistani or if you are, then how Patriotic you are… You are stereotyping whole nation of 180 million..

1. Pakistan's State narrative will have to be one of social development - numbers of new schools, numbers of kids in schools, curriculum change, no Jihad,

Do you even know the meaning of Jihad?? For once, come out of US and UK Media cr@p and read what this “jihad” word means in reality… Don’t give me the BS about how those “extremist” use it.. they are, but only few thousand out of 1.5 Billion!

no hatred, no garlands for murderers,

Can you Remove the Anti-Nazi school of thought?? Can you remove hatred against what IRA did in pre-9/11 times? If not, then accept that “hate” is a human emotion.. the other portion of your sentence.. no sane person gives garlands to murderers.. but would you define murdrer??

no blasphemy laws

Laws depend upon the requirement and acceptance of people of a country.. and 179.9 million want it to stay.. So you can't do anything about it..

and no attacks on churches and other minority confessions and sects.

That I agree to, would you please be kind enough to tell me why these attacks are happening in Pakistan?? If I remember, pre WoT, there was NO ATTACK Ever on Christians.. Out of all minorities, there was one time when Hindu temples were destroyed in retaliation of Babri Mosque, but later they were built again by the SAME people and they even apologised about it, was Babri mosque reconstructed?.. Other then that, everyone use to live happily!!

Number of roads built, villages electrified, etc.

I am assuming that this portion was added to give credibility and weight to other arguments.. These are basic necessities and should be done in EVERY COUNTRY!

2. No news about ISI being involved with any group labeled terrorist by ANYONE. The Pakistani arm3ed forces purged of Islamist ideology and political ambition.

They are being accused of involvement with “labelled” terrorists by countries which have interest in destroying Pakistan.. and remind me.. who created OBL? Who trained him? Who funded him?

So you mean to say that if a CIA agent becomes rouge, he should be labelled “terrorist”?? and whichever country he hides in becomes “friend of terrorist”?? give me a break..

Besides, the involvement of ISI or PA in “helping” OBL and OBL’s death in the “mansion” in Abbottabad is yet to be confirmed.. its still word of mouth..

Please define what you think Islamic Ideology is…

3. Islamist terrorists either chased out of Pakistan or killed

I am giving you benefit of doubt here.. I’ll correct this for you.. not Islamist Terrorists but ALL terrorists…

Islamist ideology challenged as the hate speech that it is.

My friend.. you are so far away from truth that it hurts.. let me give you a suggestion.. implying that you are knowledgeable about something, without studying it will always make you look stupid.. Please study Islam to understand Islamic Ideology

4. What is the one accomplishment that is respected the world over? Yes, it's not anything vaguely Islamist, it's after all about achievement and respect, two values not associated with islamism

:) Do you know my friend that ALL of today’s scientific development is based on research done by Islamic scientists?? though, as usual you won’t accept it because it is against what you so ignorantly believe.. so I’ll refer to someone you MIGHT know:

Marquis of Dufferin and Ava said:
'It is to Mussulman science, to Mussulman art, and to Mussulman literature that Europe has been in a great measure indebted for its extrication from the darkness of the Middle Ages.' Link

If you want, I can dig in my books and bring out references of what Muslims and Islamic Ideology gave human kind (other than a comprehensive religion)..

Here’s another one.. Do you know that these days Banks all over the world are seeking help from Islamic banking laws to give stability to their “materialistic” banking system?? Which is ripping in pieces??

And do you know that “BIG Bang” which you just heard from scientists, has been mentioned in Qur’an 1400+ years ago??

No my friend.. you don’t.. because your total religious and general knowledge is based on what you see on CNN and BBC. You have never “bothered” to read your own history.. If you are a Muslim that is..

-- Alright then, since it's too taxing, allow me to assist -- the one accomplishment respected in every culture and in every society, by every human being is Material betterment –

Its not that tough but, I won’t go into discussion about this, I will ask you to sink yourself in assessing how many “materialistically sound” people are indulging themselves in the search of “spirituality”… they are jumping from religion to religion, sect to sect, group to group.. ending up accepting Islam.. why??.. because it gives moderate style of life.. equilibrium!..

Real men and women know that dignity is not about blowing up yourself and others

Can you show me ANY reference from Qur’an or ANY of Sahah-e-Sittah without taking it out of context, which justifies hurting one's own self, let alone blowing yourself or others?? If you can’t then don’t label it as Islamic Ideology..

rather, it's about creating value, worth and dignity through the material, the tangible - and this is where Pakistan must show real talent - and why not, after all, which Pakistanis (ok, we know which ones) OK, so most Pakistanis want a better material life and they know it is created by education and employment not hogwash imported from arabia and death and nihilism for all.

I agree that materialistic approach will help, but on the cost of becoming slaves? I doubt that Pakistanis would allow that.. In the next portion of your post, you are telling us nothing new.. education and employment is required.. and it is going down and touching dangerous levels in ALL the developed countries also, even UK is at its record low.. so its not ONLY Pakistan’s problem..

The bold part.. You do know the meaning of that right??

Peace (that’s Islam)
Point Proved:

No-one safe in Pakistan...Not even Osama Bin laden.

Everyone safe in Hindustan ...Even, Ajmal Kasab.

what about victims of samjhota express and mumbai attacks??, the criminals are not even arrested, just like gujrat massacre
Osama Bin Laden Videos Released by Government


Its just a video of an OLD GUY WITH BEARD watching television, flipping through channels (showing allegedly himself :P), not even stopping on any channel for more than 5 secs.. The rest of 4 videos where the face is clear.. DOES NOT SHOW the "mansion" walls.. :P

And has anybody noticed that the power shoe of television and Satellite receiver are connected to a power extension which is hanging on the wall.. A person who is living in "mansion" for 5 years should have a proper electricity wiring isn't it? :P

Now i know why that "mansion" was cordoned off couple of times few days later.. it was because PEOPLE had started asking questions :P

Interesting.. hmmm.. lets see what our esteemed liberal friends will say :P :P :P
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Interesting.. hmmm.. lets see what our esteemed liberal friends will say :P :P :P

our liberal friends are waiting for the right time, because they are in grief that musharraf which they supported by heart and soul have sold them out, also the army which they supported in waziristan war and drone attacks have also sold them out

you can observe the absolute silence in PDF now a days
what about victims of samjhota express and mumbai attacks??, the criminals are not even arrested, just like gujrat massacre

Not to worry about that...we are capable enough to take care of that...only thing I would like to tell you, today Pakistan is in such embarrassing situation all because of Pakistan's policy to give shelter to all criminal minded peoples…Pakistan think they are their strategic asset… Mind it Snake cannot be a strategic asset…
i think that there is 80% chance tht OBL is dead...and even if he is...i think that he knew about the US or there was some back channel communication....else....he is not mad that he is living for 5 years in there and has no escape route....after all he escaped tora bora from a whole army...this was only a few helis!!

Its just a video of an OLD GUY WITH BEARD watching television, flipping through channels (showing allegedly himself :P), not even stopping on any channel for more than 5 secs.. The rest of 4 videos where the face is clear.. DOES NOT SHOW the "mansion" walls.. :P

And has anybody noticed that the power shoe of television and Satellite receiver are connected to a power extension which is hanging on the wall.. A person who is living in "mansion" for 5 years should have a proper electricity wiring isn't it? :P

Now i know why that "mansion" was cordoned off couple of times few days later.. it was because PEOPLE had started asking questions :P

Interesting.. hmmm.. lets see what our esteemed liberal friends will say :P :P :P

I'm liberal, and I'd agree it looks nothing like him.

Liberals are more likely to accept things that are not spoonfed to them.
Watch from minutes:30:00 onwards...
News Beat ? 9h May 2011

M.Bashir, next-door neighbour to ALLEGED hide-out... saw everything lying down on his roof-top...

*First, One copter came & landed around 12 men on roof... & flew away & hovered over nearby mounts...

*Some of those soldiers came to his house knocked at door & yelled in Pashto NOT to come out of their house or they'll get shot,,,

*Then, that copter returned & 2 more copters showed up from 2 opposite directions & 1st copter landed & those 12 soldiers boarded back on it,,,

Other 2 copters NEVER landed,,, & just flew away...

*Then he & others came out of their houses & went inside the compound, & saw many body parts around wreckage of copter...

*Then Pak-Army showed up & also there was a "small" blast in wreckage of copter, both of which dispersed the crowd out of the compound...

NONE of the landed soldiers survived ,,, the ONLY copter that landed, blew-up & the other 2 stayed in the air... then HOW WAS THE BODY OF OSAMA TAKEN AWAY>>>>>>>>!!!!!!!!

What about US claim that none of their soldiers died,,, !!! May be she was right, those Pushto-speaking soldiers were NOT Americans after-all,,, they were Afghans...!!!
Even more they may be Pakistani, but the admn is not taking claim because it is not in our best interest.........
I'm liberal, and I'd agree it looks nothing like him.

Liberals are more likely to accept things that are not spoonfed to them.

I am a liberal too (in real sense of the word).. I hate both the extremes.. I am NOT in favor of what "terrorists" of BOTH sides are doing.. I use my own mind.. I am Happy that Osama chapter is closed (should have been closed LONG time ago when he died)..

Its just that these days in Pakistan "liberal" word is taken to be "madar pidar azaad" concept.. It has interchanged with concept of "socialism" dictated ONLY by WEST.. NO ONE should ask for answers??? just accept what THEY say??.. Sorry, i cannot do that..

I will keep asking questions, It is matter of MY country's PRIDE.. IF our Govt. is not asking questions then they are Traitors!!!!!!!!!!!
our liberal friends are waiting for the right time, because they are in grief that musharraf which they supported by heart and soul have sold them out, also the army which they supported in waziristan war and drone attacks have also sold them out

you can observe the absolute silence in PDF now a days

Broader scope of the current affairs depict that, first time in Pakistan’s history, PA tried to hand over total control of running the country, and taking decisions to Political Government and they screwed It up BIG TIME..

Now it has become a problem which cannot be resolved so easily.. the only way is to take a Solid stand and face the world “as a Sovereign State”.. Mistakes have been made, but can be rectified..

Again, the problem is current Govt (and “friendly” opposition) is composed of a selfish bunch of people and Traitors.. who should we look to??.. PA, If intertwined now, and took over the country, will only worsen the situation..

Its funny! These so-called liberals “hate” when PA takes over the country, they “cry” for Democratic Govt… but now when there is Democracy, they are asking for answers from PA and ISI???

All I can say is… LOL!
Watch from minutes:30:00 onwards...
News Beat ? 9h May 2011

M.Bashir, next-door neighbour to ALLEGED hide-out... saw everything lying down on his roof-top...

*First, One copter came & landed around 12 men on roof... & flew away & hovered over nearby mounts...

*Some of those soldiers came to his house knocked at door & yelled in Pashto NOT to come out of their house or they'll get shot,,,

*Then, that copter returned & 2 more copters showed up from 2 opposite directions & 1st copter landed & those 12 soldiers boarded back on it,,,

Other 2 copters NEVER landed,,, & just flew away...

*Then he & others came out of their houses & went inside the compound, & saw many body parts around wreckage of copter...

*Then Pak-Army showed up & also there was a "small" blast in wreckage of copter, both of which dispersed the crowd out of the compound...

NONE of the landed soldiers survived ,,, the ONLY copter that landed, blew-up & the other 2 stayed in the air... then HOW WAS THE BODY OF OSAMA TAKEN AWAY>>>>>>>>!!!!!!!!

What about US claim that none of their soldiers died,,, !!! May be she was right, those Pushto-speaking soldiers were NOT Americans after-all,,, they were Afghans...!!!

To help matters out.. Link please?
Not to worry about that...we are capable enough to take care of that...only thing I would like to tell you, today Pakistan is in such embarrassing situation all because of Pakistan's policy to give shelter to all criminal minded peoples…Pakistan think they are their strategic asset… Mind it Snake cannot be a strategic asset…

First of all, if you are blaming Pakistan, you need to support it with SOLID PROOFS.. I am still waiting for any single one..

Secondly, snake is a strategic asset for madari.. just like RAW is for CIA and MOSSAD..
i think that there is 80% chance tht OBL is dead...and even if he is...i think that he knew about the US or there was some back channel communication....else....he is not mad that he is living for 5 years in there and has no escape route....after all he escaped tora bora from a whole army...this was only a few helis!!
exactly (except for 80% which I believe that 100% - ignore time of his death). One thing which i found interesting that he was unarmed, when Seals pointed gun on him, he tried to pick his AK-47 and shot dead instantly. Now the interesting thing is, there was a lady on phone on some news channel after the day of operation, she told that she was sleeping when she and her family heard of some helis flying over their roof top. They were surprised to see those helis and came out from their room in the balcony to see what is happening around.
Now coming to OBL, bechara he was still unaware that something is happening, as he was still busy with his wife, he ignored all the voices, and jumped over for AK-47 when Seal was in his room pointing gun at him.
My salute for the story makers.
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