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Osama bin Laden may be in Parachinar: Report

Some U.S "experts" are very keen in getting into Pakistan, but they will never find Ossama Bin Laden inside Pakistan and if any country thinks they can easily invade Pakistani territory, they are crazy because Pakistan is no Afghanistan and Pakistan is no Iraq.

Pakistan is the only Muslim country with Nuclear Power and has the 5th largest military in the world. Pakistan has a very powerful army, navy, and air force.

The founder of Pakistan said that it is crucial for Pakistan to have a strong military or else Pakistan would be at the mercy of its aggressor.

bro....amerikka lost already to iraqi guys who wear one sandal and fire AKs. Their army was AWOL as soon as the US forces landed.

similar situation is impossible in Pakistan. Unlike these arab people, we are much more disciplined ---especially our military. With all the financial woes america is facing, they could never afford a war with our army --in which there are over 655,000 personnel plus another 180,000 reserves (me being one of them).

there is only one problem however......and it isnt even that america could support ********* to fight Pakistan ---because india themself admitted that they can ill-afford and are not capable of fighting a war against Pakistan.

But america still has the money to fund seperatist/ethnic nationalist groups, and/or fund the taleban indirectly (the way they may already be doing).

therefore, before we even talk logistics, or technicalities or talk about how professional our Joint Forces are (and believe me, we are well equipped) ---we need to first unite ourselves and set aside our religious/ethnic differences.

Pakistanis need a good *** kicking. A REALLLL good ***-kicking that will wake them up and realize that unity is most important.

What Pakistan needs is not a democracy. What fuckin democracy we have now.......What we need is a dictator. At least for the next 5-8 years.

One who restores national pride and who has charisma. One who will pay attention to the needs of the country and its people. Daily addressings to the nation....make the media more sensational. Fire people up a little bit!!!! Instead of a national assembly where our nut-case politicians can shout at eachother -our leader would make the final decisions (meaning he must have good judgement and Pakistan's interest in his/her heart).

We need to break up our provinces into smaller ones......and assign administrators/mayors to each small province. We need to emphasize WHY tax paying is crucial for the country. And the only way to do that is to make proper public services a reality --education being the most important of them all.

And Pakistanis need to start doing mandatory military service....regardless of wealth, or ethnicitiy or religion ----all men must do mandatory military service for at least 5-6 months. Promote the mixing of races and more exposure of one to the other.

and definately drag these mullas who spit their hatred ---drag them by their beards. We love Islam. We are fed up of these bearded un-educated illiterate whack-jobs hypocrites (who think more about sex and naked women more than anyone else) speaking on our behalf...

we are ripe for revolution........not a leftist revolution, because i hate socialism. But an ultra-nationalist revolution.

look me up in 5-10 years. We will start the PNM --Pakistan Nationalist Movement.

all of you get your head out of your ***** and realize we are at the cross-roads.

None of that's true. Had America stayed following the Soviet-Afghan war we'd today be very rightfully accused of neo-colonial ambitions. We had no prior history to Afghanistan and no continuing purpose. Our mistake was believing that Pakistan could lend a mature hand to ALL afghanis. That was a poor assumption on our part that's been the source of no end of misery around the globe.

Nice assumptive close on the OBL/CIA agent thingy. No-go. It's o.k., though. I'm tired of reading third-class conspiracy blogs and it wouldn't matter nor be important, really. Let's say you're correct. So? There's neither any crime nor sin committed by not reading the future. He's our enemy now and likely has been since the first WTC bombings in 1994. No shame if he was a CIA agent in Afghanistan and for good reasons fighting the Soviets.

But it's not true so it doesn't matter anyway. He neither needed us nor liked us. That's a recipe for avoidance which he pursued.

"Thusly, he had plenty of access to funds --until he lost his passport and his family dis-owned him..."

A terror king-pin who hasn't planned for a rainy day? Naw. Not this guy. Why do you think the cash-poor taliban let him back into Afghanistan from the Sudan?
Love your patriotism Abu Zolfiqar. Passionate Pakistanis like you are what we need, but could you refrain from terms like 'Bhindia' etc. - its considered derogatory on this forum.:)

Be as passionate as you like, just keep it civil. Looking forward to your contributions on the forum.

Also, what are your impressions about the role the Army played in the Parachinar violence between the Turri and Bangash recently? Was that a result of the Turri acting against the Taliban, and the Bangash getting drawn in, and was the Army initially in support of you, before it turned into a inter-Tribe conflict?
Love your patriotism Abu Zolfiqar. Passionate Pakistanis like you are what we need, but could you refrain from terms like 'Bhindia' etc. - its considered derogatory on this forum.:)

You can ask Kamran (Musulman) about how jazbaaty i can be on certain (sensitive) subjects. For that i do apologize. In retrospect i feel i could have been a bit more mature without using the abuse words.

Be as passionate as you like, just keep it civil. Looking forward to your contributions on the forum.

For sure man.....Inshallah.

Also, what are your impressions about the role the Army played in the Parachinar violence between the Turri and Bangash recently?

The army didnt play much of a role. Most of the army was guarding the Kohat tunnel since taleban wallas wanted to use it to get access to Kurram. The issue is that there was not enough role. Parachinarys were literally slaughtering and kidnapping eachother.

The taleban got some sympathy amongst the Bangash tribe. It got to the point where even firing one round from an AK (on either side) could provoke a HUGE battle. This isnt the first time that this has happened. Back in 2006 there was a war, and dozens were killed. The issue is not just sectarian extremism. Its also about water resources and allocation. Bangash and Turri place strong emphasis on agriculture ---for our own consumption, for export (Afghanistan, Iran etc.) and for sending to rest of Pakistan. It’s business.

We both rely on the Kurram river for our lives. And both sides have in the past fought over water allocations. But since the main difference between us is just a subtle difference in interpretation of Islam –the extremists on both sides have made the differences more pronounced. I used to chastize even our own Turris when they said ‘’Sunnis this’’ and ‘’sunnis that’’......huge lectures. The same way i would lecture a Bangash Sunni not to bring up religion. We are supposed to be united Muslims.

When push comes to shove --- the wars of Kurram were jahhalat in pure powder form. Nothing more nothing less....

The taleban are just opportunists....criminals....they are just a mafia. This isnt about Islam. This is about power vaccuum. For centuries these areas have not been under proper governance.

Decisions made in Islamabad must have more writ in all of FATA (and rest of Pakistan for that matter). Otherwise, we (people seeking unification) lose.

To get today ---Parachinaris are basically happy at any action taken to bring peace and business prospects. This does not go reported in the news, but Pakistani NGOs are actually very impressive. A lot is being done behind the scenes. World Bank is also under-taking lots of new projects.

Me and some members of my family did a presentation in front of members of the Turk chamber of commerce. Basically we are promoting Kurram as a safe place to set up operations and bring in investment to FATA. Much needed investment. Its too early to talk about it now. But i really hope to do my part and make more awareness and help do something. I’m no super-man though. We all need to work hard. We need to pressurize the govt. to stop f---ing around and improve public services ---in all the country.

Another positive step was during the Turk-Afghan-Pakistan Tri-Lateral summit last december.....many many people in Turkish community are interested in FATA. If Kurram can stay secure, its a damn good start. Once the security is there throughout FATA, it can be a win-win situation for all..

a lot of spotlight in the media about the region.......so people are realizing that stability in FATA and Afghanistan means stability in much of the region!!

Was that a result of the Turri acting against the Taliban,

Turri never acted directly against the taleban......But we have our ears wide open and can spot a suspicious foreigner from miles away. People talk a lot.

We usually either take up arms, or we report it to the agents or kurram militia forces or we have people who notify the administration (which then ideally contacts FC or other bodies). During the recent war, it was just villagers armed to the teeth.

Parachinar was just a battleground. Many Iranian arms coming in. Locals so paranoid that Shiia and Sunni pray in different masjids. Total total distrust and jahhalaat.

and the Bangash getting drawn in

the last draw was when they attacked our natural gas lines and electricity supplies.......then the Turris were really angry and fought the Bangash. We took over almost all of upper Kurram and a HUGE chunk of lower kurram. Tit for tat kidnappings etc.

There have been jirgas going on and basically theres a ceasefire. The Kohat tunnel is open so all the medical supplies and equipments are coming in. There’s an uneasy calm –but I think Turri and Bangash realize that taleban are a real danger to our well-being. We see what happens in Bajaur/Swat, Mohmand, Khyber etc. We dont want that crap going on over here.

Bangash are learning from the Salarzai tribe.....they were once #1 helper of taleban, and now the Salarzais are declared enemy of taleban. Salarzai really gave talebans a good ***-kicking on several occasions (as recently as last november i believe)

Inshallah the peace will be longer-lasting. Duw’wa karo bas. The biggest sign of a breakdown of social fabric is when brothers are killing eachother’!!!!

and was the Army initially in support of you, before it turned into a inter-Tribe conflict?

as i said earlier ----- there was hardly any awareness of the fighting until Rehman Malik started bringing it up in the media!!!! Army was busy engaging taleban after failed peace talks. Parachinar was on its own. But I think people across the board realize that Kurram has always been one of the most stable out of FATA. So we must try to keep it that way. Army has always been happy/impressed with Parachinar because many people of the FC and the Army came from our region. My father's cousin is a retired Brigadier General, for example. Cousin is currently a technician for PAF, based in Peshawar. etc. etc.

Bangash and Turris should just start marrying eachother and all this sectarian bullshit should be tossed in garbage. Its poison to our country. Pakistan has enough enemies outside!!!! We must all unite.

We need real leaders who can address these things, my friend :coffee:

p.s. while we are getting smeared in media ---- always remember that the best friends Pakistan has are China and Turkey.....pay close attention to these 2 countries and lets improve our ties even more than they are already.
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if u want my honest opinion, we need to

a.) make it law for ALL Pakistanis to register with NADRA by a certain date

and in doing so

b.) make military service (5-6 months) obligatory for all Pakistani males. No clever sneaky ways of getting out of it........

mix it up a little bit....If you live in Parachinar, you must report to academy in Okara. If you live in Karachi, report to duty in Peshawar. If you live in Lahore, report to duty in Quetta....etc. etc.

the point is to teach our youth to expose themselves to Pakistans rich ethnic diversity. Working together regardless of wealth, or ethnic/tribal/lingual differences.

u know what???? the turks do this.......and by God i have never seen such a united and patriotic people in my life. The unity via nationhood is a beatiful thing. Islam is a uniting factor, but nationhood is very very important

and i have taken a lot of heat from the conservatives because of my secular, nationalist views.....believe me!!! If only Musharraf was still around. He isnt popular where I come from, but I loved him then and I love him today. I miss him.

better yet ---- if only Jinnah lived MUCH longer!!!!!!!! We lost our country's founder at such a crucial and pre-natal stage.
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living in As-Sa3odeyya should be enough exposure for you.....

Brother , first thing we should consider ourself muslim not wahabee,shia,suuni,bralvi,deobandi etc ,God has given us name of muslim we should not devide us.

i dont need to explain....except with the taleban, they went the extra mile and started blowing up girls schools, beheading, and bombing left right and center.

(and and and......)

Talaban developed during Afghan war and trapped by Al Qaeda, they our muslim brother we should try to bring them on right track ,should not hate them other wise their is no chance of peace in FATA,SWAT and Afghanistan.

Local jirga system should me revived and shariah law which is demand of local tribes should be implemented.

garbage....read the book ''The Khyber Rifles'' (forgot the authors name)

britishers used to get beheaded and hung by poles......brigader generals used to find their cadets beheaded and with their dicks in their mouth (true story by the way)

the britishers were annexing the whole region and we put up resistance. I wont doubt that there were some political agents (bangash, turri, etc.) on britisher pay-roll --but for the most part we fought the brits fare and square!!

the same way our ancestors --including my great great great grandfather Nur 'Dur' Khan (later the settler and founder of Parachinar) slaughtered indians and helped capture the koh-e-nour for Nader Shah's army. Enough looting from bhindia to the point where no taxes on citizens were necessary! Pakistan wasnt even a country when Turris were regulating things.

whether they like us or not is irrelevant....every time a taleban or pro-taleban fighter engaged us or anyone in our village, we kicked the holy shıt out of them.

We still do. And we always will. We love our country, we love the land, we dont want these bearded assholes destabilizing it.

if there are taleban sympathizers on this website (in this day and age) who still call themselves patriots of Pakistan, then they need to undergo some mental therapy.

the only pro-taleban person i respect is Lt. Gen (retd.) Hamid Gül


Turri tribe belong to persia,settled in kurram area ,captured land from bunghahs and other puhtoon tribes, there is no doubt about it ,or you deny this historical fact.

There are no talaban in FATA and SWAT but due to army action local few groups invited them for support,so whole blame should not be given to talaban.
I think you're all missing the point about the Afghani Taliban.

They managed to control 90% of the country and impose some laws.

Now their actions on Shias, if true, was wrong, however, the Northern Alliance Hazara composition (which were Shia), also implemented a similar policy against the Sunnis. I don't believe the policies of either included extermination because both groups of people are still around. It was simple payback or blood letting to the victors.

So you see, both groups were as bad as each other, be they NA, Taliban, Shia, or Sunni. The difference was that the Taliban were able to bring 90% of Afghanistan under its control. Then came the Arabs into the equation.
i hate the northern alliance as much as taleban....

they arent even Afghans --they are mostly non-Pukhtuns who settled in the country to deal in war lords business......and they got money from indian

taleban are not my brothers.....they never will be. I can't allow myself to accept their wicked ideology. I can not.

And if i see one, chances are very high that my AK-47 will be aimed in his direction, with the safety off...unless he begged for mercy
i hate the northern alliance as much as taleban....

they arent even Afghans --they are mostly non-Pukhtuns who settled in the country to deal in war lords business......and they got money from indian

taleban are not my brothers.....they never will be. I can't allow myself to accept their wicked ideology. I can not.

And if i see one, chances are very high that my AK-47 will be aimed in his direction, with the safety off...unless he begged for mercy


You are not going to accept northren alliance that they are not pushtoons, your tribe is also from persia (turks ).

Please change your thoughts of hatred,nationalism,secterialism,because islam dont allow these evil thoughts.

Islam teaches us tolrence,brotherhood,Isar so please again review your thoughts and try to make in line with islamic teachings.

"...it was American/CIA who were blessing and showering him with weapons and cash --just like saudi wahhaby royal family."

This is confused and incorrect. It is because of-

1.) the American relationship with the House of Saud that Obama really learned to hate the United States government. He considers our presence in S.A. to be an abomination and,

2.) because of his anti-American feelings and considerable personal income, he neither desired/seeked a relationship nor needed cash from us.

It was this personal fortune that made so invaluable to the mujahideen and then, ultimately, the taliban.

Nonetheless, your sense of basic patriotism has been impressively displayed already. Your country needs young men as yourself now. I welcome you here.:)

And it was not an American hospital where OBL was treated for Kidney problem under CIA ?
@Abu Zolfiqar, waraich66

Would you two stop proving allegiance to Iran and Saudi Arabia ?
Why you think when someone talks against Shias it is against Iran and when someone talks against Sunnis it is against Saudi Arabia.
We both are Pakistanis and we should understand what Iran and Saudi Arabia did to us in then name of sectarian promotion. Both have played havoc with Pakistan and both have funded the opposite factions.

Now will you please discuss this funny claim by Americans.
@Abu Zolfiqar, waraich66

Would you two stop proving allegiance to Iran and Saudi Arabia ?
Why you think when someone talks against Shias it is against Iran and when someone talks against Sunnis it is against Saudi Arabia.
We both are Pakistanis and we should understand what Iran and Saudi Arabia did to us in then name of sectarian promotion. Both have played havoc with Pakistan and both have funded the opposite factions.

Now will you please discuss this funny claim by Americans.

You misunderstood ,i dont like sectorism is muslims and also not happy with Saudia and iran role for muslim unity.

OBL was supported by US and trained by CIA but now they are enemy of each other because of many reasons,

which we can discuss in this forum ,but i personally dont support them both are extremists and destroyed world peace.

You are not going to accept northren alliance that they are not pushtoons, your tribe is also from persia (turks ).

Please change your thoughts of hatred,nationalism,secterialism,because islam dont allow these evil thoughts.

Islam teaches us tolrence,brotherhood,Isar so please again review your thoughts and try to make in line with islamic teachings.


I don't think he has said anythign about Sunni's - he has criticized the Taliban, and rightfully so, and criticized the Bangash for assisting them initially, again rightfully so, considering how much chaos they have spread in Pakistan.

Criticizing the taliban is not sectarianism, they are not a 'sect', they are a criminal and terrorist group, and hopefully none of the tribes will support them in the future.
bro....amerikka lost already to iraqi guys who wear one sandal and fire AKs. Their army was AWOL as soon as the US forces landed.

similar situation is impossible in Pakistan. Unlike these arab people, we are much more disciplined ---especially our military. With all the financial woes america is facing, they could never afford a war with our army --in which there are over 655,000 personnel plus another 180,000 reserves (me being one of them).

there is only one problem however......and it isnt even that america could support ********* to fight Pakistan ---because india themself admitted that they can ill-afford and are not capable of fighting a war against Pakistan.

But america still has the money to fund seperatist/ethnic nationalist groups, and/or fund the taleban indirectly (the way they may already be doing).

therefore, before we even talk logistics, or technicalities or talk about how professional our Joint Forces are (and believe me, we are well equipped) ---we need to first unite ourselves and set aside our religious/ethnic differences.

Pakistanis need a good *** kicking. A REALLLL good ***-kicking that will wake them up and realize that unity is most important.

What Pakistan needs is not a democracy. What fuckin democracy we have now.......What we need is a dictator. At least for the next 5-8 years.

One who restores national pride and who has charisma. One who will pay attention to the needs of the country and its people. Daily addressings to the nation....make the media more sensational. Fire people up a little bit!!!! Instead of a national assembly where our nut-case politicians can shout at eachother -our leader would make the final decisions (meaning he must have good judgement and Pakistan's interest in his/her heart).

We need to break up our provinces into smaller ones......and assign administrators/mayors to each small province. We need to emphasize WHY tax paying is crucial for the country. And the only way to do that is to make proper public services a reality --education being the most important of them all.

And Pakistanis need to start doing mandatory military service....regardless of wealth, or ethnicitiy or religion ----all men must do mandatory military service for at least 5-6 months. Promote the mixing of races and more exposure of one to the other.

and definately drag these mullas who spit their hatred ---drag them by their beards. We love Islam. We are fed up of these bearded un-educated illiterate whack-jobs hypocrites (who think more about sex and naked women more than anyone else) speaking on our behalf...

we are ripe for revolution........not a leftist revolution, because i hate socialism. But an ultra-nationalist revolution.

look me up in 5-10 years. We will start the PNM --Pakistan Nationalist Movement.

all of you get your head out of your ***** and realize we are at the cross-roads.


Great post, I couldn't agree more with all of your points.
Especially on the leadership part and how our country should be run, I agree that Pakistanis as a whole need to wake up and realize that this is it, we can decide right now in which direction our country will head off, one of poor economic growth and unstability, or one of a more positive and stable one and where people will look up and recognize Pakistan as a strong nation.
I look forward on reading more of your posts Abu Zolfiqar! :tup:
@Abu Zolfiqar, waraich66

Would you two stop proving allegiance to Iran and Saudi Arabia ?
Why you think when someone talks against Shias it is against Iran and when someone talks against Sunnis it is against Saudi Arabia.
We both are Pakistanis and we should understand what Iran and Saudi Arabia did to us in then name of sectarian promotion. Both have played havoc with Pakistan and both have funded the opposite factions.

Now will you please discuss this funny claim by Americans.

i dont support sectarianism or tribalism etc. That was my whole point. I was just saying that northern alliance is no better than taleban. Some of them arent even Afghans

I dont have3 allegiances to Saudia or Iran. My nationality is Pakistani. Therefore my loyalties are with Pakistan.

and u dont need to remind me bro, about the games played by KSA and Iran in Pakistani soil. Learn about the history of Kurram Agency. It has been like that since even before cold war.

if things were my way, ******* would be united regardless of sect.

better yet ---- Muslims and non-Muslims were united. I dont believe in mixing religion with state. I believe in secularism and strong state institutions & services but maybe im living a wet-dream

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