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Osama bin Laden library for Pakistan religious school

The next library will probably be christened, 'Hafiz Saeed Library' followed by 'Mulah Omar Book Mall'!

Ok, jokes apart, will the government turn a blind eye to this? It is doubtful that the Pakistani state will do anything about it! And that's a pity.

if modi can be a choice in india, knowing that he is bigot terrorist, this is nothing compare to that...

no pun intended !
you truly deserve this
Being a faggot is not a crime. That cannot be an argument, come on.

if modi can be a choice in india, knowing that he is bigot terrorist, this is nothing compare to that...

no pun intended !
True. While Osama bin Laden is an elected candidate, Modi on the other hand is a blacklisted terrorist as named by UN.
The next library will probably be christened, 'Hafiz Saeed Library' followed by 'Mulah Omar Book Mall'!

Ok, jokes apart, will the government turn a blind eye to this? It is doubtful that the Pakistani state will do anything about it! And that's a pity.
I think it will. Osama was a guest of influential people in Pakistan and he was a major asset for the agencies. So I see no contradiction in this case of honoring him.
I see nothing wrong, its a private school so they can name anything they want. besides its a religious school.
Well he still was a great leader and this however proves that a western terrorist is no accepted as a terrorist everywhere. Even these indians refer a British terrorist Mangal Panday as their hero and British refer American Founder George Washington is Terrorist but for Americans he is a Hero.............

Anyways if USN can name an aircraft carrier after George W Bush who is accepted as a terrorist in Islamic World then they can also name just a Library after him.
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Well he still was a great leader and this however proves that a western terrorist is no accepted as a terrorist everywhere. Even these indians refer a British terrorist Mangal Panday as their hero and British refer American Founder George Washington is Terrorist by for Americans he is a Hero.............

Anyways if USN can name an aircraft carrier after George W Bush who is accepted as a terrorist in Islamic World then they can also name just a Library after him.
Get your facts right.
1) There is no aircraft carrier named after George W Bush.
2) Brits don't call George Washington a terrorist. The concept of terrorism had not even begun then, nor was that word used. GW led an army that waged an honorable war against another army. He did not smash horse carts into civilians. Terrorism and warfare are different things.

Just out of curiosity when in Poland a tourist goes to Auschwitz concentration camp for tourism...is it to honour of Hitler or in remembrance of the incident?
Holocaust Tourism: Visiting Auschwitz, the Factory of Death - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Just curious why 1 is labelled with black tape while the other is an income source!
So are you trying to pretend that this school library was named after Bin Laden in remembrance of the victims of the terrorist attacks? Really, how disingenious can you be in trying to live in denial?
There is a sister thread that asks for the solution to this problem. I copy my post from there.

SarthakGanguly said: ↑
Any institution that does not cherish opposing thoughts and opinions is bound to slide into radicalism. Madrassah is not the problem, neither is religious education. The problem arises when someone says - This is what God says and you have no right to question my interpretation.
This is relevant for India as well - because we have more of these, if I am not wrong.
@SarthakGanguly , you said it so right. I have earlier thought about introducing a subject human studies in Pakistan's schools here The Need For A New Subject ‘Human Studies’ In Pakistan’s Schools. | ahsanamin2999
May be some moderate clergy people can introduce a subject that talks about good conduct of our prophet towards others, good ethics, kindness, tolerance and forgiveness that can teach the religious students that even within the realm of our religion, outright hostility to other religions, and militancy towards innocent people of any religion or creed is wrong.

Pakistan religious school students vulnerable to radicalisation
Get your facts right.
1) There is no aircraft carrier named after George W Bush.
2) Brits don't call George Washington a terrorist. The concept of terrorism had not even begun then, nor was that word used. GW led an army that waged an honorable war against another army. He did not smash horse carts into civilians. Terrorism and warfare are different things.
Dude i think u need to study some history.
No but stores being named after Hitler isnt new in India, comparing one extreme to another extreme is retarded.
You will find stores related to Hitler in a Part of the world even in Europe see he is Part of history Historians and researcher's Will die for Study on Third Reich and Hitler character Mysteries
Nothing new in this news. We all ready know which section of Pakistan supports Bin Laden and terrorists who blow up schools and kill innocent civilians and soldiers.
Yet a school named itself after him...very strange people indeed :unsure:
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