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'Osama bin Laden is living in Washington': Ahmadinejad

Hey, PN, didn't you notice, you've gone way off topic? Which was Ahmedinejad's claims and thus his credibility as a speaker.
Nah screw Iran. We don't want them to have nukes. They will be a threat to Pakistan. And don't bring they are Islamic state into this. It is not in Pakistan's best interest for Iran to have nukes. They will destablize the region with nukes and this will create an arms race as the Arabs will want to have nukes too.

And no we don't support Iran in a future conflict with Isreal or U.S.A. You out of your mind?..... support Iran in a conflict with U.S.A., we are not going to bite the hand that is giving us money and military weapons.

you're making it sound like the arabs have the technical knowledge or the connections with rich uncles named sam to get nukes.

they can't even extract their oil without the white man and import bicycles for crying out loud, what makes you think they can make a nuke?

also, israel and the USAF both have paid propaganda agencies.
you're making it sound like the arabs have the technical knowledge or the connections with rich uncles named sam to get nukes.

they can't even extract their oil without the white man and import bicycles for crying out loud, what makes you think they can make a nuke?

also, israel and the USAF both have paid propaganda agencies.

This is the unfortunate truth, however harsh it may be. Saudi Arabia's sheiks offer lots of money for the latest and best stuff in the world, but they only get the 2nd best stuff. Compared to some neighboring areas KSA may seem all modern and whatnot, but it's lagging behind most of SE Asian countries (even the poor cities).

Contrary to media propaganda, the Iranian Regime is not insane ---> In that I mean the rulers of Iran make rationale decisions to benefit themselves and Iran. Iran (if) possessed Nukes would use it for deterrence not aggressive intentions. When this situation would change is when Iran becomes are relative regional-superpower. But with the presence of China, Russia, and to lesser degree India and Pakistan --- Iran will not achieve "relative regional superpower status".

Secondly, Iran would not pose a threat to the United States. Even with ICBM Iran would only have a limited number of bulky silo-based (and maybe a few road mobile) ICBM. But with Iran's bare terrain and lack of an underground network and lack of nuclear submarines capable of firing nukes, all of Iran will lay bare and naked before prying eyes, UAVs and satellites.
Nah screw Iran. We don't want them to have nukes. They will be a threat to Pakistan. And don't bring they are Islamic state into this. It is not in Pakistan's best interest for Iran to have nukes. They will destablize the region with nukes and this will create an arms race as the Arabs will want to have nukes too.

And no we don't support Iran in a future conflict with Isreal or U.S.A. You out of your mind?..... support Iran in a conflict with U.S.A., we are not going to bite the hand that is giving us money and military weapons.

If I was Pakistani I would honestly be saying the same thing as you. Nobody wants to see another nation become stronger by acquiring nukes.
But if you think arabs can figure out how to make nukes then you my friend are out of your mind. There are 300+ million arabs on this earth and yet, their total GNP is less than Nokia!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lets take Saudi Arabia. They are a country that is in the G20. They have enjoyed peace for decades. They have had an stable economy for decades. They haven't had a major population increase, nor is their population that big to hinder them in any way or form. They have never been under sanctions.
AND YET they import 98 percent of the stuff they consume, from cars to crackers. They even import engineers, teachers etc...
They can't set up a factory by them selves if their lives depended on it so how the hell are they going to make nukes???
That leaves foreign support.
Now tell me, why would any western country give them nukes when Saudi Arabia is the home of terrorism and extremism and more importantly why would they give them nukes when the Saudis already obey them 100%. Saudi Arabia needs the West more then West needs them. Arabs will sink to the bottom of the ocean after oil runs out and that is unfortunately a fact.
you're making it sound like the arabs have the technical knowledge or the connections with rich uncles named sam to get nukes.

they can't even extract their oil without the white man and import bicycles for crying out loud, what makes you think they can make a nuke?

also, israel and the USAF both have paid propaganda agencies.

haha damn, I didn't see your comment. We basically said the same thing. You would be shocked to know how much stuff they import from other countries. Even the most disgusting candies that people in Iran don't touch have arabic labels on them b/c they get exported to countries like Iraq, Saudi etc... Saudi Arabia is in the G20 for heaven's sake! How hard is it to produce engineers! You're never at war, your country is protected by uncle sam, you don't have any money problems, you have a stable economy :cheesy:
People over there just eat, sleep and shop 24/7
Does this qualify as an oxymoron??:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

but is invasion point without knowing the location is valid .. but if US did not do that ....it would have been a huge Slap on their credibility and even more on their capabilities!!!!

Actually by invading without evidence, especially the famed WMDs in Iraq...the US has suffered more than a slap on their credibility in the eyes of many people in the world.

The effect of every wrong does not manifest itself the very next year or so, rest assured there is a lot of trust building and confidence restoration US needs to do or it will certainly lose credibility in the eyes of its allies.
yeap, you're a fox news zombie alright
stopped reading right after you said the "wipe off the map" myth

When Ahmadinejad was speaking a translator by the name of Arash Norouzi translated his comment as "Israel should be wiped off the map" and American media couldn't be more glad. They know that this is the wrong translation but millions of people need convincing, people like you.
This was his comment.

"Imam ghoft een rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad."

That passage will mean nothing to most people, but one word might ring a bell: rezhim-e. It is the word "Regime", pronounced just like the English word with an extra "eh" sound at the end. Ahmadinejad did not refer to Israel the country or Israel the land mass, but the Israeli regime. This is a vastly significant distinction, as one cannot wipe a regime off the map. Ahmadinejad does not even refer to Israel by name, he instead uses the specific phrase "rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods" (regime occupying Jerusalem).

So this raises the question.. what exactly did he want "wiped from the map"? The answer is: nothing. That's because the word "map" was never used. The Persian word for map, "nagsheh", is not contained anywhere in his original Persian quote, or, for that matter, anywhere in his entire speech. Nor was the western phrase "wipe out" ever said. Yet we are led to believe that Iran's President threatened to "wipe Israel off the map", despite never having uttered the words "map", "wipe out" or even "Israel"

The full quote translated directly to English: "The Imam said this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time".

Word by word translation: Imam (Khomeini) ghoft (said) een (this) rezhim-e (regime) ishghalgar-e (occupying) qods (Jerusalem) bayad (must) az safheh-ye ruzgar (from page of time) mahv shavad (vanish from)
Haha! But surely Mr. Ahmedinejad is not a robot and can change statements from one press release to another, isn't it? Fox news is not the only news agency to have reported this. I don't think multiple sources can be called false.

The man has in the past been known to have threaten American task force in the Persian Gulf region of "severe consequences" only to next day give one line "good advices". As a Persian, you must know this.

Look, I know United States is not a big hero and an angel in everything it does and it also has bad points, such as the Iraq war. But simply blaming everything as American/Zionist conspiracy is not going to change Mr.Ahmedinejad and his government's international image from their numerous statements. His loose cannon antics have even proven to be a headache for those countries who argue in his favour and try to bail Iran out of a particular situation. You could use a bit of Google in-case you don't wish to trust me.

Besides, the massacre of Iranian people on the streets of Tehran after the recent presidential elections is not something that would make him or his cleric bosses being called "patriotic leaders". The news if only in print could have been called fabricated as a "American" conspiracy, but there are videos of the live shootouts that the Revolutionary Guards have done against unarmed civilians. If a government can be so ruthless against its own unarmed people, I shudder to think what it would be towards any country that it has a dislike for.
Haha! But surely Mr. Ahmedinejad is not a robot and can change statements from one press release to another, isn't it? Fox news is not the only news agency to have reported this. I don't think multiple sources can be called false.

The man has in the past been known to have threaten American task force in the Persian Gulf region of "severe consequences" only to next day give one line "good advices". As a Persian, you must know this.

Look, I know United States is not a big hero and an angel in everything it does and it also has bad points, such as the Iraq war. But simply blaming everything as American/Zionist conspiracy is not going to change Mr.Ahmedinejad and his government's international image from their numerous statements. His loose cannon antics have even proven to be a headache for those countries who argue in his favour and try to bail Iran out of a particular situation. You could use a bit of Google in-case you don't wish to trust me.

Besides, the massacre of Iranian people on the streets of Tehran after the recent presidential elections is not something that would make him or his cleric bosses being called "patriotic leaders". The news if only in print could have been called fabricated as a "American" conspiracy, but there are videos of the live shootouts that the Revolutionary Guards have done against unarmed civilians. If a government can be so ruthless against its own unarmed people, I shudder to think what it would be towards any country that it has a dislike for.

Again, i didn't read anything you said
the video is on youtube, go listen to it. Youtube has a close caption see if it works or show it to a Persian speaker.
until then I won't answer one thing to you cuz as far as I'm concerned you're an american zombie
If I was Pakistani I would honestly be saying the same thing as you. Nobody wants to see another nation become stronger by acquiring nukes.
But if you think arabs can figure out how to make nukes then you my friend are out of your mind. There are 300+ million arabs on this earth and yet, their total GNP is less than Nokia!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lets take Saudi Arabia. They are a country that is in the G20. They have enjoyed peace for decades. They have had an stable economy for decades. They haven't had a major population increase, nor is their population that big to hinder them in any way or form. They have never been under sanctions.
AND YET they import 98 percent of the stuff they consume, from cars to crackers. They even import engineers, teachers etc...
They can't set up a factory by them selves if their lives depended on it so how the hell are they going to make nukes???
That leaves foreign support.
Now tell me, why would any western country give them nukes when Saudi Arabia is the home of terrorism and extremism and more importantly why would they give them nukes when the Saudis already obey them 100%. Saudi Arabia needs the West more then West needs them. Arabs will sink to the bottom of the ocean after oil runs out and that is unfortunately a fact.

first things that comes to my mind is the movie Syriana

they supply the oil....the industrialized world supplies the contracts, the money. They do 'special favours' for the industrialized world while stealing out of their social programs, the industrialized world sells them over-priced jets and weapons

they never invest in their own economies, they keep the people content by providing state welfare. It's not a bad arrangement for the qaum, but its the most inefficient and corrupt system. It will keep them backwards.

By 'they' i refer mostly to the Persian Gulf; not the Fertile Crescent/Levent or North African Arabs.

actually, the Muslim world would be better served if (for a start) the Iranians and Saudis would mend their ways and learn to cooperate. Rest of Muslim world would follow I think. We'd be more independent in our thinking.

as for Bin Laden living in Washington, I'm sure he meant it symbollically, not literally. Washington did after all, help support him and train him and the fighters around him (as did we)

he's merely a legendary figure....a symbol. I think he's been dead for years.
first things that comes to my mind is the movie Syriana

they supply the oil....the industrialized world supplies the contracts, the money. They do 'special favours' for the industrialized world while stealing out of their social programs, the industrialized world sells them over-priced jets and weapons

they never invest in their own economies, they keep the people content by providing state welfare. It's not a bad arrangement for the qaum, but its the most inefficient and corrupt system. It will keep them backwards.

By 'they' i refer mostly to the Persian Gulf; not the Fertile Crescent/Levent or North African Arabs.

actually, the Muslim world would be better served if (for a start) the Iranians and Saudis would mend their ways and learn to cooperate. Rest of Muslim world would follow I think. We'd be more independent in our thinking.

as for Bin Laden living in Washington, I'm sure he meant it symbollically, not literally. Washington did after all, help support him and train him and the fighters around him (as did we)

he's merely a legendary figure....a symbol. I think he's been dead for years.

even if the 12th imam comes and begs the Iranian and Persian Gulf arab people we won't become allies. Our hate is the result of 4-5000 years of hatred and animosity and it has gotten worse with time.

For example last week an Iranian club was playing an Emarati club. From the start of the match people were chanting against arabs and badmouthing them. Yesterday a Saudi club was playing an Uzbekistani club and from the start of the match the saudis badmouthed Iranians even though it had nothing to do with the game or uzbekistan lol

there are many other videos where 100K fans are ripping the arabs a new *** hole but it has too much cussing in it.
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well, Nima joon.

People like you are the problem then. Learn to progress and move forward.

emotions always run high at football matches......just ask the wild drunk britisher fans
well, Nima joon.

People like you are the problem then. Learn to progress and move forward.

emotions always run high at football matches......just ask the wild drunk britisher fans

This is more than that. Iranians will forever remember what the barbaric arabs did in Iran. Millions died, all our temples and libraries were destroyed and they tried to exterminate the Persian culture just like they did to Iraq, Egypt, syria etc... If you're not speaking arabic it's b/c of the sacrifice of my ancestors.
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