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“Osama Bin laden is dead but the butcher of Gujarat lives and he is the PM of India.” Bilawal Bhutto Zardari

who did genocide of his own people both hindus and muslins in millions in East Pakistan.

that never happened..

it is only an indian story

Rss must be associated with nazis globally. Indian govt and ministers should be reffered to as nazis on all global forums. Even those who disagree today will start to understand.

agree RSS hindus and thier supporters are scums.. however we have a lot of garbage in our back yard
making personal derogatory comment against the current chief of India who has the full authority and power to take any decision with regards to relationship with Pak is abosolutely uncalled for and undiplomatic by key position holder in Pak..this will just ensure no peace talks for another next 10 yrs at least as he is on the path to remain the longest PM of India...
Factzz my man

IK and PPP always respond to Indians in their language, its the PMLN people who are low-key cucks

:lol: You people lie and call them facts. All parties whether NS / PPP or IK HAD to go tough on India at some point. Because if you showed your money stealing / corruption habits with respect to India, your political career would be over. Not to mention daddy's BOOT up some rears! And IK's in that list! Somehow we are "fooled" to believe he's some God send. His politics have reduced the name of God from lives as the entire country's been a victim of a propaganda war. Soon it will end.

making personal derogatory comment against the current chief of India who has the full authority and power to take any decision with regards to relationship with Pak is abosolutely uncalled for and undiplomatic by key position holder in Pak..this will just ensure no peace talks for another next 10 yrs at least as he is on the path to remain the longest PM of India...

Calling a state "epic center of terrorism" isn't? When we just handed proofs of your involvement in various attacks inside Pakistan killing our men, women and children? You plat stupid games, you win stupid names and prizes. How about your country fixes it's human rights record AND disassociate yourselves from Hitler's "SS"? Where did the sivastika come from? Hitler took it from Sanskrit battles of old times and RSS took the entire finalized version of Hitler's "SS"!! Respect humanity!
making personal derogatory comment against the current chief of India who has the full authority and power to take any decision with regards to relationship with Pak is abosolutely uncalled for and undiplomatic by key position holder in Pak..this will just ensure no peace talks for another next 10 yrs at least as he is on the path to remain the longest PM of India...

Actually, Its the Pakistani reply to recent Indian bullying loud and clear.

Your EAM jay Shankar wrongly thought himself some magician with words and thought since India enjoys a strong economic and diplomatic position recently, while Pakistan descends into deep, he (india) can get the liberty to pin Pakistan whenever and wherever it wants, I was listening his "Tiyaonn, Tiyaooon" against Pakistan on various forums through various twitter accounts every now and then. Now he is foolishly silent after gets his prime minister humiliated at world stage by a teen.

Pakistan message was and is clear whatever happened to us doesn't matter, "if we had to just lives on grass we can do it even to thousand years but will never ever let Hindu India to grow outside its Aukat which we deems fit". I don't know why its difficult for thick Indian skull to gets this message in its true sense. We are repeatedly saying and demonstrating it over the past 75+ years that what we say is what we means. Don't push us into corner, you will regrets.

Now takes the recent dose and behaves.
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making personal derogatory comment against the current chief of India who has the full authority and power to take any decision with regards to relationship with Pak is abosolutely uncalled for and undiplomatic by key position holder in Pak..this will just ensure no peace talks for another next 10 yrs at least as he is on the path to remain the longest PM of India...

1. Yes, No One Killed Jessica and Bilkis Bano wasn't gang-raped by those 11 "sanskaari" Brahmans who also didn't smash her three-year-old daughter's head with a stone therefore Pragati Purush Modi jee was totally right in releasing those 11 "sanskaari" Brahmans permanently from jail on India's Independence Day this year. Well, they were off and on from jail on parole all those years and going about molesting women while on parole so I must agree with Modi jee to release them in permanance.

2. Personal derogatory comments... "Didi, o Didi" as said lovingly about Mamata by Modi jee :

Or Modi jee's constant "Miyan Musharraf" during his times as chief minister of Gujarat to describe Gujarat's Muslims and Muslims in general.

Or you Hindutvadis using "Pappu" to describe Rahul Gandhi.

Or Modi jee saying this about Rahul's mother and also about Shashi Tharoor's wife :

3. Did I give you the right, Mr. Johny D, to speak on my behalf by including me as those those Indians who lub Modi jee, chant Namo Namo ? Modi is not the PM of India but only of Hindutvadis around the world. His people just last December in Haridwar called for immediate genocide of two million Muslims and subsequent Dharam Sansads called for similar about Christians and Communists and your Pragati Purush said nothing, did nothing. Those psychos who gave those speeches in Haridwar were seen laughing with the senior police officer who had not come to take them away in chains but had come to "deliver summons" but they in turn had submitted their own petition as if they had been wronged :rofl: and one of them, Yati, said "this boy is of course on our side" :

And what about the 670 farmers who died in the Delhi farmers protests of 2020-21 ? They died protesting not because some massive lighting strikes happened precisely on their protest sites but because Pragati Purush Modi jee stubbornly refused to listen to their demands and as they sat in that sun, cold and other elements of the environs they died of various causes which they wouldn't have if they were in their villages, having no cause to protest. And Modi government refused to provide monetary compensation for those deaths and build a memorial in their name because the government said "We don't have record of the deaths". No One Killed jessica.

No One Killed Jessica also about Indian and international experts saying that four million excess deaths happened during the fury of Corona as against the government giving a total count of 531,000 deaths only. And during the Corona times when people were dying of government mismanagement and moral corruption of not building hospitals, not providing free and committed oxygen and not providing free medicine and people had to desperately run to the illegal market to pay exhorbitantly for the medicines and oxygen machines after mortgaging their houses, selling jewelry and selling livestock your dear Modi jee who you outrage on behalf of because of Bilawal's undeniable statement, that same Modi jee was busy building his new PM palace about which the AITMC's Yashwant Sinha said :

And this girl is desperate for donations from the public of India and outside to get her face rectified because not only it is disfiguring but may lead to her face poisoning and cause slow death but Pragati Purush Modi jee refuses to provide her free treatement because everything in 3000-year-old largely Hindutvadi India must be given only if money is given in return else you can die, that's your total wish, however, Modi jee declared "Mandir waheen banayengay" and has enabled for 1800 crores of Indian citizens' money towards the construction of Ram Mandir in Ayodhya. So the construction of a stone idol that cannot speak or feel and is powerless otherwise is being given total priority and resources and towards the construction of its protective building but this human girl is being left to die slowly. Wah re mera desh :

You want me to go on, Mr. Johny D ? Stop outraging on behalf of people you should be outraged against. Either you are with anti-human Modi or with humanity. Choose.
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1. Yes, No One Killed Jessica and Bilkis Bano wasn't gang-raped by those 11 "sanskaari" Brahmans who also didn't smash her three-year-old daughter's head with a stone therefore Pragati Purush Modi jee was totally right in releasing those 11 "sanskaari" Brahmans permanently from jail on India's Independence Day this year. Well, they were off and on from jail on parole all those years and going about molesting women while on parole so I must agree with Modi jee to release them in permanance.

2. Personal derogatory comments... "Didi, o Didi" as said lovingly about Mamata by Modi jee :

Or Modi jee's constant "Miyan Musharraf" during his times as chief minister of Gujarat to describe Gujarat's Muslims and Muslims in general.

Or you Hindutvadis using "Pappu" to describe Rahul Gandhi.

Or Modi jee saying this about Rahul's mother and also about Shashi Tharoor's wife :

3. Did I give you the right, Mr. Johny D, to speak on my behalf by including me as those those Indians who lub Modi jee, chant Namo Namo ? Modi is not the PM of India but only of Hindutvadis around the world. His people just last December in Haridwar called for immediate genocide of two million Muslims and subsequent Dharam Sansads called for similar about Christians and Communists and your Pragati Purush said nothing, did nothing. Those psychos who gave those speeches in Haridwar were seen laughing with the senior police officer who had not come to take them away in chains but had come to "deliver summons" but they in turn had submitted their own petition as if they had been wronged :rofl: and one of them, Yati, said "this boy is of course on our side" :

And what about the 670 farmers who died in the Delhi farmers protests of 2020-21 ? They died protesting not because some massive lighting strikes happened precisely on their protest sites but because Pragati Purush Modi jee stubbornly refused to listen to their demands and as they sat in that sun, cold and other elements of the environs they died of various causes which they wouldn't have if they were in their villages, having no cause to protest. And Modi government refused to provide monetary compensation for those deaths and build a memorial in their name because the government said "We don't have record of the deaths". No One Killed jessica.

No One Killed Jessica also about Indian and international experts saying that four million excess deaths happened during the fury of Corona as against the government giving a total count of 531,000 deaths only. And during the Corona times when people were dying of government mismanagement and moral corruption of not building hospitals, not providing free and committed oxygen and not providing free medicine and people had to desperately run to the illegal market to pay exhorbitantly for the medicines and oxygen machines after mortgaging their houses, selling jewelry and selling livestock your dear Modi jee who you outrage on behalf of because of Bilawal's undeniable statement, that same Modi jee was busy building his new PM palace about which the AITMC's Yashwant Sinha said :

And this girl is desperate for donations from the public of India and outside to get her face rectified because not only it is disfiguring but may lead to her face poisoning and cause slow death but Pragati Purush Modi jee refuses to provide her free treatement because everything in 3000-year-old largely Hindutvadi India must be given only if money is given in return else you can die, that's your total wish, however, Modi jee declared "Mandir waheen banayengay" and has enabled for 1800 crores of Indian citizens' money towards the construction of Ram Mandir in Ayodhya. So the construction of a stone idol that cannot speak or feel and is powerless otherwise is being given total priority and resources and towards the construction of its protective building but this human girl is being left to die slowly. Wah re mera desh :

You want me to go on, Mr. Johny D ? Stop outraging on behalf of people you should be outraged against. Either you are with anti-human Modi or with humanity. Choose.
Sir, I am not pro modi, my hatread for him is out of scope in this context where my contention is key position holder in pak should not have made such personal comment agiainst the sitting PM of India who in my opinion is second most powerful Indian PM after Indiraji...he has the authority and power and such comment could adversaly affect the peace process....i personally want peace with Pak so that we can focus only on China..
Political stunt of baby zardari to divert attention from failure of military Inc to protect Pakistan from surge in terrorism.
بنیے کا بیٹا گرتا ہے تو کچھ دیکھ کر ہی گرتا ہے۔
Sir, I am not pro modi, my hatread for him is out of scope in this context where my contention is key position holder in pak should not have made such personal comment agiainst the sitting PM of India who in my opinion is second most powerful Indian PM after Indiraji...he has the authority and power and such comment could adversaly affect the peace process....i personally want peace with Pak so that we can focus only on China..

1. Nice to read that you are not pro-Modi and that you want peace with Pakistan but just because Modi is the prime minister of India shouldn't mean he cannot be condemned for what he did or enabled and has been doing which I listed. If Indians have done anything against humanity they should be called out regardless of their political, social and socio-economic position. We shouldn't be nationalist but humanist. :)

In 2003 when USA government and its allies were about to invade Iraq for the second time ( the first time having resulted in the deaths of 500,000 children just by 1996 ) the American government got the then PM of India, Vajpayee of BJP to get 17,000 Indian army soldiers ready to deploy to Iraq in support of that illegal, imperialist, murderous, anti-human invasion. This Indian contingent would have been the second-largest after the American.

Those 17,000 Indians didn't go not because of any awakening of conscience in the prime minister of India or in the establishment but because of protests by opposition parties and in civil society on the streets. The invasion happened nonetheless led by Bush jr and B'liar. In the first hours of the invasion the American military did the "Shock and Awe" firing of 1000 cruise missiles on various cities in Iraq. The American military continued to use depleted uranium bullets and shells on Iraqis which caused this then and continues to cause :

There are more graphic pictures which you can find through the keywords "iraq cancer depleted uranium".

A country that had continued to have a welfare system despite the Western government sanctions since the 1990-91 invasion was now destroyed much more widely with more than a 1.4 million deaths between 2003 and 2011 as a result of the invasion directly, the subsequent occupation and its destabilizing effects. What was all this genocide for ?

In 2011 the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission established by Mahathir Mohamad as an alternative to the NATO-affiliated International Criminal Court in The Hague, found George Bush jr and Tony B'liar guilty of committing crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide against Iraq. A further consideration was about the notorious tortures that the American military did in the Abu Ghraib jail near Baghdad and towards this more members of the American government were trialled :
The second charge is for Crime of Torture and War Crimes against eight citizens of the United States and they are namely George W Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Alberto Gonzales, David Addington, William Haynes, Jay Bybee and John Yoo. wherein:

The Accused persons had committed the Crime of Torture and War Crimes, in that: The Accused persons had wilfully participated in the formulation of executive orders and directives to exclude the applicability of all international conventions and laws, namely the Convention against Torture 1984, Geneva Convention III 1949, Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the United Nations Charter in relation to the war launched by the U.S. and others in Afghanistan (in 2001) and in Iraq (in March 2003); Additionally, and/or on the basis and in furtherance thereof, the Accused persons authorised, or connived in, the commission of acts of torture and cruel, degrading and inhuman treatment against victims in violation of international law, treaties and conventions including the Convention against Torture 1984 and the Geneva Conventions, including Geneva Convention III 1949.

So from 2011 on, Bush jr, B'liar and the others are on an international arrest warrant pending justice.

Now if Vajpayee had gotten India into all this illegal and anti-human invasion he would also have been put on trial by this war crimes commission along with the Indian army planners and the commanders who would have been present in Iraq assisting in the genocide. Would you have liked that ? That predicament and national shame and participation in genocide ? :)

And this is from just three days ago, an American outgoing parliamentarian, Andy Levin, though a staunch American establishment person expressed dislike for Modi and for Modi's people's committed plan for Hindu Rashtra :
India is facing the danger of becoming a Hindu nationalist state, Andy Levin, an outgoing Democratic Congressman, said on Thursday.

Describing himself as a “lifelong human rights advocate,” the 62-year-old Congressman, in his last speech on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives, said the U.S. has had more success in human rights, although the situation was dire in many parts of the world.

“I have been a vocal advocate for human rights in places like India, which is in danger of becoming a Hindu nationalist State rather than a secular democracy, the world's largest democracy,” alleged Mr. Levin, who represented the ninth Congressional District from Michigan. In the next Congress, it will be represented by Lisa McClain of the Republican Party.

“I am a lover of Hinduism, a lover of Jainism, Buddhism and other religions that were born in India, but we need to protect the rights of all people there. Whether they're Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Christians, Jains,” Mr. Levin, said.

The Congressman also highlighted some other countries, including Egypt where he said thousands of political prisoners were languishing in jail.

“Let me mention just a few highlights. The House passed my bipartisan resolution condemning the coup in Burma (Myanmar) and we have continued oversight of the very troubling human rights situation there as well as the inspiring efforts of the Burmese people to resist repression,” he said.

“Indeed, my first foreign trip as a congressman was to Bangladesh to visit Rohingya refugees just over the border from Burma there,” Mr. Levin said.

During a special Congressional briefing titled “India’s Brutal Persecution of Kashmir,” organised by multiple human rights groups, including the Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC), on April 20, Mr. Levin had called for international attention on the issue.

“While Kashmir may not be in the nightly news, what's happening there deserves the world's attention, and it's still a prime example of how Prime Minister Modi is taking India in the wrong direction in terms of human rights and democracy,” Mr. Levin alleged. He is a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and is vice chair of the subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, Central Asia, and non-proliferation.

During another Congressional briefing organised by IAMC last year, Mr. Levin had expressed concern over religious freedom in India.

“The India of (Prime Minister) Narendra Modi today is not the India I fell in love with,” he said.

“Why would I be so critical and so publicly critical of a country that I love? The answer is it is because I love India that I am committed to ending these attacks on its people. It is because I am so passionate in my support for the vibrant democracy I came to know as a young man, that I want to see that democracy flourish for generations to come,” Mr. Levin said.

Following his defeat in the Democratic primary, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi described him as a skilled legislator, a valuable leader and a proven fighter for working people.

“Our House Democratic Caucus is deeply grateful for Congressman Levin’s service, and we will miss his leadership in the House,” Ms. Pelosi said.

She said public service was in “Levin’s DNA” and that he served as a powerful champion of American workers and working families.

“On the House Committee on Education and Labour, his passion for economic justice and an unwavering commitment to strengthening America’s labour movement shone through in all of his legislative efforts. He brought to the House Foreign Affairs Committee an unwavering commitment to ensuring America stands as a global force for peace and human rights,” Ms. Pelosi said.
Will you now denounce this American politician too like you did for Bilawal ? :) What is wrong is wrong, whether an Indian did it or Cuban.

2. Again, it is fantastic that you desire peace with Pakistan but you need not fear that Bilawal's statement against Modi will make Modi abandon peace efforts with Pakistan because that will never begin in the first place. Here is Amit Shah declaring "No peace with Pakistan" in October when Bilawal hadn't said anything against Modi :
By Himanshu Mishra: Union Home Minister Amit Shah ruled out holding talks with Pakistan and vowed to wipe out terrorism from Jammu and Kashmir. Addressing a massive rally in Baramullah, Amit Shah said terrorism in J&K has claimed 42,000 lives since the 1990s.

“Those who ruled for 70 years are saying talk to Pakistan. Why should we talk to Pakistan? We will not talk. We will talk to the people of Baramulla, we will talk to the people of Kashmir,” Amit Shah said.

“We want to make Jammu and Kashmir the most peaceful place in the country,” he added.

The Union minister also tore into the families of the Abdullahs (National Conference), Muftis (PDP) and Nehru-Gandhi (Congress) for the alleged underdevelopment of Jammu and Kashmir as they ruled the erstwhile state most of the time since the country's independence in 1947.

“Mehbooba Mufti and Farooq Abdullah built four medical colleges. We have built nine since 2014. We have built one lakh houses since 2014. We have ensured, in the last three years, that all villages in Kashmir (including villages in Azad Kashmir) have electricity connection," Amit Shah said.

A day earlier, Home Minister Amit Shah declared in Rajouri that the Pahari community would soon get reservations in education and jobs as Scheduled Tribe (ST). In Baraullah, Amit Shah said the reservation was not possible earlier due to Article 370.

On elections in Jammu and Kashmir, the Union minister said as soon as the work of compiling the voters' list is completed, elections will be held with full transparency.

3. About what Indian citizens could do about engaging in peace with not the Pakistani establishment but with the Pakistani citizens is support efforts like Aman Ki Asha.

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