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“Osama Bin laden is dead but the butcher of Gujarat lives and he is the PM of India.” Bilawal Bhutto Zardari

I didn't know such a "Bhutto" even exists nowadays!!! Now that Bajwa is gone the Pak leaders are slowly returning to the Siyaset in its true sense....

What a magnificent choice of words and meticulous way of delivery!! The taunting in his tone has slapped the cow-dung onto the face of the Hindutva Indians who shamelessly want to portray themselves as civilized folks....
he’s just like his grandfather. Fabulous speeches. But in reality their the biggest enemy of the country and people
actions speak louder than words. You call him butcher of Gujarat while helping them by stopping mujahids on loc and dismantling their networks.
Are you actually upset that your state does the bare minimum to keep up appearances that it fights “terrorism”?

Pakistan is already one of the biggest players in global terrorism. I guess it makes sense for you guys (as members of the public) to get rid of all pretence.
It’s got the Indians riled they’re burning Pakistani flags & bhuttos effigy on the news along with sexy deepika and the Pathan getting abused .

Looks good on the western media for Pakistan shoeing India’s hate for muslims and putting Gujarat back into the spotlight .

Well spoken young man .
Guys and Gals, you like Bilo or not due to your political affiliation but here he has hit the nail right on the head. He is on the mark - 10 out of 10...
You guys accuse him of butcher of Gujarat and yet you invite him to attend your PM daughters wedding.
Get your facts straight.

So bilawal has officially submitted his resume to GHQ. Sorry but no amount of words will absolve him or his party of the crimes committed against citizens of Pakistan.
Personally I think Bilawal Bhutto is too young for politics.

However he is right, the murderer of Gujarat is the leader of India.
Western high profile journalists and politicians talk about bringing Putin to the Hague for war crime trials. For initiating high level war in Ukraine.

When will the world bring US leaders to the Hague for war crime trials? For their wars in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq? They created their own excuses as Putin has. Some excuses are worth more than others but still. Certainly it seems the US excuses for those three alone are simply jokes compared to Putin's which is already weak. The wrongful killings by western soldiers are no less offensive and punishment worthy. Perhaps even more if anything.

Modi and his war crimes? Well compared to the higher profile wars run by the west over decades, I think the world is far from bringing Modi to the spotlight and any sense of justice. The west are filled with self serving clowns who are good at putting on a mask of deceit.
Western high profile journalists and politicians talk about bringing Putin to the Hague for war crime trials. For initiating high level war in Ukraine.

When will the world bring US leaders to the Hague for war crime trials? For their wars in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq? They created their own excuses as Putin has. Some excuses are worth more than others but still. Certainly it seems the US excuses for those three alone are simply jokes compared to Putin's which is already weak. The wrongful killings by western soldiers are no less offensive and punishment worthy. Perhaps even more if anything.

Modi and his war crimes? Well compared to the higher profile wars run by the west over decades, I think the world is far from bringing Modi to the spotlight and any sense of justice. The west are filled with self serving clowns who are good at putting on a mask of deceit.
Haha the Afghan Taliban kicked USA's asses in Afghanistan. It will be passed down for generations.

Haha the Afghan Taliban kicked USA's asses in Afghanistan. It will be passed down for generations.

Doesn't excuse the war crimes of US, UK, Australian soldiers killing for fun and unnecessarily against non armed combatants or in many cases against civilians. Even killing surrendered and unarmed combatants is a war crime. They have done far, far worse than just that.

Despite Taliban winning the war waged by the US, what I am referring to are separate things. Putin is no more a war criminal than Nixon, Johnson, Bush junior, Cheney, Obama, Trump. Any US president overseeing either of those three wars are war criminals by the same measure and logic of Putin being a war criminal which technically Putin is and Zelensky too. Their troops have performed war crimes. But it can be said that Ukraine is defending therefore well...

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