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Option's for PAF ?

that is merely $1.2 billion/ year.
Except that's pretty much the entire annual PAF CAPEX budget so for a good 5-7 year period the PAF would be able to afford next to no new equipment outside of those you have stipulated.
a huge deal which matches the $20+ billion deal of India for128 Rafales, minus $13 billion.

hahah such a long winded way of saying $7 billion, I like that :rofl::rofl:

F35 lightening 2 or C ... And do you think we will go for F35 ?
It is a distinct possibility, especially if this is the condition the US place on the transfer of the EMALS tech to India.

But we have Rafale supply line why can't we use it . Rafale at sea will be very versatile platform . Ton time better than F18 or Mig 29

Much better than the F-18 SH and MiG-29K but that is not who you have to benchmark the Rafale-M against. The INS Vishal will be in service by 2023-5 and thus the air wing will have to be in service by that date, these birds would have to serve for 30 years in the IN and although they will be lethal for the first decade or so in the IOR and beyond once the F-35's issues are sorted out and the PLA(N) have sorted out their issues vis a vis naval aviation and their faith gen tech has come alone to maturity the Rafale-M will be seriously less potent.

For the INS Vishal the IN needs to be looking at a next gen platform and by process of elimination the F-35C only candidate.

HOWEVER, a Rafale-M purchase would make a lot of sense if they were as a stop gap for the N-AMCA but for this the IN would need to get on board with the AMCA project pretty much now.

Besides PAF has much better pilots so I think it will be a very fair fight.
And there it is, that old chestnut...........
Except that's pretty much the entire annual PAF CAPEX budget so for a good 5-7 year period the PAF would be able to afford next to no new equipment outside of those you have stipulated.

hahah such a long winded way of saying $7 billion, I like that :rofl::rofl:

If that was the case, how come Pakistan is investing much more than that right now in submarines, AH-1Z vipers, 4 more P-22/23 and more.
Do not expect Pakistan to come and tell you, hey guys this is how much I have got.

The $7 billion was mentioned in the preceding paragraph, these were comparison calculations...:o:
Your Birader mulk has Typhoons and other advanced hard ware, why worry when you are helping them in their need and they will return a favor I guess.
If that was the case, how come Pakistan is investing much more than that right now in submarines, AH-1Z vipers, 4 more P-22/23 and more.
Because it is not Pakistan that is footing the bill for any of these (except the F-22?).
Solution is simple.

Make war impossible with a large nuclear stockpile, a long range land based missile system, and a second strike capability from sea or air.

Thus making the result of war a total catastrophe and nothing short of it.
See, war between the two nations are inevitable. If war broke up today it's not for conquering it's for scoring points and make some damage that's all.

This kind of war can breake up between the big dinosaurs tday without using nukes! so a possibility of war between Pakistan and ndiia can be happen any tme.
We need 4 Squadrons of either J-11 C or J-10 B
It's not a big concern. Just because those rafales will arrive in India, doesn't mean they'll become operational over night.
Because it is not Pakistan that is footing the bill for any of these (except the F-22?).
Then you should assume in that case that the same ones who are footing the bill now will foot it in the future, if it is not Pakistan itself.
I have heard in some recent news that the tax revenues of 2014 alone amounted to $9 billion from which $6 billion was allocated to these deals.
I have heard in some recent news that the tax revenues of 2014 alone amounted to $9 billion from which $6 billion was allocated to these deals.
Tax revenues from what?

It's not a big concern. Just because those rafales will arrive in India, doesn't mean they'll become operational over night.
True, it will take at least 2 years after they are delivered in India for them to be declared fully operational by the IAF because that is how long it takes TACDE to create the full combat doctrines for a new fighter type's employment within the force, the same was the case with the MKI (and every other new fighter type inducted in the IAF's modern history).
One of our customer bought a laboratory equipment from chinese made which is a copy cat of standard branded equipment, later found to be a junk which works only 2 years on a junk software.This is the standard of chinese product.
My freind again I'm not Chinese neither Indian I say what I read.

It's the biggest falilure to any nation when it thinks that it's enemy or opponent are inferior that's just the way of lazy people thinking.
I think Pakistan will wait till the first Rafale actually lands in India and then order from the China accordingly: J-10B and/or J-31.

In the meantime, Pakistan will try and grab as many F-16s from around the world as possible like the Mirage acquisition of the 1990s.
It's not a big concern. Just because those rafales will arrive in India, doesn't mean they'll become operational over night.

They are not arriving anytime soon either. Our Indian friends are jumping with joy on a mere statememt. Reminds me of their joy when MMRCA program was first announced. How many years was that again?
PAF should buy nothing now as the IAF already has a big advantage over Pakistan in 4th generation combat aircraft
- 125 for PAF compared to around 370 for IAF. An extra 36 Rafale would not really alter the balance of power that radically.

What the PAF should focus on is saving it's funds to start buying the 5th generation J-31, when China is ready to deliver to PAF from 2020 onwards. This fighter, even if equipped with the WS-13A engine, would totally outclass anything India would possess and a few squadrons would terrify the IAF.
China will extend help, Pakistan don't have to worry. Sometimes numbers matters, quality is important as well.

J-31 would be available for PAF from 2020 that is certain.

It would take 10 years for India to get all it's Rafale's.
When they fully deply those 200 Rafale , CHina will have at least 100 plus J20 in service.

They are not arriving anytime soon either. Our Indian friends are jumping with joy on a mere statememt. Reminds me of their joy when MMRCA program was first announced. How many years was that again?
No matter how they jump and down, they are no match for China+Pakistan.
By the time India will be having 'made in India Rafales' most of the countries including Pakistan and India too will be giving orders for 5th generation procurement. So having such planes in huge numbers will be waste of money for Indians especially when they have Su30s in formidable quantity. India seriously would had been better of to have these planes for the period of 2010-2020.

Pakistan on the other hand should keep their concentration on updating their JF17s and for the attack jets try to deal with US for block 52/60 F-16s . Anything around 4 new squads of adv. F16s will keep Indians at bay. They very well know this fact despite in numbers.
PAF should buy nothing now as the IAF already has a big advantage over Pakistan in 4th generation combat aircraft
- 125 for PAF compared to around 370 for IAF. An extra 36 Rafale would not really alter the balance of power that radically.

What the PAF should focus on is saving it's funds to start buying the 5th generation J-31, when China is ready to deliver to PAF from 2020 onwards. This fighter, even if equipped with the WS-13A engine, would totally outclass anything India would possess and a few squadrons would terrify the IAF.

We also have FGFA/PAK-FA in the pipeline, apart from our own AMCA that may take some time. :)

I think PAF will scour for more F-16s, if those are not coming, then perhaps J-10 with IRSTs....and finally get a participation in the J-31 fighter program........who gets the first true stealth aircraft, will change the dynamics in the region.

Besides, stealth planes are a lot over-hyped, it is not that effective against countries with decent radar and air defence systems. Even Iraqi radars could detect American stealth planes, it's just that they didn't have any potent weapon system to hit them.
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