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Options for Bangladesh, incase PLA choke India's chicken neck.

First I would like to say that this thread is not needed...as it is pure speculation at this point...
...given the state of economic downturn in pretty much all the countries(China, India, and Pak included)...I don't think any of these countries will want a full scale war. Probably just a few border skirmishes here and there...and that's it.
There is no doubt that a hindu terrorist regime is in power in India. But I don't see why that will cause a conflict between India and Bangladesh. We are not a nation who cook up imaginary was scenarios and masturbate over possible glorious victories. Please keep your enmity with India to yourself and you have only yourself to take on your enemy. BD will not be a vehicle to achieve your goals no matter how you package it, we are smart people. We know our enemies.
Although it's pure speculation...
...I would just like to point out that it does not benefit Pakistan in any way if BD seizes some Indian land surrounding its borders.
Like I said, no matter how it's packaged we understand the ulterior motive.

On his so called scenario, it's a freaken imaginary scenario. Possibility of such a conflict and annexation is almost non-existent. Even if such a situation arises, we won't do anything so others realize their imaginary goals of glorious victories at our expense.
There is no ulterior motive...like I said whether BD remains neutral, sides with India, goes against India...it's pretty much inconsequential in the big scheme of things IF that speculative war scenario happened.
By the Qadr of Allah, we are tied to a religious burden of a brotherhood with some brothers. How I wish we were not burdened with such a burden. Our stance should be neutral, not taking any side. BD military will only be used if someone steps on our toes and picks up a quarrel. Otherwise we have no bones to pick with anybody.
I've read ur posts from time to time on various topics in many threads over the years...and u seem to have some hatred towards Pakistan(not like the hatred that Indians have)...more like bitterness.

I would just like to say if u wish to hold on to the past and stay bitter...rather than trying to build a constructive/cooperative future with ur neighbors...then that's ur choice. Do carry on...and while u r at it...plz do unburden urself from this "Muslim brotherhood" that u feel is imposed on u...just like a lot of other Muslim countries have done.
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This is complete Indian arrogance you give rakine but you can exploit it's resources whilst bd has to provide and develop for those people rakine.
Whilst you take the north of Bangladesh and take it's resources? What world you live in? What are you drinking?
I didn't say India takes the Rakhine resources. It'll be sovereign Bangladeshi land. But Bangladesh lacks expertise in exploration and exploitation, for which Indian companies will be signed.

Normal stuff.
There is already plenty of crap to deal with as it , there is no need to pile up on that laundry list.
1. There is nothing valuable in Indian north-east. Bunch of illiterate savages live there. It'll be our loss if Indian north-east merges with us.

2. China as a neighbour is no better than India as a neighbour, I'll prefer India over the chi-coms as neighbours.
Einstein , allow me knock some sense in you. PLA is already sitting in doklam, rather entrenched now, for what end, have you ever exercised your neurons thinking about this mystery of universe? When recently PLA occupied Indian territory in Laddakh, they also poked into Sikkim and my geography tells me that it just north to you lot?

This is a Pakistani defence forum, we discuss global security issues here, involving Pakistan, directly or indirectly or not in any shape of form. This is what forum is for. If you don't like it, you are free to express your opinions or lack of it, here or anywhere else for that matter.

To tell us what we can or cant discuss or concentrate on is neither you domain or your call. Savy?

Wake me up when China and India fight and as per your dream China annexes parts of India. Until then blabber away.
Hi all

Wanted to wargame this scenario which is rather becoming a real possibility, going by how things are developing on LAC. There has been PLA ingress into Sikkim recently along with Laddakh. In a situation where PLA manage to chock the Siliguri corridor and cut off north east India with the rest of the landmass, how would Bangladesh respond in such scenario?

Would it side with India?

Hassina regime is known to be Indian side kick. There is a strong possibility that Bangladesh might open its borders to India mainland, allowing India to use its territory and road infra to connect with the north east states. Acting as a bridge. Does the current road infra and connectivity with India and north eastern state will allow such bridge to become a reality on war footing? The obvious blowback will be to go against the Chinese design. And ofcourse, would such support to India will be supported internally among the masses?

Going against India?

This scenario will mean actively supporting PLA incursion with own interest in mind, perhaps gobbling up some territory and merging with Bangladesh as a consequence of Chinese actions. This however will invite a direct Indian military response against BD. Is BD militarily strong enough to keep India at bay while supporting China? Would Hasina regime, provided she is still in charge, would even contemplate such actions?

Remaining neutral?

Meaning looking the other way while PLA and Indian army try to wrestle with each other. By all accounts, India will be in desperate situation and by default, the pressure will come on the government in BD to support one way or other. Remaining neutral might not be an option eventually. There is also American angle to this as we all know that India is America regional pet dog. American pressure might also come in.

Post annexing scenario

China will already have the blue print to support the north east states but its not a rocket science to see that BD is the nearest sea access to these north east states. How is the current road connectivity between BD and these states?


BD may like it or not, but how things are developing in sub continent with an imbalance Hindu terrorist regime in India we are most likely heading to an armed conflict between Pakistan and India, eventually will drag other powers like China. We are expecting India o start a conflict with Pakistan to hide their recent humiliation received at the hands on PLA in Laddakh region. We are talking about a domino effect here and the above scenario, very likely will be played out, if things go south.

Would be interesting to hear thoughts of BD members on this evolving situation and if such scenario is discussed within BD intellectuals and media?

View attachment 640818

My advice to you is learn some YOGA,

There is no doubt that a hindu terrorist regime is in power in India. But I don't see why that will cause a conflict between India and Bangladesh. We are not a nation who cook up imaginary war scenarios and masturbate over possible glorious victories. Please keep your enmity with India to yourself and you have only yourself to take on your enemy. BD will not be a vehicle to achieve your goals no matter how you package it, we are smart people. We know our enemies.
Why butthurt? This is a defence forum hence we are discussing scenarios. Stop whining and leave if you don't like it.
China will keep the border tense to force you to spend billions of dollars on imported weapons and ammunition. India has little fund for industrialization and will then keep on importing bulk from China.

In a situation like this, does China needs a war against India when China exports goods worth more than $76 billion? I do not think so. India-China Bhai Bhai, already in peace.
Before we bother if Bangladesh should join China in war

We need to analyse why China's closet ally in the region has chosen to go mute over this event

Any military confrontation Between India and China is limited season and terrain

Once Summer is done, Chinese will pack up and leave and the other nation will have full concentration of Indian military forces then

There is one solution to this - having large number of PLA ground forces on host nation's soil.
Given current situation for China this is far away as Chinese themselves are facing shortage on Indian border and they have to resort to using paratroopers

Having Chinese military bases on host nations soil scenes and headlines like these will become more frequent -


and not to forget the USA will not easy on nations with large Chinese military permanent presence

Given the above issues there are more pros than cons for assisting China for any SA nation during Indo-Chinese confrontation.
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Why butthurt? This is a defence forum hence we are discussing scenarios. Stop whining and leave if you don't like it.
Some ppl don't know how to wargame OBJECTIVELY without mixing in their nationalistic emotions. A majority of ppl on PDF are like that...hence why I think this thread is useless bcuz it would just lead to meaningless trolling stemming from nationalistic fervor(some examples are already there).
To the Pak members: please don't beat at the shadows...

The crux of the matter is: irrespective of what happens the current BD leadership* remains Sa'dik to India till death sets them apart, for indeed they're like husband and wife**...

*They are by the Hindus, of the Hindus, and for the Hindus

**In the Hindu marriage, there's no divorce. And, according to the rites, a widow is put into the same fire burning her husband's dead body. From the "Na'r" did they come, and to the "Na'r" they'll go

***Unfortunate for the BD Muslims, all of their victories get overshadowed by the capitulation to the Indian Hindus, thanks to the treachery of the overwhelming number of the Murtedin and Muanafikin among them, within a short period of time - be it after the Partition of Bengal in 1905, Freedom in 1947, or the elimination of the Baa's-style one-party rule in 1975. HE doesn't change the Baht of a nation unless they try to change it
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Yeah you can say your best buds with India and you will stay neutral but truth is they shoot you dead at the border to this day. Talking about military fantasies you don't have balls to man your own border.

No ones going to respect you if you don't respect yourself. Big talk on PDF about Pak military fantasies...pay attention you might get some hair on your chest rather then be someones wifey.
Yeah you can say your best buds with India and you will stay neutral but truth is they shoot you dead at the border to this day. Talking about military fantasies you don't have balls to man your own border.

No ones going to respect you if you don't respect yourself. Big talk on PDF about Pak military fantasies...pay attention you might get some hair on your chest rather then be someones wifey.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge" - Albert Einstein

Pak did have a fantasy of having nukes of all sorts - tactical, strategic, classical, thermos etc......

Pak did have a fantasy of having missiles of all sorts - long, medium, short etc. ranges in S2S2, A2G, Sh2Sh, S2Sh etc. modes...

Pak did have a fantasy of designing and building her own jet fighters....

Pak did have a fantasy to beat the USSR in Afganistan...

Pak did have a fantasy to beat the USA in Afganistan...

Pak did have a fantasy to activate all of India's major internal and external fault-lines, and thus initiate an internal combustion...

My favorite "Pak fantasy", however, is Pak's having joint R&D, productions etc. with the Turkish military industrial complex, where the best folks from my alma mater work...

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