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Options for Bangladesh, incase PLA choke India's chicken neck.

Indeed, but I think BD establishment (not Hasina regime) needs to have some sort of understanding with Chinese for all eventualities and scenarios. China might want to create its own version of CPEC with BD for access to bay of Bengal once Indian nuisance is removed.

We in Pakistan suffered immensely when caught in American Afghan war which we had nothing to do.

That cannot generally be expected from Bangladeshi diplomacy which is very timid and weak footed on anything and everything. Also it is not wise for a small country to take sides against two powerful neighbors. Having such conversations with China would harm BD's relationship with India, which BD would not want to do.
Chinese attacking and annexing north-eastern India is your fantasy and it will hardly ever be realized. Your battlefield is in the western part of India where you share a border with them. Concentrate there.

I am sure you cook up these imaginary scenarios for your concern for BD and that no doubt is out of the goodness of your heart. But please don't worry about us. We will act as the situation demands and our act will be to our benefit or to our peril, we will bear the responsibility of either.

Einstein , allow me knock some sense in you. PLA is already sitting in doklam, rather entrenched now, for what end, have you ever exercised your neurons thinking about this mystery of universe? When recently PLA occupied Indian territory in Laddakh, they also poked into Sikkim and my geography tells me that it just north to you lot?

This is a Pakistani defence forum, we discuss global security issues here, involving Pakistan, directly or indirectly or not in any shape of form. This is what forum is for. If you don't like it, you are free to express your opinions or lack of it, here or anywhere else for that matter.

To tell us what we can or cant discuss or concentrate on is neither you domain or your call. Savy?
There is no doubt that a hindu terrorist regime is in power in India. But I don't see why that will cause a conflict between India and Bangladesh. We are not a nation who cook up imaginary was scenarios and masturbate over possible glorious victories. Please keep your enmity with India to yourself and you have only yourself to take on your enemy. BD will not be a vehicle to achieve your goals no matter how you package it, we are smart people. We know our enemies.
It's very interesting to see how people call obeying others as smartness. Cheers bro!
World does not work like pakistan where there are two government run parallel to each other. I am sorry you should add MM to that list too.

Its a self delusional concept about single government running the country and no deep state underneath. Even America runs like that. maybe you are not that big yet to have one?
My fantasy has always been very simple.

India should take Rakhine over from Myanmar and gift it to Bangladesh, in return for northern Bangladesh. Indian companies will also keep exploratory rights at Rakhine coast.

Myanmar will be the first country to backstab India in a war with China. But these factors and possibilities won't be considered for religious reasons.
Hi all

Wanted to wargame this scenario which is rather becoming a real possibility, going by how things are developing on LAC. There has been PLA ingress into Sikkim recently along with Laddakh. In a situation where PLA manage to chock the Siliguri corridor and cut off north east India with the rest of the landmass, how would Bangladesh respond in such scenario?

Would it side with India?

Hassina regime is known to be Indian side kick. There is a strong possibility that Bangladesh might open its borders to India mainland, allowing India to use its territory and road infra to connect with the north east states. Acting as a bridge. Does the current road infra and connectivity with India and north eastern state will allow such bridge to become a reality on war footing? The obvious blowback will be to go against the Chinese design. And ofcourse, would such support to India will be supported internally among the masses?

Going against India?

This scenario will mean actively supporting PLA incursion with own interest in mind, perhaps gobbling up some territory and merging with Bangladesh as a consequence of Chinese actions. This however will invite a direct Indian military response against BD. Is BD militarily strong enough to keep India at bay while supporting China? Would Hasina regime, provided she is still in charge, would even contemplate such actions?

Remaining neutral?

Meaning looking the other way while PLA and Indian army try to wrestle with each other. By all accounts, India will be in desperate situation and by default, the pressure will come on the government in BD to support one way or other. Remaining neutral might not be an option eventually. There is also American angle to this as we all know that India is America regional pet dog. American pressure might also come in.

Post annexing scenario

China will already have the blue print to support the north east states but its not a rocket science to see that BD is the nearest sea access to these north east states. How is the current road connectivity between BD and these states?


BD may like it or not, but how things are developing in sub continent with an imbalance Hindu terrorist regime in India we are most likely heading to an armed conflict between Pakistan and India, eventually will drag other powers like China. We are expecting India o start a conflict with Pakistan to hide their recent humiliation received at the hands on PLA in Laddakh region. We are talking about a domino effect here and the above scenario, very likely will be played out, if things go south.

Would be interesting to hear thoughts of BD members on this evolving situation and if such scenario is discussed within BD intellectuals and media?

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You need to understand bangladesh is not good at using its leverage. Why do you think india keep humiliating us and call us termites!! And then support Myanmar with free submarine and arms deal. And then get free transit from Bangladesh?

Its because we suck at utilize our strategic location and hence bd ppl will keep crying and whine about rohingyas and all the bla bla u keep hearing about here.

Too bad. But its the reality. India knows this and will keep pushing bd as they like. Remember appeasement and boot licking never works. And it wont work for bd but thats exactly what hasina government doing with india.

And hasina need to keep doing it since she won 95 percent vote lol.
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In my humble opinion, siding with either leads to consequence for Bangladesh so hasina’s govt will ask to peacefully resolve the issue aka (neutrality) I reckon Indian govt will pressure bd to allow passage of its military through bd but that will not be accepted, however I wouldn’t be surprised if they allow passage of commercial trade through Bangladesh free of VAT... that seems more likely to me
Its a self delusional concept about single government running the country and no deep state underneath. Even America runs like that. maybe you are not that big yet to have one?
The Deep State is the outcome of the Deep Nation...

As for BD, President Zia-ur Rehman, an ex Pak infantry/intelligence officer with the citation in '65 Indo-Pak War, wanted to build one in the model of Pak. However, he got undone via RAW ops...

"BD will never be allowed to be outside of the Indian orbit" - Former Indian Army Chief Gen Deepak Kapoor
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My fantasy has always been very simple.

India should take Rakhine over from Myanmar and gift it to Bangladesh, in return for northern Bangladesh. Indian companies will also keep exploratory rights at Rakhine coast.

Myanmar will be the first country to backstab India in a war with China. But these factors and possibilities won't be considered for religious reasons.

This is complete Indian arrogance you give rakine but you can exploit it's resources whilst bd has to provide and develop for those people rakine.
Whilst you take the north of Bangladesh and take it's resources? What world you live in? What are you drinking?
Bangladeshi military is woefully inadequate to counter India in any meaningful way. This isn't taking in to account the fact that there is no political will to antagonise India in Bangladesh. In the scenario mentioned in OP, in my useless opinion, Bangladesh is likely to tacitly support India, and may even facilitate the movement of troops across it's border areas.
You need to understand bangladesh is not good at using its leverage. Why do you think india keep humiliating us and call us termites!! And then support Myanmar with free submarine and arms deal. And then get free transit from Bangladesh?

Its because we suck at utilize our strategic location and hence bd ppl will keep crying and whine about rohingyas and all the bla bla u keep hearing about here.

Too bad. But its the reality. India knows this and will keep pushing bd as they like. Remember appeasement and boot licking never works. And it wont work for bd but thats exactly what hasina government doing with india.

And hasina need to keep doing it since she won 95 percent vote lol.

Thanks for our input but I think at very basic level without going into if BD can exploit the strategic location, It could be very well be a national security situation completely out of control and wish of BD, thrust upon right next to the borders.

We all know Hasina and her love affair with India but national security shouldn't be left on wishes of individual. Geopolitics doesn't work like that. Have to be prepared for all scenarios. Whether India likes it or not, BD needs to secure its weak point with Indian border , specially the north near chicken neck.
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And what "benefit" would that be? You think the "remainder" of India will just take an invasion from BD lying down? Some of you guys cannot think beyond war.
You have learnt nothing from the neverending backlash your are receiving from arming militants in Afghanistan to repel the Soviets and in the process pushing the Afghan society back to stone age under Taliban rule. You should discuss these things with more knowledgeable Pakistanis.
You went full retard, never go full retard. The guy i replied to dragged Pakistan into his scathing comment and I cross-questioned him regarding his supposed hidden Pakistani 'benefit' in the scenario. And now here you're yelping for no reason.

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