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OPPORTUNITY - Pentagon suspends weapon deliveries to Iraq, leaving Iraqi F-16 fleet in the air


Jul 4, 2019
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The United States government has suspended weapon deliveries to Iraq following growing concerns about the ultimate fate of such exports. This comes after continued tensions since the assassination of Iranian command Qassem Soleimani in the country in early January.

Particularly vulnerable is Iraq’s fleet of F-16s. The current pause impacts the country’s ability to find spare parts and to maintain their aircraft.

A few weeks ago, some U.S. contractors had been withdrawn from Iraq as a result of the deteriorating security situation, with the evacuation completed by January 8th. According to Defense Department spokesperson Maj. Rob Lodewick, “due to concerns about the safety and security of their personnel supporting Iraqi F-16 operations at Balad Air Base, Iraq, Lockheed-Martin initiated an evacuation of their personnel on 4 January 2020.”

There is some concern that the continued presence of Iranian-linked militias in the country could result in a technology transfer to Tehran. Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq, a Shi’a paramilitary group that is now part of the state-aligned Popular Mobilization Units, is known to operate in the areas around Balad. With no U.S. personnel there, there is no way for the Pentagon to verify what level of information-gathering has taken place.

However, there is no evidence to suggest that such things have occurred as of yet.

At the same time, Defense Secretary Mark Esper told reporters that he is seeking to place Patriot Missiles in Iraq in order to counteract any future Iranian strikes. With the Iraqi parliament having now voted to expel all U.S. forces, Esper has taken on a decidedly more diplomatic tone, stressing that “We need the permission of the Iraqis.”

The withdrawal of contractors poses the threat of seriously degrading Iraq’s operational capabilities. The more severe the issue of unsustainability becomes, with the F-16s possibly becoming a liability, the more likely it is that Iraq may turn elsewhere for new aircraft.

Simultaneously, Iraq is once more looking into the possibility of purchasing Russian-made long-range air defense missiles. Iraqi Member of Parliament Karim Elaiwi, who sits on the security and defense committee, recently told the Wall Street Journal that “we need to get these missiles, especially after Americans have disappointed us many times by not helping us in getting proper weapons.”

If a purchase is in fact made, it would most likely be for the S-300 missiles, which were introduced into service in the late 1970s. Russia does not seek to risk their relationships with both the United States and Israel, with the latter having successfully penetrated the S-300 defenses in Syria.

However, Iraq could be subject to the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act, a U.S. law that seeks to penalize countries that carry out large-scale arms purchases from countries like Russia.

Despite this, Iraq has purchased dozens of Russian T-90 tanks and increasingly been replacing American M1 Abrams.

NOTE - Now any "third country" could possibly buy them at a very good price and expand their fleet. How good are Pak-Iraq ties currently?

Doubt India will go for F16s so its pointless for them. Pakistan doesn't have the money for now (as far as I am aware). I guess one of the ME countries will prob buy them if they get a chance to but if Pakistan can get these then it would be a bonus I guess.
Doubt India will go for F16s so its pointless for them. Pakistan doesn't have the money for now (as far as I am aware). I guess one of the ME countries will prob buy them if they get a chance to but if Pakistan can get these then it would be a bonus I guess.
I obviously meant Pakistan -_-
i think iraq should send them to russia for reverse engineering
Once we trained their pilots too
Present day Iraq is not the same as it was once back in history. Actually it's not possible to figure out, who represent Iraq. Diplomatically Iraq is a buddy of India.

There are more chance that Iraqis would use that training against Pakistan, instead of fighting war with occupying forces! We tried training northern alliance during Zardair rule, but they used it against Pakistan.

On the subject, what was US thinking, when they were gifting F-16 to a destabilized state?
Opportunity for what? These jets will go into storage with Americans not paying a dime back to Iraqis if they paid for it. From what is known these jets are extreme knocked down versions of block 50/52 with next to none air to air capabilities.
When pentagon pulled the contractors they left their own F-16 and sensitive equipment there as well at Balad airbase.
Present day Iraq is not the same as it was once back in history. Actually it's not possible to figure out, who represent Iraq and puppy regime hate Pakistan just like India.
There are more chance that Iraqis would use that training against Pakistan, instead of fighting war with occupying forces! We tried training northern alliance during Zardair rule, but they used it against Pakistan.

On the subject, what was US thinking, when they were gifting F-16 to a destabilized state?
Try to be a little practical, what is our issue with Iraq that they will somehow fly all the way to fight Pakistan.
The best option for Iraq is to buy Thunders!

Project AZM and Block3 all the way!

Couple of dozen nukes as well, maybe!
You think we'll get discounted oil in return? or some sort of job quota in Iraq ?

Try to be a little practical, what is our issue with Iraq that they will somehow fly all the way to fight Pakistan.
No they may not. I said chances in comparison to using that training to free Iraq from occupying forces, may be that chances are as slim as 1%.
I obviously meant Pakistan -_-
neither weare buying them nor we can get them..

the goal is to keep a 80-300 f16 jf 17 combo till we get the new gen AZM

now this may change if uncle sam suddenly changes its mind but f16 are no longer on top of our list as we have reasonable alternative..we wont die without them..
before 2000 china had nothing to offer beyond a primitive mig 21..china R&D and economy basically exploded after 2005-10..
they got alot of tech through different means in late 1990s from russia, europe and israel and basically built upon it..

even in early 2000s there avionics were subpar

in short its not the 2000s that we want them badly
The best option for Iraq is to buy Thunders!

Once we trained their pilots too @Windjammer @MastanKhan

Without any fear of sanctions from Pakistan Iraq can build its airforce from ground up...

Regarding, F solaz...well... I doubt that the US will let PAF have it considering IndianFears!

Project AZM and Block3 all the way!
Well, we have supplied them with the Super Mashak and they also had a look at the JF-17...so sky is the limit.

O yaar,

You know me... I just wish that we sell at least 500 Thunders...

I care not who to... we need to do this so that PAC can become self-sustaining ... and then AZM ...Blk4 Thunder...

We need top brass to engage in AgressiveMilitaryDiplomacy... sell, sell, sell...SELL Thunderz!!!

Thunder = Mig21 of 21st Century
Just wait and watch....many were keenly waiting for Block-3 and now Bravo version also in production, the question of transition for many has also been addressed.

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