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Opium War 2.0

How many Indian troops participated in the sacking of the Summer Palace? Or were the Indians in the British forces just support staff (cooks, servants)? In the British press, you hear about families finding a $2 million lost vase from the Summer Palace in the attic. I wonder if they have ever found such looted Chinese Treasure in India?

No the Indians were the lackeys to Britain's imperial policies. They themselves were treated badly.

and that vase auctioned for £43m or 85 million dollars. Bought by a Chinese buyer.
No the Indians were the lackeys to Britain's imperial policies. They themselves were treated badly.

and that vase auctioned for £43m or 85 million dollars. Bought by a Chinese buyer.

should have spent that money on our military to prevent that crap from happening again. We shouldn't have to pay for what was stolen from us.
should have spent that money on our military to prevent that crap from happening again. We shouldn't have to pay for what was stolen from us.

Well this is private money and I think it's a noble effort to try and recover artifacts stolen from China. It is galling to pay for something that was stolen from you but if it what we have to do for now, then so be it.

Personally I think the Europeans are much worse imperialists and bigots than the Americans ever could be, we are focused on the US today because they have power, but if it was the Europeans still the dominant world power, they would be twice as intolerable.
should have spent that money on our military to prevent that crap from happening again. We shouldn't have to pay for what was stolen from us.

Exactly right. I can understand paying a small sum of money, for the transfer of "legal" ownership.

But when we have to pay tens of millions of dollars... for a single piece... that is just pushing it.
Well this is private money and I think it's a noble effort to try and recover artifacts stolen from China. It is galling to pay for something that was stolen from you but if it what we have to do for now, then so be it.

Also, a lot of these Chinese buyers end up bidding against each other, driving the prices up to ridiculous levels.

They should make a more concerted effort.
How many Indian troops participated in the sacking of the Summer Palace? Or were the Indians in the British forces just support staff (cooks, servants)? In the British press, you hear about families finding a $2 million lost vase from the Summer Palace in the attic. I wonder if they have ever found such looted Chinese Treasure in India?

Nope, but tons of looted Indian treasures still in british attics, museums, private collections and palaces.
It is remarkable to me American and the West keep hyping up the China threat theory when there is really no basis in history or present. China should be worry about the "West threat" towards in sovereignty.

At the end of the day, the West will not stand to see a non-Western, non-white country be dominant in world affairs.

History is clear. China and Chinese should be vigiliant and never let their guards down.

When I read the Opium war history, it made me cringed along with all other Western atrocities committed around the world that have profoundly impact people of non-Western world till today.
We've learned our lessons, so we won't demand our governments to legalize drugs like those degenerate Westerners who can't even remember who they fought against in Vietnam war, let alone learn any lesson from history.
We've learned our lessons, so we won't demand our governments to legalize drugs like those degenerate Westerners who can't even remember who they fought against in Vietnam war, let alone learn any lesson from history.

If anyone has been to an American ghetto, you can see how drugs become the shackles on a community/people.
How many Indian troops participated in the sacking of the Summer Palace? Or were the Indians in the British forces just support staff (cooks, servants)? In the British press, you hear about families finding a $2 million lost vase from the Summer Palace in the attic. I wonder if they have ever found such looted Chinese Treasure in India?

Indian troops did a lot of suffering to the Chinese in HK and probably in China as well
We need full spectrum capabilities for land, air, sea, space, information and financial warfare against USA and Japan. Nuclear missiles, submarines, lasers, carriers, cruise missiles, fighters, spying, toxic financial derivatives and hacking capabilities all must be developed and at a faster rate. In addition, coastal cities should be hardened against bombers by ringing them all with SAM and AAA. If they attack us, we will defend and defeat them in all threaters of battle: land, air, sea, space, cyberspace and on the financial markets.

We have most of them, although development continues.

What we really need are carriers, airborne laser (although this is reported to be in development), strategic-range SAMs (like S-500), bigger trade surplus, and most of all, a will to forge friendly relations.
Here are the current Chinese weapons that are able to deliver major intercontinental counterstrikes:

In service:

Ballistic missiles
- DF-41
- DF-31A
- DF-5
- DF-4A
- JL-2​
Nuclear submarines
- Type 093
- Type 094
- Type 092​

In development:

- H-8 strategic bomber
- possible atmospheric bomber (H-9 speculated)
- Y-20 (able to deliver troops)
- Y-20 airborne laser variant​
- Aircraft carrier​
Nuclear submarines
- Type 095
- Type 096​
Amazing thread!

I especially like Two Day Growth's emotional appeals.
Above all else, China needs to be more aggressive. Every nation in the world knows that China is addicted to peace. It is much more dangerous than addiction to opium. China's addiction to peace means that neighboring countries expect to take advantage of China and then simply "negotiate" to resolve this "dispute." With an addiction to peace, no amount of weapons will help.
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