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Opinionated - How India can "checkmate" China in a week if war breaks out

It's worth noting that N011M is not simply a PESA, but instead, it's a transition between PESA and AESA in that it adopts technologies from both: each transceiver on the antenna array of N011M has its own receiver amplifier, which is the same as AESA, and with noise level of 3dB, which is also in the same class of AESA arrays. However, for transmitting, N011M uses PESA technology in that a single Chelnok traveling-wave tube is used for EGSP-6A transmitter.

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You should ask the politicians in India first, which of them dares to gamble politically, militarily to block China's shipping lanes。China's cities are far from the Sino-Indian border, and the capital of India is under China's cannon. Any Indian politician who makes political and military gambling cannot bear the responsibility of being attacked by China in an all-round way.
Yes you read that right. You are surprised?

China has a big weakness nobody seems to be talking about. Before we talk about that let us do a small military comparision.

Who would win in a war between India and China? Why? - Quora

As you can see China is superior to India in almost every category except tanks and artillery. But in this scenario China is attacking India. India only has to defend itself. Now we can talk about China's biggest weakness:


We are going to divide the war into land, sea and air theatres. We start with discussing a land war between Indian army and PLA. No need to mention manpower because its the same.

Land warfare- India vs China

The fact that China has 35000 armoured vehicles and India only 12000 does not mean anything considering the geograpgy. The border is spread out 100s of kilometers of rocky, inhospitable, monstrously huge himalayas with narrow bases.


The first thing we can do is to destroy bridges, turn all weather roads to ashes and block strategic mountain passes. When this done China has no hope of advancing.

Air warfare- India vs China

Fanboys will be talking about superior chinese quantity and quality, but what about logistics? Take a look:


PLAAF only has 5 large airbases in Tibet and 2 in Xinjiang. Meanwhile we have 20 bases with flight range of the LAC. The majority of the 3000 PLAAF aircraft are on the eastern side. 3500 km away from where the action will be happening.


This would mean mid-air refueling. It would longer time to respond to Indian attack. Should I also mention that we would be able to track them before they reach war theater?

There is yet another logistic problem. Cargo weight....

Indian airbases with the exception of a few are the on the plains.

The airbases in Tibet are at an altitude of 4000m above sea level.

The lower air density at such high altitudes hampers jet engines and limits the amount of Weapons and fuel military aircraft can carry while still being able to take off.

Meteorological conditions across the Tibetan Plateau, moreover, are unpredictable, making it difficult to plan high-intensity air campaigns.

In short, the PLAAF cannot hope to run a Sustained air campaign.

Sea warfare- India vs China

This one is very interesting. China has the largest navy in the world. We are massively outclasses in both quantity and quality. Look at the submarine ratio or destroyer ratio.

But again the poor chinese have a geography problem.

We are talking about the choke point in strait of malacca


If the Chinese navy entered the Indian ocean region with the goal of engaging the Indian navy, they would have to come through this strait. The channel is very narrow. Only 2 km at its narrowest point. It would be difficult for the Chinese to send naval assets since Indian navy is going to guard the entrance via Indira port.

What do fighter jets, tanks and warship run on? Oil.... 80% of China's oil is imported through the straict of malacca. A naval blockade would bring a oil crisis in China.

This is why i said that China can be checkmated in a week by India.

CCP can push all they want, but they will meet strong resistance and retaliation from the Indian Army, Airforce and Navy.

And then they will learn their lesson.

Jai Hind!

who are you my dear ?
This thread should be closed because this thread will become troll feast and flame baiting between Indian and Chinses members, so I am asking to MODS to close this useless thread
@waz @The Eagle @LeGenD @Foxtrot Alpha @WebMaster please close this thread now

you are right .

800 to 1000 year, you don't know your own history dude, don't be a delusional person

first mughal babar who started mughal rule in india killed ibrahim lodi in1526 and sat on throne of delhi , so mughal rule begun in 1526 and last till 1858 . queen vicotria took over in 1958 as queen of india . total 332 years approx
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It's worth noting that N011M is not simply a PESA, but instead, it's a transition between PESA and AESA in that it adopts technologies from both: each transceiver on the antenna array of N011M has its own receiver amplifier, which is the same as AESA, and with noise level of 3dB, which is also in the same class of AESA arrays. However, for transmitting, N011M uses PESA technology in that a single Chelnok traveling-wave tube is used for EGSP-6A transmitter.

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kid, you keep posting the stuff that we have ten times more than you, what is the point?
kid, you keep posting the stuff that we have ten times more than you, what is the point?

your map gives you a false sense of confidence because it doesn't include bases in Xinjiang or Sichuan. also, having airbases on the border is not an advantage, it is a disadvantage. PLA will be hammering your bases with ballistic and cruise missiles because you built them so conveniently close to Chinese borders. China has 2000+ SRBMs alone with ~500-1000 km range that can all launch from cover far outside IAF's range but easily reaching all those bases.

Hotan airbase is 200 km from Ladakh which is itself just 500 km from Kashgar airbase. your own satellites saw dozens of planes massing there in 2020. Then AP in Northeast is just 600 km from Lijiang and Mengzi airbases in Yunnan.

with a network of bases throughout China, PLAAF planes throughout the country can fly to bases outside Indian ground based missile reach but within fighter CAP range (like aforementioned bases).

India only has Nirbhay, a subsonic missile deployed in limited numbers, and Shaurya, which is sophisticated but still limited numbers. And Nirbhay has to climb in altitude to reach anything in China, shortening its range and making it easily visible to radars in Tibet.

you also can't choke China's oil without declaring war on entire Southeast Asia, because there's no way to identify what tanker is carrying Chinese oil. China can also just pay extra money for ships to carry oil through the Panama Canal for African, Brazilian oil, and with pipelines with Russian oil. India can't intercept that oil nor outbid China with foreign reserves.

Meanwhile crude oil is useless without refining. Every Indian refinery, of which there are only 30, is within PLARF attack range, not a single Chinese refinery is within Indian range.
You can't use all your fancy missiles. Both of us are nuclear powers. How do we know if it is conventional? Looking to start a nuclear war?

again, why are you posting this pinka or whatever.
because you're farting baselessly 1200 AD to 1850 AD count the centuries you farter

In first post You said 1000 years. In second post on this discussion, you reduce it to 800 years. Now you are saying 1200 AD to 1850 AD that turns out to 650 years. This is the reason why I call you a moron.
In first post You said 1000 years. In second post on this discussion, you reduce it to 800 years. Now you are saying 1200 AD to 1850 AD that turns out to 650 years. This is the reason why I call you a moron.
your mental disease has no cure by the way you farter
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