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Opinionated - How India can "checkmate" China in a week if war breaks out

Saw the title of this thread and thought I'd come to have a good laugh...I wasn't disappointed.
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Area denial munitions is useless? 😝🤪

Do you know what pinaka mbrls have done to your soldiers during kargil war? It's a combat proven platform unlike the Chinese one
In kargil this is successful because of close proximity of bottle, but On Chinese front they are useless because of Extreme heights and vastness of LAC Chinese have guided MBRLS with range of 400 km they have enough range to fire from Central Tibet (Lahsa) and easily reach your capital
In kargil this is successful because of close proximity of bottle, but On Chinese front they are useless because of Extreme heights and vastness of LAC Chinese have guided MBRLS with range of 400 km they have enough range to fire from Central Tibet (Lahsa) and easily reach your capital
Would be neutralized by our AD systems
Roflmao, we now have indian kid boasting this....

In kargil this is successful because of close proximity of bottle, but On Chinese front they are useless because of Extreme heights and vastness of LAC Chinese have guided MBRLS with range of 400 km they have enough range to fire from Central Tibet (Lahsa) and easily reach your capital



Roflmao, we now have indian kid boasting this....

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Combat proven platform unlike the Chinese ones. By the way can you please put some light on the 'CEP' of Chinese cruise/ballistic missiles/rockets? 😆
Not only in Galwan clash, but also in 1962. :lol: :lol::lol:

I mean look at their stupidity. They can't even handle Pakistan which is seven times smaller than India and they are talking about China whose main rival is USA.
He single handedly turn this thread into his kindergarden playground.
I mean look at their stupidity. They can't even handle Pakistan which is seven times smaller than India and they are talking about China whose main rival is USA.
Come out of your ego man. We have given the Chinese a bloody nose during the 1967 conflict. After that sikkim has integrated with the republic of india

they are talking about China whose main rival is USA.
US has 11 aircraft carriers/70 submarines all of which are nuclear powered... Besides that virginia class submarines are much more effective in today's naval warfare.These submarines cam perform stealthy lone wolf attacks. They pose serious threats to Chinese naval assets without even being noticed
Come out of your ego man. We have given the Chinese a bloody nose during the 1967 conflict. After that sikkim has integrated with the republic of india

US has 11 aircraft carriers/70 submarines all of which are nuclear powered... Besides that virginia class submarines are much more effective in today's naval warfare.These submarines cam perform stealthy lone wolf attacks. They pose serious threats to Chinese naval assets without even being noticed
Kid, sit down.

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China should turn the taps off for a day and see what India does without water. India acting like its kiloton nukes is in the same stratosphere as Chinas more numerous megaton nukes is also interesting to watch this clown show lol
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