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Opinionated - China Chipping Away to Semiconductor Dominance

China boosts chipmaking self-sufficiency with homemade ion implanters
Updated 2021.03.18 18:59 GMT+8


China's self-developed ion implanter. /CFP
China's new independently developed ion implanters can now produce 28-nanometer chip wafers, a critical component in China's chipmaking industry, and provide a complete set of solutions for global chip manufacturing companies, the China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC) announced Wednesday.
The country used to depend on imported technology for chip manufacturing. However, the CETC's successful development of ion implanter products, from medium current, high current and high energy implanters to implanters for special applications and third-generation semiconductors, has boosted China's efforts to achieve self-sufficiency.
Covering 28-nanometer manufacturing process to create semiconductors, the ion implanter puts different chemical elements, in the form of ions with programmed energy, into semiconductor materials to alter the materials' electrical performances.
Boasting a total of 413 core patents, the CETC has achieved a high-end technological breakthrough in ion implanter products and will accelerate research to achieve advanced industrialization, one CETC insider said.
The CETC, a state-owned company, currently owns over 500 enterprises and public institutions, including 47 national research institutes and 11 listed companies. It employs more than 200,000 people and has 35 key national laboratories, research and innovation centers.
17:00, 02-Apr-2021
Chinese company launches the country's first homegrown 7nm GPGPU chip

Chinese company Shanghai Tianshu Zhixin Semiconductor Co. launches the country's first homegrown 7-nm GPGPU chip named "Big Island" or "BI" in Shanghai, March 31, 2021. /Photo from the company website

China has made a major breakthrough in leading-edge 7nm computing chips that could rival products from global industry leaders like U.S. companies Nvidia and AMD.

Shanghai Tianshu Zhixin Semiconductor Co., a domestic chipmaker, announced on Wednesday that it had launched the country's first homegrown 7nm GPGPU chip named "Big Island" or "BI."

GPGPU is short for General-Purpose Graphics Processing Unit, which refers to a graphics processing unit (GPU) that can perform non-specialized computations in addition to its traditional purpose of computation for computer graphics, such as computations typically handled by a Central Processing Unit (CPU). It's an overall faster, high-performance processor that combines CPU and GPU processing power.

GPGPU chips not only feature parallel processing capabilities, but can also have high memory bandwidth. Therefore, they are used to power everything from databases to high-performance computing (HPC) and artificial intelligence (AI).

However, the area has long been dominated by international giants such as Nvidia and AMD.

The launch of BI marks a big step forward for China's design and development of GPU chips, which is expected to break the dominance of the technology by foreign companies, said Zhang Ying, deputy director of Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology.

Tianshu Zhixin is the first actual Chinese supplier of GPGPU chips and HPC system, Xinhua reported. The company said its BI chip "can complete the artificial intelligence processing of hundreds of camera video channels per second, and the performance is twice that of mainstream products in the market."

Development of the 7nm GPGPU chip began in 2018. The company said it would soon start mass production and commercial delivery of the product, one to two years ahead of its domestic competitors.

Tianshu Zhixin was set up in 2013 as a joint venture between the Shanghai municipal government and Taiwan's VIA Technologies.
So far, Chinese companies still lag behind quite a lot in the area of AI chips represented by GPGPU chips. But it's a core technology Shanghai is ramping up efforts to catch up, Xinhua reported.
Good news for domestic cores! It“s a matter of Huawei and SMIC: This huge investment in the introduction of 5nm lithography machine has stabilized

2021-03-05 06:52:06 608 views

At present, the Kirin flagship chip is temporarily named Kirin 9100. The second piece of good news is about SMIC, the strongest chip foundry giant in China

[March 5 News] I believe everyone knows that since a wave of "core-making" in China, major corporate giants have joined the "core-making" team under the support of "national policy". , Such as Alibaba, Gree and many other industry giants, and according to the latest statistics, in 2020 alone, China has added up to 22,800 chip companies, and in January and February 2021, it also added 4,000 Many chip companies, it can be said that the domestic chip industry has also ushered in "explosive" development, and just recently, domestic chips have once again sent two pieces of good news, related to the strongest domestic chip design company in China-Huawei And the strongest domestic chip manufacturer—SMIC, what good news does it have?

Good news for domestic cores! It“s a matter of Huawei and SMIC: This huge investment in the introduction of 5nm lithography machine has stabilized

The first piece of good news is about the Huawei HiSilicon chip. According to industry insiders, Huawei HiSilicon’s next-generation 5G baseband chip has officially passed the tapeout and will also be mounted on the next-generation Kirin flagship chip. At present, the Kirin flagship chip is temporarily named Kirin 9100. Although in the short term, Huawei's newly developed 5G baseband chip and Kirin 9100 will not be able to achieve mass production, but at least it also allows the majority of netizens to see the strength of Huawei. Huawei is still continuing Continuously developing chip products and making adequate preparations for the follow-up is undoubtedly a happy thing for Huawei's mobile phone business, Huawei's pollen, and consumers.

Good news for domestic cores! It“s a matter of Huawei and SMIC: This huge investment in the introduction of 5nm lithography machine has stabilized

The second piece of good news is about SMIC, the strongest chip foundry giant in China. Perhaps many netizens already know that SMIC was included in the "Entity List" as early as last year. Under the restrictions of the "new chip regulations", SMIC was unable to obtain the support of 10nm and below process technologies and equipment. At the beginning of this month, SMIC also sent good news again. SMIC has succeeded. Obtained the "supply license" and signed a US$1.2 billion order with the world's largest lithography machine manufacturer. According to industry sources, SMIC will spend US$1.2 billion to purchase a top EUV The lithography machine is used for SMIC's subsequent 7nm EUV, 5nm and 3nm process chip research and development, which also means the dawn of SMIC is coming, and we are one step closer to achieving the goal of 70% domestic chip self-sufficiency.

Good news for domestic cores! It“s a matter of Huawei and SMIC: This huge investment in the introduction of 5nm lithography machine has stabilized

Finally: There is good news for the two domestic chip giants Huawei and SMIC. Dear friends, what are your views and opinions on this? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss, and look forward to your wonderful comments!
good news! About EUV lithography machine, Tsinghua University made great contributions
2021/04/04 11:51:19

good news! About EUV lithography machine, Tsinghua University made great contributions

Huawei's experience today has made many people aware of the importance of chips. If they cannot have an indispensable position in the chip field, then when other chip powers want to target us, we may not be able to fight back. Today Huawei is a living example.
In order to improve the autonomy of Chinese chips,last year, the state took the lead in establishing an integrated integrated circuit industrial base in Shanghai, aiming to build China's chip highland. At the same time, China's most powerful scientific research institutionChinese Academy of Sciences also announced an important decision to release a signal that the entire Academy will conquer core technologies such as lithography machines.

good news! About EUV lithography machine, Tsinghua University made great contributions

As we all know, in the chip production process, the lithography machine is the most critical equipment, and in the lithography machine, China is probably at the international intermediate level.At present, the most powerful lithography machine manufacturing company in China is Shanghai Microelectronics. The top lithography machine it can produce is a 22nm lithography machine, and the EUV light produced by the world's top lithography machine manufacturer ASML Compared with the engraving machine, there is still a certain gap.
Obviously, if China wants to gain a real say in the chip field, it must solve the problem of lithography machine.

Before that, the biggest obstacle that restricted China from building its own EUV lithography machine was the light source!
good news! About EUV lithography machine, Tsinghua University made great contributions

At this stage, the light source used in the lithography machine independently developed by China is deep ultraviolet light, while the light source required by the EUV lithography machine is extreme ultraviolet light.Although the difference between the two is only one word, it is not a simple matter to break through from deep ultraviolet light to extreme ultraviolet light.

Tsinghua University has done a great job!
If you want to make a domestic lithography machine, the first problem to be solved is the light source!What makes us happy is that on February 25th, good news came out suddenly. Regarding EUV lithography machines, Tsinghua University has done a great job!
It is reported thatTsinghua University has completed the first principle verification experiment of a new type of particle accelerator light source "Steady-state microbunching" (SSMB).
good news! About EUV lithography machine, Tsinghua University made great contributions

From the content of the related report,Based on the SSMB principle, we can obtain high-power, high-repetition, and narrow-bandwidth coherent radiation, and the wavelength can cover the band from terahertz to extreme ultraviolet (EUV).In other words, the verification of the SSMB principle indicates that Chinese scientists have found the direction to manufacture domestic EUV lithography machines, and continue to research and develop, and it is expected to produce real domestic EUV lithography machines.
good news! About EUV lithography machine, Tsinghua University made great contributions

Key technologies cannot be bought. If we cannot have the right to speak in the core technologies, then being stuck by other countries will become the norm.

It is not just a lithography machine. It is hoped that in other cutting-edge technology fields, Chinese scientists can also overcome the core difficulties as soon as possible and achieve true technological independence. A tribute to every Chinese scientist who silently contributes behind the scenes.
Finally,I also hope that domestic Internet giants can take a long-term view, make more contributions to the country's technological progress, do less loans, and compete with small businesses and hawkers. Food business.

good news! About EUV lithography machine, Tsinghua University made great contributions
2021/04/04 11:51:19

good news! About EUV lithography machine, Tsinghua University made great contributions

Huawei's experience today has made many people aware of the importance of chips. If they cannot have an indispensable position in the chip field, then when other chip powers want to target us, we may not be able to fight back. Today Huawei is a living example.
In order to improve the autonomy of Chinese chips,last year, the state took the lead in establishing an integrated integrated circuit industrial base in Shanghai, aiming to build China's chip highland. At the same time, China's most powerful scientific research institutionChinese Academy of Sciences also announced an important decision to release a signal that the entire Academy will conquer core technologies such as lithography machines.

good news! About EUV lithography machine, Tsinghua University made great contributions

As we all know, in the chip production process, the lithography machine is the most critical equipment, and in the lithography machine, China is probably at the international intermediate level.At present, the most powerful lithography machine manufacturing company in China is Shanghai Microelectronics. The top lithography machine it can produce is a 22nm lithography machine, and the EUV light produced by the world's top lithography machine manufacturer ASML Compared with the engraving machine, there is still a certain gap.
Obviously, if China wants to gain a real say in the chip field, it must solve the problem of lithography machine.

Before that, the biggest obstacle that restricted China from building its own EUV lithography machine was the light source!
good news! About EUV lithography machine, Tsinghua University made great contributions

At this stage, the light source used in the lithography machine independently developed by China is deep ultraviolet light, while the light source required by the EUV lithography machine is extreme ultraviolet light.Although the difference between the two is only one word, it is not a simple matter to break through from deep ultraviolet light to extreme ultraviolet light.

Tsinghua University has done a great job!
If you want to make a domestic lithography machine, the first problem to be solved is the light source!What makes us happy is that on February 25th, good news came out suddenly. Regarding EUV lithography machines, Tsinghua University has done a great job!
It is reported thatTsinghua University has completed the first principle verification experiment of a new type of particle accelerator light source "Steady-state microbunching" (SSMB).
good news! About EUV lithography machine, Tsinghua University made great contributions

From the content of the related report,Based on the SSMB principle, we can obtain high-power, high-repetition, and narrow-bandwidth coherent radiation, and the wavelength can cover the band from terahertz to extreme ultraviolet (EUV).In other words, the verification of the SSMB principle indicates that Chinese scientists have found the direction to manufacture domestic EUV lithography machines, and continue to research and develop, and it is expected to produce real domestic EUV lithography machines.
good news! About EUV lithography machine, Tsinghua University made great contributions

Key technologies cannot be bought. If we cannot have the right to speak in the core technologies, then being stuck by other countries will become the norm.

It is not just a lithography machine. It is hoped that in other cutting-edge technology fields, Chinese scientists can also overcome the core difficulties as soon as possible and achieve true technological independence. A tribute to every Chinese scientist who silently contributes behind the scenes.
Finally,I also hope that domestic Internet giants can take a long-term view, make more contributions to the country's technological progress, do less loans, and compete with small businesses and hawkers. Food business.

You're getting awfully excited about this story, this is the third time you've posted it today. This is a beat up, optical computing isn't new and has far too many drawbacks to replace semi-conductors. It's use is going to remain restricted to niche applications.
You're getting awfully excited about this story, this is the third time you've posted it today. This is a beat up, optical computing isn't new and has far too many drawbacks to replace semi-conductors. It's use is going to remain restricted to niche applications.

This is about EUV Lithograpy (electronic computing), not optical computing. Please read it carefully :)

China make 3 different routes: conventional chip with EUV Litograhphy breakthrough, photonic chip, and graphene chips.

Photonic may not be in production yet, but graphene chips is closer.
Also if you read the article carefully, the niche market that you mention above is actually an opportunity to expand into wide application domination ;)
Last edited:
This is about EUV Lithograpy (electronic computing), not optical computing. Please read it carefully :)

China make 3 different routes: conventional chip with EUV Litograhphy breakthrough, photonic chip, and graphene chips.

Photonic may not be in production yet, but graphene chips is closer.
Also if you read the article carefully, the niche market that you mention above is actually an opportunity to expand into wide application domination ;)
Obviously, some troll want to play down the success. They are shaking now. :lol:
keep chipping away

Huawei is dead

You haven't changed your avatar? You are not fit to fly that one. Your american daddy are not shaking at Chinese power. :lol:

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