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Opinion: Providing Firepower to Palestinian Resistance

Please buy a ticket and go volunteer yourself. I want to see you facing off 100 to 1 in Palestine and Kashmir. Let me know how it goes.
Have some shame if you are a muslim or fu(k off if you are hindjew.
Is this about Pakistan providing firepower to the Palestinians? What are the chances of being realistic that Pakistan will help the Palestinians?
What will Pakistan gain from it?
Nawaz refused to let soldiers become canon fodder for UaE, Some of the Pakistani members here should have some shame.
All that wattabootery and it still is irrelevant as to how fantasized tales from more than a quarter century ago apply to the present day and thread in providing firepower to the Palestinian resistance by Pakistan. FAIL.

Its generally the problem with the pseudo intellect like yourself who while trying to come across as smarty pants, who do not understand, or not even bothered to go through the debate and appreciate as to how and why a certain point was raised. People were debating as to how Pakistan can provide assistance to Palestinian resistance when its own neighbours are not willing. And that is where I cited Bosnian example when Pakistan provided timely assistance despite UN arms embargo. Bottom line is, it is something which Pakistan has already done.

Also, do you have any evidence supporting your wishful thinking about the chuck Norris type "Directors" of Pakistani efforts in Bosnia? UTTER NONSENSE!!
Its generally the problem with the pseudo intellect like yourself who while trying to come across as smarty pants, who do not understand, or not even bothered to go through the debate and appreciate as to how and why a certain point was raised. People were debating as to how Pakistan can provide assistance to Palestinian resistance when its own neighbours are not willing. And that is where I cited Bosnian example when Pakistan provided timely assistance despite UN arms embargo. Bottom line is, it is something which Pakistan has already done.

Also, do you have any evidence supporting your wishful thinking about the chuck Norris type "Directors" of Pakistani efforts in Bosnia? UTTER NONSENSE!!

But Einstein, please do explain what Pakistan has done before as you claim will position it any better to help the Palestinians NOW.
But Einstein, please do explain what Pakistan has done before as you claim will position it any better to help the Palestinians NOW.

Numpty, why such a simply logic is not going through your thick skull?

Pakistan provided military assistance in FAR FAR more difficult circumstance to those who were in need right under the nose of UN arms embargo, to the group of people who didnt even have their state back then. Here we, the Islamic republic of Pakistan, RECOGNIZE the state of Palestine as a sovereign state, hell we even have their embassy in Islamabad, whereas Israel doesn't exist for us, officially. Assistance can easily be provided as a state to state matter between ISLAMIC republic of Pakistan, and State of Palestine, just like India and Israel conduct military to military transactions between themselves.

The notion that Pakistan do not have any option to provide Palestine military assistance is bogus. Savy??
Numpty, why such a simply logic is not going through your thick skull?

Pakistan provided military assistance in FAR FAR more difficult circumstance to those who were in need right under the nose of UN arms embargo, to the group of people who didnt even have their state back then. Here we, the Islamic republic of Pakistan, RECOGNIZE the state of Palestine as a sovereign state, hell we even have their embassy in Islamabad, whereas Israel doesn't exist for us, officially. Assistance can easily be provided as a state to state matter between ISLAMIC republic of Pakistan, and State of Palestine, just like India and Israel conduct military to military transactions between themselves.

The notion that Pakistan do not have any option to provide Palestine military assistance is bogus. Savy??

Oh I see. Just like ruling over India for a thousand years gives Pakistan the advantage to provide military assistance to Nagas. Got it. :D

Let me just say it bluntly: Any dreams of Pakistan providing firepower to Palestinian resistance are just that: DREAMS.
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Oh I see. Just like ruling over India for a thousand years gives Pakistan the advantage to provide military assistance to Nagas. Got it. :D

Let me just say it bluntly: Any dreams of Pakistan providing firepower to Palestinian assistance are just that: DREAMS.

No no, please dont for once think that I am disputing your state of mind and your narratives. You are fully entitled to live in your cuckooland. :D

I am just providing a simple logical answers to all the naysayers. This can be easily done. The only question is, do we have "doers" like General Nasir, or we are still stuck with the "over thinkers" like Kiyani.
Oh I see. Just like ruling over India for a thousand years gives Pakistan the advantage to provide military assistance to Nagas. Got it. :D

Let me just say it bluntly: Any dreams of Pakistan providing firepower to Palestinian assistance are just that: DREAMS.

Bitter but True

I think this is the reality that the young fanboys on this forum can't seem to absorb. But For argument sake, lets say Pakistan supplied Hamas with Mortars, ATGM's or maybe RPG's. Does that change anything on the ground? No. But you can be sure as hell that the Israelis will intensify their bombings against Gaza which would result in more civilian casualties.

To conclude, Pakistan providing small arms to Gaza won't change the balance of power one bit, but it will sure invite Israeli retaliation which would result in higher civilian casualties in Gaza. The détente that Pakistan maintains with Israel will be shattered and more Palestinian civilians will die. Thus, the loser will be Pakistan that loses diplomatically and the Palestinian civilians as Israel will intensify its bombings.

The only solution is the disarming of Hamas and a negotiated peaceful solution because frankly no matter what arms are given to Hamas, they cannot change the 'Balance of Power'. They live in a small enclave surrounded by all sides, its essentially a kill box zone. The only reason why the Israelis are able to get away with their shenanigans is because they can always point to Hamas and their indiscriminate firing of rockets. Take that away and the Israelis have no excuse.
Bitter but True

I think this is the reality that the young fanboys on this forum can't seem to absorb. But For argument sake, lets say Pakistan supplied Hamas with Mortars, ATGM's or maybe RPG's. Does that change anything on the ground? No. But you can be sure as hell that the Israelis will intensify their bombings against Gaza which would result in more civilian casualties.

To conclude, Pakistan providing small arms to Gaza won't change the balance of power one bit, but it will sure invite Israeli retaliation which would result in higher civilian casualties in Gaza. The détente that Pakistan maintains with Israel will be shattered and more Palestinian civilians will die. Thus, the loser will be Pakistan that loses diplomatically and the Palestinian civilians as Israel will intensify its bombings.

The only solution is the disarming of Hamas and a negotiated peaceful solution because frankly no matter what arms are given to Hamas, they cannot change the 'Balance of Power'. They live in a small enclave surrounded by all sides, its essentially a kill box zone. The only reason why the Israelis are able to get away with their shenanigans is because they can always point to Hamas and their indiscriminate firing of rockets. Take that away and the Israelis have no excuse.

Not only all of that, but look at the economic price Iran is paying for its support to the proxies against Israel. Can Pakistan withstand the inevitable pushback if it were to indeed go down this route? Have we learnt nothing from Kargil?
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Idiots who still haven't learn a jack from Pakistan own strategy in Afghanistan, where it has effectively blunted the super powers to the point that they are now relying on Pakistan to get negotiated peace with a militia which literally everyone recognize as Pakistan's own.

Understand this: You have to be in the game and build your own leverages, play the dirty geopolitics to your advantage and interests. The leverages build , do not necessarily are applied to the same theatre but can be used in all the matter concerning state global interests.
Of course, the real wise guys sit safe in the nation that birthed Israel, safe from the fallout from the follies they suggest for Pakistan.
Two cents per post "elite members" are doing horrible service to their pay masters. Time and time again, these lot have to eat their own shite. Their papa Amerika being kicked out of Afghanistan being one of such embarrassments.
We should provide firepower to Hamas. No doubt.... Mossad has actively funded terrorist groups in Balochistan for almost 2 decades! It is time we return the favour.
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