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Opinion: Providing Firepower to Palestinian Resistance

We should provide firepower to Hamas. No doubt.... Mossad has actively funded terrorist groups in Balochistan for almost 2 decades! It is time we return the favour.

International geopolitics is not based on tit for tat retaliation. What we need to be clear on is how does supporting Hamas benefit Pakistan's national interests rather than a reptilian desire for revenge.
Bitter but True

I think this is the reality that the young fanboys on this forum can't seem to absorb. But For argument sake, lets say Pakistan supplied Hamas with Mortars, ATGM's or maybe RPG's. Does that change anything on the ground? No. But you can be sure as hell that the Israelis will intensify their bombings against Gaza which would result in more civilian casualties.

To conclude, Pakistan providing small arms to Gaza won't change the balance of power one bit, but it will sure invite Israeli retaliation which would result in higher civilian casualties in Gaza. The détente that Pakistan maintains with Israel will be shattered and more Palestinian civilians will die. Thus, the loser will be Pakistan that loses diplomatically and the Palestinian civilians as Israel will intensify its bombings.

The only solution is the disarming of Hamas and a negotiated peaceful solution because frankly no matter what arms are given to Hamas, they cannot change the 'Balance of Power'. They live in a small enclave surrounded by all sides, its essentially a kill box zone. The only reason why the Israelis are able to get away with their shenanigans is because they can always point to Hamas and their indiscriminate firing of rockets. Take that away and the Israelis have no excuse.

Good point. It's a great move to disarm and even dissolve Hamas. The act gives support to the nations that want to help build a true Palestine state. The works, however, start in the UN. For the first time in half a century, a nation of almost equal economic and influential might is throwing its weight behind the solution. China is condemning the israel massacres but the US still blocks UN efforts to stop the attrocities. A few wealthy ME nations and maybe France or Germany or Italy need to throw in their supports behind China. Then for the first time, US faces a stiff challenge in the UN to make Israel stop.

I'm not a Muslim but the plight of the Palestinians is not of any religion or ethnicity. It's a humanity disaster, an assault against humanity as a whole. The worst or the most disgraceful aspect of this disaster is it's not caused by mother nature or the certain result of economic activities but the state-sponsored attrocities committed continuously since WWII. If anyone care or had visited Gaza, he or she knows what I meant. Israeli basically keep the Palestinians in a slave den and use them as slave laborers.
We should provide firepower to Hamas. No doubt.... Mossad has actively funded terrorist groups in Balochistan for almost 2 decades! It is time we return the favour.

Indeed. Its called creating deterrence at sub conventional level of warfare.

Ignore the hasbara trolls and their rants.
Good point. It's a great move to disarm and even dissolve Hamas. The act gives support to the nations that want to help build a true Palestine state. The works, however, start in the UN. For the first time in half a century, a nation of almost equal economic and influential might is throwing its weight behind the solution. China is condemning the israel massacres but the US still blocks UN efforts to stop the attrocities. A few wealthy ME nations and maybe France or Germany or Italy need to throw in their supports behind China. Then for the first time, US faces a stiff challenge in the UN to make Israel stop.

I'm not a Muslim but the plight of the Palestinians is not of any religion or ethnicity. It's a humanity disaster, an assault against humanity as a whole. The worst or the most disgraceful aspect of this disaster is it's not caused by mother nature or the certain result of economic activities but the state-sponsored attrocities committed continuously since WWII. If anyone care or had visited Gaza, he or she knows what I meant. Israeli basically keep the Palestinians in a slave den and use them as slave laborers.

Would china do something to help these people you think if Palestine offered china a naval base there for like 100 years or something if china helped it get its independence?
Numpty, why such a simply logic is not going through your thick skull?

Pakistan provided military assistance in FAR FAR more difficult circumstance to those who were in need right under the nose of UN arms embargo, to the group of people who didnt even have their state back then. Here we, the Islamic republic of Pakistan, RECOGNIZE the state of Palestine as a sovereign state, hell we even have their embassy in Islamabad, whereas Israel doesn't exist for us, officially. Assistance can easily be provided as a state to state matter between ISLAMIC republic of Pakistan, and State of Palestine, just like India and Israel conduct military to military transactions between themselves.

The notion that Pakistan do not have any option to provide Palestine military assistance is bogus. Savy??

It would be super hard to get things into Gaza as opposed to Bosnia. Gaza is so small and no resources to build things. Or grow food.

when you supplied Bosnia, even at our worst point, at the point of almost Total collapse of our country and defences, we controlled almost as much land as Israel does now. Gaza is a prison camp.
Would china do something to help these people you think if Palestine offered china a naval base there for like 100 years or something if china helped it get its independence?

Whatever Palestine has now, it doesn't have a port that it could to make a jurisdictional concession. On the contrary, China and Israel have signed an agreement to lease a port(?) for the OBOR project. That means Israel and China are partners for some degrees in OBOR. The Trump administration even expressed its concern to Israel over this agreement and the Israel PM rejected the Americans' concern. So that should shut your mouth in case you're suggesting China is doing it for economic or political gain.

Then, what's in it for China? Besides the philanthropic reasons (many countries do, but only a few dare to speak out against the US), China wants to gain a geopolitical leverage against the U.S. For decades US blocked any UN attempt to condemn Israel. China takes the opportunity to expose the US double standard and hypocrisy on human rights.
Whatever Palestine has now, it doesn't have a port that it could to make a jurisdictional concession. On the contrary, China and Israel have signed an agreement to lease a port(?) for the OBOR project. That means Israel and China are partners for some degrees in OBOR. The Trump administration even expressed its concern to Israel over this agreement and the Israel PM rejected the Americans' concern. So that should shut your mouth in case you're suggesting China is doing it for economic or political gain.

Then, what's in it for China? Besides the philanthropic reasons (many countries do, but only a few dare to speak out against the US), China wants to gain a geopolitical leverage against the U.S. For decades US blocked any UN attempt to condemn Israel. China takes the opportunity to expose the US double standard and hypocrisy on human rights.

its very nice to have a port in Israel but it’s useless to China as Israel is merely an extension of America. It’s a little more than a client state. So it would help China if it had a military base in the Mediterranean (like Russia does).

Any ordinary port will just be confiscated once your have a war with the US. Which will be quite soon. Most likely when China takes back Taiwan this decade.

China also has a port in Australia and the government there is already taking about confiscating it on national security grounds.
its very nice to have a port in Israel but it’s useless to China as Israel is merely an extension of America. It’s a little more than a client state. So it would help China if it had a military base in the Mediterranean (like Russia does).

Any ordinary port will just be confiscated once your have a war with the US. Which will be quite soon. Most likely when China takes back Taiwan this decade.

China also has a port in Australia and the government there is already taking about confiscating it on national security grounds.

I agree. For China, overseas ports are not assets until they can protect them.
I agree. For China, overseas ports are not assets until they can protect them.

China has its port in Pakistan and Sri Lanka that are safe. Mediterranean is probably a bit too ambitious forChina right Now.
Having a satellite messianic state all bent on Armageddon has it's set of difficulties... to mitigate some of those such as an unlikely Arab invasion... Isreal is home to experimental research and development of novel armaments and solutions... enough to blunt an initial attack, followed up by western military might and reinforcement.
Which is why politicians and strong men are always questioned on their loyalties and weaknesses are not taken lightly. The division and then further sub division of battlefields and enemies and any coordination efforts are actively thwarted... which is how we have a secular PLO and religious Hamas and other factions... working independently of each other and not alongside. Simply put if Isreal was to be given any real stress by sub-state actors... now was the time for Hezbollah but instead they have their own priorities and proclivities not aligned with Palestinians on national or sectarian accounts.

But, this bits and piecemeal offers a significant opportunity to try these very novel, newer weapons in active battlefields against the thugs... using their very techniques against them... raising the bar and tech... developing solutions according to the active theater and figuring out relevant and disruptive technologies and techniques that actually cause real pain instead of visuals of defiance, and no real impact. Which is why Isreal actually feels it should take time and put a price on Gaza... whereas if it was a price they had to pay...
There would actually be an urgency to stop the conflict!

So, here it is... develop and deploy actual disruptive technology in Gaza and perhaps west bank!
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Surely you hope at something more than glorified bottle rockets.
I think disruptive is the right word... higher price is right and we can add more "targeted" to that as well...
Besides, there is way too much hue and cry on useless rocket barrage that only produce visuals and are devoid of results and more importantly that price which will cause a policy shift or rethinking of matters...

That being said... the very purpose of the zionist entity is to bring about a messianic age... for born agains, cause rapture and for the rest Armageddon.

Most people unfamiliar with the "real" issues and only hung up on talking points do not even bring these up... least Muslims who seldom if ever talk or agree on Israel's very nature as a state and it's very consequential purpose.
I think disruptive is the right word... higher price is right and we can add more "targeted" to that as well...
Besides, there is way too much hue and cry on useless rocket barrage that only produce visuals and are devoid of results and more importantly that price which will cause a policy shift or rethinking of matters...

Can you please give some examples that would illustrate what technologies could be disruptive to Israel to the extent you are suggesting?
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