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Opinion | 10 'outrageously unthinkable' yet pragmatic solutions to Pakistan's major problems.

1: 'Quit Afghanistan | Strategic depth is dead'

Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, is a thing of the past. USSR is dead, now if Russians invade again, they would have to invade many C.Asian countries before they get to Pakistan. Moreover in regards to India, Pakistan has nuclear weapons and if our existence is threatened we can vaporise them in response. Therefore they won't mount an invasion of Pakistan, therefore the strategic depth is not needed, therefore Afghanistan is now irrelevant to our strategic calculus as far as a scenario of Indian invasion is concerned.
when you use term like strategic depth what does it mean for you?what are the air lift capabilities of Pakistan?what about road network?
many members here when discuss Afghanistan they start from 80's why?why not from 1947? Afghanistan was the only country who opposed us at UN.The killer of our first prime minister liaqat ali khan was afghan ----> said akbar
they gave refuge to khan of kalat brother , Abdul karim and from there he started attacking Pakistan .Afghanistan provided refuge to Marris and Mengals in 70's long before soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
when ever there is a foreign force in Afghanistan kpk and balochistan start burning,first there was soviets and now Americans.
so stability of kpk and balochistan is paired with stability of Afghanistan.

We should stop ALL interventions in Afghan affairs, allow India to have the transit to Afghanistan and Afghanistan to India in return of full recognition of the Durand line from Afghanistan, and Indian assurances of not using the Afghan soil for destabilizing Pakistan. Pakistan should refrain from Afghan affairs, altogether. We should NEVER help them EVER again in case of another invasion, let them fend for themselves. Should the worst case scenario of a hostile Afghanistan and a hostile India at the same time arise, we should focus all of our military assets to defend ourselves through a concentrated effort.
basic strategic aim of india is resurrection of murya empire.chakra in their flag , 3 lion symbol is from that empire.in order to achive this objective they follow the principals of kotlaya chankia i.e you immediate neighbor is your enemy and neighbor of your neighbor is your friend.
1) pakistan is their enemy , but afghanistan and iran is their friends.
2) china is their enemy but russia is their friend.
3) what type of relations india have with bhutan,nepal,bangladesh and srilanka?
so why would we give our enemy transit to minerals of afghanistan,natural resources of caspian sea,iran and central asia?

what are the stands of tribals of pakistan on durand line?leave afghanistan talk about pakistani paktuns will they recognize durand line an international border? if yes then afghnies who came to pakistan through durand line should need a passport.

2: 'Referendum in Azad Kashmir'

Imagine if we liberate Kashmir through a military invasion from India. Then we conduct a free and fair referendum in Kashmir. If you are thinking that they will opt for joining Pakistan, you are wrong. Kashmiris will have no regard for Pakistani help, we will be taken for granted and Kashmiris will instead opt for an independent nation. Kashmir counts for 90% of our international diplomatic and security related problems, despite our best efforts we cannot 'win' as the great Muslim liberator as we hope to be.

I suggest, we should conduct a referendum in Azad Kashmir with following choices.

1: Join Pakistan formally - support Pakistani efforts to turn LOC into an international border with India.

2: Become an independant state.

Its a win win situation for Pakistan either way if we stop thinking of Kashmir as a 'Muslim problem/Pakistani problem' because it is not. It is a Kashmiri problem and they are the ones who need to solve it. If they choose the 1st option in a vast majority, we mount serious efforts of peacemaking with India.

If they choose the 2nd option, its a win win for us as we will help them become a new country, UN member, OIC member and then we can leave them alone to deal with the Indians,they would have to worry about the diplomatic/military strife with India, not us. It will become a 'Kashmiri Problem' - and this territory will act as a buffer between us and Indian forces. I would rather have Indian forces patrol Kashmiri streets than patrolling mine. Kashmiri freedom is worth Pakistani blood? - i wonder if it is and how much of it will be enough. We are giving blood since 1947.
i think you forget about our resolution at UN.there should be referendum in kashmir with 3 options
1)be an independent country
2)join pakistan
3)join india
and this is our official stand at UN.
we may live without kashmiri people and kashmiri land but we cannot live without water that came from kashmir

3: Isolation from Arab-Iran rivalry.

Pakistan is a nuclear power and cannot be invaded, why should we be fighting as mercenaries for others? - I want no Pakistani boots outside Pakistan for ANY reason, for ANY country. Arab Iranian rivalry has a racist undertone, which Pakistan must not become a part of. We should allow them to solve their differences peacefully or go to war. Pakistan must not take EITHER SIDE, and remain totally neutral.

No Arab/Persian forces have helped us in 1948-1965-1971. It was us who were fighting for them not them fighting for us. We all know what the odds are of any military assistance from Iran or Arabs in any future war with India, don't we? - They won't come to our help, when we need them the most. - Pakistan therefore needs to become neutral -we need not meddle in their affairs nor we allow them to meddle into ours.

4: Recognize Israel

If Kashmir = Palestine than why Arabs and Iranians and Turks are allowed to recognize India while Pakistan is not allowed to recognize Israel? - Why they are allowed to trade with India, but Pakistan is not allowed to trade with Israel? - Pakistan should recognize Israel in return for unrestricted access to American and European markets and preferential trade agreements - as well as Pakistan gets the NSG membership. It will equal out our relations with the Arabs and the Iranians vis a vis Kashmir and India, and will improve our international standing by presenting us as a mature nation.
what was Jinnah and liaqat ali khan stand on palestine?many of you are supporters of jinnah pakistan then why you people don't take his opinion on this matter?
palestine is not purely political matter its religious also.Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w did not came to kashmir at night of mairaj.
recognizing israel i exchange of trade?what you sell to europeans and americans?wheat,rice mangoes?what is the unit price of electricity in pakistan?
did you really want to get AAM,SAMS, anti ballistic missiles , green pine radars, phalcons,IMFand world bank loan waivers,or do you want israeli pressure on americans so that they stop slapping you? if you want these things then there is miscalculation on your part.
what exactly west want from us?
1)give up political islam
2)give up nukes
3)recognize israel
why you are falling in their trap?why bowing before them why not burn their empire to the ground?

5: Join SCO

Pakistan should join SCO at all costs - dim its role in the OIC. Focus on China, Russia, C.Asia and India for trade and making the most of our geographic importance.

6: Build and maintain a Military muscle

If we adopt the above policy we need to build a potent conventional military muscle, big enough to provide impeccable national defense - to flush out the terrorist outfits - and small enough that cant be used in attacking any other nation in the world. Pakistan military should ONLY be used to defend Pakistanis. We should not care who's bombing Afghanistan and who's dumping Kashmiris in mass graves. As long as its not us getting killed, it shouldn't affect our military thinking.

7: Apologise to Bangladesh

We need to apologise to Bangladesh for our brutality inflicted upon them in 1971 - in return for free trade agreements and normalization of the bilateral ties.
in return they should also apologize for their treason.they should apologize for crimes against beharis and other pro-pakistan factions.

8: Non intervention in the Muslim world

When was the last time you saw Turks,Indonesians and Malaysians intervening in other countries to 'protect Muslims' ? - NEVER. We need to do the same, we need to learn to ignore what happens in the Muslim world, so we can focus on ourselves. It should not be an issue to us, if Israelis bomb Palestinians,Lebanese and Egyptians, Burmese monks kill Rohingas, Serbs kill bosnians or Indians bomb Kashmiris. We should not intervene - they are not worth a drop of Pakistani blood.
but we have some people who are more loyal to iran and saudia then pakistan.what about them?how we will stop iran and saudia to stop funding and supporting there proxies?

9: Become business minded

Every F.policy favor we render to ANYONE - has to be in return for business favors returned to us. Once we build our economy, we send our kids to schools and universities - than we can think about other goals.

10: Pacifist Pakistan

Pakistan should give up its alliance with the US, normalize its ties with the US as a non aligned nation, bolster ties with China,Russia, India , Brazil and EU. A Pakistan that is indifferent to the security climate in other nations as long as its not us. We should never wage war on other nations-nor become partisans in one.

By doing this, we can reinvent our position in the world as a self centric country that is pro business - pro trade and anti conflict.

you want to dis-engage with america but will they let it happen?americans are trying to contain china but we are providing kasghar to gwader coridor to chinese.on one hand we have americans who ditched us every time and on other hand we have a nation who helped us in our nuclear program, our missile program , helped us setting up wah factory , we build ships and fighter jets with their help.even we have have money no one will sell us tech with the exception of them.
Sir our relationship with Arabs is based on financial reasons only.

They give us finances and invest in our country. Millions of Pakistanis live there and send remittances back home. So we cannot jeopardize that relationship. Plus the fact that Americans actually listen to Saudi Royals, they can be of utmost help when Pakistan is in a corner, like during the Kargil Fiasco.

However, i cannot say the same about Iran. During the Shah we did enjoy very good relations, but now it's merely like they are our neighbors and so we should have good relations with them. If Iran was that good of a friend, they wouldn't be preferring India over Pakistan for strategic gains. Not to mention that we have credible intelligence that Iranians are stirring up trouble in Balochistan.

We have deep cultural links to Arabs because of religion. Our ties with Iran permeate our language, cuisine and literature.

Both these cultural links are important and inviolate.

As for Arabs and Iranians being friendly to India, we have to take a mature attitude. As long as they are not helping India kill our people, we can't fault them for having relations with India.
We have deep cultural links to Arabs because of religion. Our ties with Iran permeate our language, cuisine and literature.

Both these cultural links are important and inviolate.

As for Arabs and Iranians being friendly to India, we have to take a mature attitude. As long as they are not helping India kill our people, we can't fault them for having relations with India.

Culture and Religion are two completely separate things. I don't know why people keep putting the two together? Its like apple and oranges.
We have deep cultural links to Arabs because of religion. Our ties with Iran permeate our language, cuisine and literature.

Both these cultural links are important and inviolate.

As for Arabs and Iranians being friendly to India, we have to take a mature attitude. As long as they are not helping India kill our people, we can't fault them for having relations with India.

Culture and Religion are two separate things. I dont know why people keep putting the two together? Its like Apple and Oranges
Very well written article...kudos to you. Every nation should solve it's internal problems and should be it's top priority. No point in looking at neighbors wife when you can't handle your own.

BTW thanks to all the posters for very good discussion on this thread... seen 1 civil thread after ages.
To be frank I disagree with almost everything you wrote and have outlined my position.

Your positions largely make no sense from both a historical and/or economic perspective and it's clear you have little to no understanding of Pakistan's problems and where Pakistan needs to go from here.

10: Pacifist Pakistan

A peaceful man will respect those around him and doesn't look for trouble but if assaulted will fight back while a pacifist will keep taking beatings or watch as their loved ones are assaulted without retaliating even in self defence until he dies (which could very well result in his murder). This is probably why Pacifists altered their philosophy to allow violence in self defence or the defence of loved ones because how it was originally practiced was nonsensical. Pakistan has never looked for fights we're simply defending our people and allies from aggression and our lands from occupation.

You ever hear the story about the King with four sons and upon his deathbed he calls them in and pulls out a stick and snaps it in half then hands them a bundle of sticks and asks them to break it but none of them are able to at which point he teaches them that if united they're strong like the bundle but on their own they're weak? Unity is strength and alliances are important (ex. you're advocating us joining the SCO which itself is an economic/military alliance). However, a nation needs to be careful who it aligns itself with which is the true issue at hand. In 2001 Ashley Tellis wrote a report ("South Asia: US Policy Choices" in Taking Charge A Bipartisan Report to the President-Elect on Foreign Policy and National Security — Discussion Papers) that Bush was in agreement with which essentially stated that the US should abandon Pakistan for India. The problem isn't that we're aligning ourselves with other nations the problem stems from us partnering with countries that do not have our interests at heart nor any desire to help us meet our tactical/strategic goals. Our alliances with our Muslim brothers/sisters has benefited us greatly which include both defence (ex. the Saudi's helped fund our nuclear program while the Libyans helped supply us with uranium during the initial stages of our program) and economic (ex. Tuwairqi Steel Mills, Pak-Arab Refinery, Pak-Arab Fertilizers, etc...) so abandoning those ties is ridiculous.

I agree with bolstering ties with China and Brazil as well as the possibility of increasing ties with Russia but definitely not India as long as they are killing our people in Kashmir and occupying Pakistani territory which is why it's probably the only country under threat of aggression from Pakistan with the possible exception of forces in Afghanistan if they continue to act in the current manner.

I don't understand how being pro-business and pro-trade has anything to do with our stance towards India and Afghanistan (ex. the US is the most industrialized nation on the planet with an economy larger than any other nations and it doesn't trade with Iran or N. Korea has gone to war with one and is signalling it's willingness to go to war with the other). Furthermore, we're not interested in being pro-business we're interested in being pro-Pakistani. What's good for a particular business is not necessarily good for Pakistani's in general (ex. it would be better on paper for a business not to have to pay taxes or severance, not to have to cover medical/dental or retirement benefits not to mention companies may be able to benefit by discriminating against employees of a particular ethnic, religious, socio-economic background but that does not mean it's better for the country as a whole or it's citizens in general).

'Quit Afghanistan | Strategic depth is dead'

One of the most fundamental strategies of war, also described in Sun Tzu's "Art of War", is the idea of flanking an enemy force which also emphasizes the importance of you avoiding being flanked at all costs. This is one of the major reasons we fought the USSR but do you honestly think that the USSR was our only threat? India was their close ally and just like them they're trying to position themselves in Afghanistan to attack us through alliances with political/militant forces that hate the very idea of Pakistan (ex. these same forces refused to recognize Pakistan back in 1945 and still refuse to recognize our border with them).

Strategic depth in the traditional sense hasn't existed since our acquisition of nuclear capabilities in the late 90s and our latest acquisition of tactical nuclear warheads. However, it is clear that we cannot allow Afghanistan to be used to attack Pakistan whether it be a domestic or foreign outfit operating out of their country.

2: 'Referendum in Azad Kashmir'

That is what the UN proposed to both Azad Kashmir and those parts of Kashmir occupied by India. While we've always been in agreement with this resolution (Security Council Resolution 47) the Indians have continually refused to allow any such referendum to take place.

As of today if a referendum was held in Azad Kashmir the majority will opt to stay with Pakistan (as per independent public opinion polls confirming the majority support Pakistan). I remember once reading that half of Punjab alone had Kashmiri ancestry which is because Kashmiri's like other Pakistanis are ethnically the same (i.e. our ancestry originates from within Pakistan - Mehgargh) and distinct from India. Marriages regularly occur between residents from Kashmir and the rest of Pakistan (ex. My grandmother from my dad's side and great grandmother from my mom's side are both Kashmiri). They are committed to Pakistan which is evidenced by their representation within the armed forces (i.e. they represent about 2.75% of Pakistans total population but make up more than 9% of the PAK army). I don't know if you've been to the UK but it has the largest collection of Kashmiri's (particularly from Mirpur) outside of Kashmir/Pakistan and they are as, if not more, nationalistic about Pakistan than I am. The outcome of an independent Kashmir will always be it's eventual merger with Pakistan since we're the same people which is why India is so vehemently against the idea.

There is no solution to the Kashmir issue other than war. These are our people by blood and culture (including religion) and Kashmir is our ancestral land (like the rest of Pakistan) it is imperative that we throw away these misconceived ideas of peace with an enemy who occupies our territory and kills our people.

3: Isolation from Arab-Iran rivalry.

We've never been involved in their rivalry to begin with and I have no idea where you got this idea. Furthermore, there is no such rivalry (Iran has reached out to a variety of Arab groups to foster partnerships and vice versa including most recently the Muslim Brotherhood before they were deposed in a coup). What you have are "political" forces vying for regional hegemony. Iran exemplifies a lot of things that the GCC does not (ex. piety, independence, pride and strength) and various parties within the GCC are threatened by Iran's appeal both at home and regionally but at the same time Iran makes some crucial foreign policy errors (ex. not concentrating on developing partnerships - both economic and military - with those nations that have the highest approval ratings of it).

Your suggestion for not deploying Pakistani soldiers outside of Pakistan are both impractical and illogical. There are times when we're going to need to deploy our military in order to protect our interests (whether it's to eliminate a threat, protect an ally or defend the holy cities of Mecca and Medina). The US has deployed soldiers for this reason as have virtually all of NATO, China (ex. Vietnam and Korea), Pakistan (in Afghanistan during the Afghan-USSR war), etc... because at the end of the day sitting around and hoping for things to go in your favor isn't going to work.

"...Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change it themselves..." (Surah 13:11)

I agree with your idea of our armed forces not being auctioned off as a mercenary force. However, they've never been used in such a manner since the military operates based on the strategic directives of the COAS, other Generals and the government (particularly the PM/President). However, whether the objectives warranted troop deployments can be up for discussion.

4: Recognize Israel

Not possible especially considering Israel had planned to bomb our Kahuta research lab back in the 80s to curtail our ability to acquire a nuclear deterrent.

I really hate the "well Arabs aren't helping us free Kashmir from occupation so we should recognize Israel" argument. What does it matter to us whether they help or not? If Jinnah didn't bother to recognize their occupation and treatment of Palestinians why should we now? The simple question is whether we agree with Israel's slaughter of Muslims, occupation of Palestinian territory and continued apartheid like policies. Recognition of the Israeli claims to occupied lands is tantamount to recognizing India's claims to occupied Kashmir (which ethnically/historically they have none since Kashmir is Pakistan).

You think Pakistan is going to be afforded any favors for recognizing Israel? China not only armed Viet Cong and N. Korean troops but also stationed troops inside their respective countries during their wars with the US yet today China is one of the US' largest trading partners. Israel doesn't control US or European economic policies and the sheer fact that if military confrontation doesn't affect trade they're lobbying (which we can counter with our own lobbyists) isn't going to either. If you offer a product at a price cheaper than your competition of equal or better quality you'll get the business. What Pakistan needs is a resolution to it's energy crisis (true cause of Pakistan's current economic problems as it robs the country of 3 to 4% GDP growth a year meaning once it's resolved we'll go back to growing at 7+% a year) as well as both various economic/social reforms to not only make the country more competitive but quell social disorder, improve health/sanitation (poor sanitation is calculated to rob the country of another 4% of GDP growth a year), eliminate corruption, etc...

5: Join SCO

I agree with this move but you do understand that the SCO is both an economic and military alliance? This goes against your policy of advocating "non-alliance" which I've already covered in my initial response on point 10 (Pacifist Pakistan).

6: Build and maintain a Military muscle

Couldn't agree with you more. When the energy crisis is resolved I would like the military budget increased at the very least by another 1% of GDP to meet Pakistan's current security challenges.

However, your idea of keeping it small so it can't attack other countries is completely idiotic. If another country decides to invade us we not only need to defend our territory but we must be able to take the fight to our enemy (otherwise you have a situation like in Iraq, Libya or Syria where they're invaded, attacked or opposition groups are being armed by foreign nations but they can't retaliate against the aggressor since they do not have the capacity to do so).

Our army needs to be able to take on all threats of all sizes from small groups to the largest nations anywhere on the planet.

7: Apologise to Bangladesh

Why should we apologize when we did nothing wrong?

Our troops were stationed in Bangladesh, attacked and they fought back. Bangladesh was a part of Pakistan yet members of that country attacked us and our allies within Bangladesh (which they continue to do so today under Sheikh Hasina's government). The turn of events were unfortunate but our troops had to defend themselves. A lot of these stories surrounding the events and casualties in the '71 war are fabricated based lies (read "Dead Reckoning: Memories of the 1971 Bangladesh War" by Sarmila Bose) by those parties that want to see inflamed tensions between Pakistani's and Bengalis.

What we need to be doing is supporting those groups in Bangladesh that want good relations with Pakistan and see us as brothers/sisters in faith instead of this idiocy of trying to be the nice guy to everyone.

If Bangladesh wants better economic relations great but if it comes at a cost of disgracing the men/women in uniform who died there then no thanks.

9: Become business minded

No offense but you sound like a prostitute who'll do anything for money. I have already outlined that what's good for a particular business/businesses isn't necessarily good for Pakistan and Pakistanis in terms of standard of living (Point 10 - Pacifist Pakistan).

Business wise Pakistan has done well our problem as of right now is the energy crisis (which robs the country of 3 to 4% GDP growth every year) but there are other issues that also need to be addressed (ex. lack of proper sanitation costs Pakistan almost 4% GDP growth every year). Militancy (which is partly the byproduct of Indian support for groups attacking Pakistan but also partly the result of successive governments that has never addressed any of the concerns of the people nor implemented their will) has little to do with Pakistan's economic problems other than scaring away some FDI but it can easily be resolved through increased military expenditures which will come with both tax reforms and increased tax revenues from a growing economy once the energy crisis is resolved and a government that is responsive to the demands of the people (ex. implementation of Sharia, ending our involvement in the "war on terror", etc...).

There are two reasons why the Western world is ahead of the rest of the world technologically and economically. First, the Western world does invest in R&D which takes them forward but more importantly they have kept everyone else back (through colonialism, slavery, war and sabotage - ex. Overthrow of Mosaddegh in Iran and now the overthrow of Morsi in Egypt and replacing them with puppets who follow their foreign masters and have no real qualification or incentive to lead and do more for their peoples instead it just results in civil unrest which takes away money from education or R&D and puts it into providing policing). To give you an example of how they screwed us lets look at Pakistan and India which under colonization had their GDP (PPP) per capita grow by a measily 60% in 115 years but after colonization our GDP (PPP) per capita grew 300% in 33 years. The same goes for Africa whose economies all grew much faster after the end of colonialism than during it (which was confirmed in the 1996 paper "Did Colonization Matter for Growth" by Prof. Graziella Bertocchi and Prof. Fabio Canova of the Universities of Modena and Pompeu Fabra respectively) and the effect of colonialism was termed as largely "negative" but that success was sabotaged after many of it's countries went on a borrowing spree thanks to the advice the World Bank and IMF (made and controlled by individuals from secularist nations) gave it in the 70s and 80s. The west grew on our backs and blood but out of sheer arrogance they completely ignore their history then not only lambast us (even when they're the ones starting the wars) but try to give us advice which is totally different from what made them wealthy.

You're going by rhetoric from various Western nations which have been largely lies and as of today are advising nations to do the exact opposite of what made them wealthy.

Did you get to read this?

yes read it excellent effort , agreed with most and this is not outrageous solution what you have said its plain logic , you should send it out to other publications as well
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yes read it excellent effort , agreed with most and this is not outrageous solution what you have said its plain logic , you should send it out to other publications as well

By adding the word outrageous, i'm trying to reach out to a certain audience, if you know what i mean.

Plenty of editing needs to be done, before i can come up with a publish worthy version of this.
well there are no short term solutions and there is no short cut to success

the onli solution's to all pakistani problem are

1. end of feudalism

2. stop worrying about whats going wrong with other's and first make arrangements so you can bring your house in order first

3.try to make your beurocracy & judiciarry & forces accountable to the political executive and common man

4. tell truth to your people and world and aknowledge your mistakes and do take hard decisions to rectify them

5. try to make pakistan a welfare state than to make it a security state and stop trying to impose your will and aspirations on your immideate naighbours
Well written Article ,,:tup:

Just change /Redefine "Jihad" in a constructive manner rather than destructive.,,Things ll start getting in to place automatically.
Culture and Religion are two separate things. I dont know why people keep putting the two together? Its like Apple and Oranges

Actually culture includes virtually everything like language, dance, food and dress but by definition also includes religion.

Religion defines a lot of the other aspects of a societies culture (ex. Islam forbids us to eat pork or consume alcohol so our dishes reflect those limitations).
The entire thing is very well conceived but some insight on your thoughts on the domestic situation would also be appreciated.

talking about domestic situation I have a counter question
please forgive me because its going to hurt
but its going to hurt me more than you or my other fellow soldiers who have served or are serving this country

this is a question from an old school class fellow of mine
we studied together in FG boys school in Quetta

he is a serving Lt Colonel in Pakistan army Armoured corps

he is a Hazara

... should I continue????

tell me my dear... if and when will my fellow soldiers would eradicate these Saudi funded pests who have not only killed his family members but they first killed the children in front of their parents and while executing their parents they used their phones and called their family members and made them hear the screams.

Please answer me because I am finding it very hard to keep hold of my identity, my nationality and my religion

and day and night I recite the Qalima and pray that I die as a Muslim


these pests that you and I know so well are free to kill the people of this country like cattle.

any chance there?

you and me both know where these beasts drive their power, their finances and where their links go but ... will they continue to kill till the end of their natural lives in our faces?

forget Hamid Mir, of PMLn or the judges, they are never going to help but can you guys do anything or would you?
Culture and Religion are two completely separate things. I don't know why people keep putting the two together? Its like apple and oranges.

Culture is influenced by religion.

That's why people talk of Judeo-Christian culture, or Islamic culture, or Confucian-based cultures, etc.
It influences it to a certain extent yes. However i still would not put the two togheter
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