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Communication systems have been blocked in North Waziristan region : Sources
nice picture of German Eurocopter

very sleek and pretty
but we dont want something pretty .. we hand a big ugly Mi 35 which is causing some pain among some Indian kids on the forum.,
This shouldnt be happening specially now. I do believe that any drone strikes carried out now after the operation are purely in our support and with coordination based on our Intel. We shouldn't be condemning it now. Its nonsense and hypocrisy on our part.

Don't be childish. Coordination or no coordination, we can't be seen cooperating with the US in front of the locals, the US which has bombed them for so long. Local support is what we need the most in this operation.
Dozens has been killed plating bombs, thats the best they can do. But looks like PA have secured major routes, so no surprise IED attack any more.
To early to say that. IED attacks don't just happen on main thoroughfares. Secondary roads, nullay, gulleys all have to be navigated.

Don't be childish. Coordination or no coordination, we can't be seen cooperating with the US in front of the locals, the US which has bombed them for so long. Local support is what we need the most in this operation.
Many of the locals support the strikes as long as collateral damage is limited. They are caught between a rock and a hard place between the militants and the military operations.

Is this picture of Zarb e Azb
No its not. You can see the patch on his arm showing a formation insignia. I suspect this is when he was a Corps commander.
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Don't be childish. Coordination or no coordination, we can't be seen cooperating with the US in front of the locals, the US which has bombed them for so long. Local support is what we need the most in this operation.

Than don't be a hypocrite. Either you need US support or you don't. Clearly from the past events, we do need US support.
Than don't be a hypocrite. Either you need US support or you don't. Clearly from the past events, we do need US support.

Thank God that geopolitics doesn't work like a fifth grade morality class. Dude, how do you not get this? We get to eat the cake and also have it. Also, where and how in God's name does morality or ethics come into play in geopolitics? Where have you ever seen it so? You think the US is an ugly little kid, sitting in the corner hungry for recognition?
Thank God that geopolitics doesn't work like a fifth grade morality class. Dude, how do you not get this? We get to eat the cake and also have it. Also, where and how in God's name does morality or ethics come into play in geopolitics? Where have you ever seen it so? You think the US is an ugly little kid, sitting in the corner hungry for recognition?

First of all stop calling me dude, secondly i am not interested in your sarcastic rant. You can keep it to yourself. Third i stand by what i said. If US is supporting us, than we need to make sure that we see it that way. There are no two ways about it.
First of all stop calling me dude, secondly i am not interested in your sarcastic rant. You can keep it to yourself. Third i stand by what i said. If US is supporting us, than we need to make sure that we see it that way. There are no two ways about it.

Can't bring a well to the camel.
WASHINGTON: Key US officials have told Congress that Pakistan was regaining control over the tribal areas and the North Waziristan operation can bring peace to the entire region if it succeeds. --- I had the best laugh of my life. I literally was about to drown in Atlantic Ocean. It's the same country that said democracy will improve Iraq. Afghanistan. We just want a final surge to bring peace. ALL BS So on - If this ambassador HAS LITTLE SHAME LEFT IN HIM - Resign considering your country's track record. Just one more. Everything will be fine. ..Now they say THIS OPERATION WILL BRING PEACE. I Hope! But if it DOESNT - Those that actively participated in the decision MUST face accountability. If I had my way, those generals that failed in Iraq, Afghan, Pak generals etc - All of them face Uzbek style punishment of failing to bring peace and responsible of wasting huge amount of resources.
A mehsud or wazir would tell you that he would prefer to steal rather than beg. I think they are spending all of their earnings to rent houses and would try to avoid becoming "mohajirs" of tents unless they have no other choice. FATA people are different from swatis. Swatis were able to gain highlight, support, sympathy and donations from all over the country. Tribals do not have means to do so nor they want their miseries to be highlighted, since 2004 a big portion of tribals have settled in kpk and karachi, earning for themeselves.

That's why I'm alarmed of their influx into the twin cities. Even IDPs from NW have arrived in the twin cities. Many of the Karachi based IDPs have also relocated to the twin cities. Over the past 6 years, there has been a visible increase in crime. There's a strong culture of stealing and thievery in the traditional people of tibal areas. Even today, they arrested this pashto speaking woman who was trying to kidnap a local child and take her to Peshawar. In the locals of twin cities, a resentment is slowly brewing against the new arrivals. The locals are also afraid of these people as they can quickly escape to tribal areas after committing murders and robberies.

If they were generally law abiding citizens, I'd welcome them with open arms. But they have a very strong culture of thievery and petty crime. Their psyche is also too lawless. And I'm talking about the poorly educated, tribal villagers and not the ones studying at universities. I just hope they would respect the locals and try not to commit crime, otherwise the twin cities might erupt into riots and sh**.
Dumb from Dumbistan. Why are they like this when you all are from the same country? Answer lies in FCR!!! Lack of education, health and employment opportunities. Partly due to their malang tribal rituals too!!!! They are people like you and me. You give them education. You minimize the crime. Place yourself in the same situation where after 2001 motherland parado Jernails made $$$. Drug lords $$$. Political agents $$$. For you - It's collateral damage, talib hung ho jawand, IDPs, unemployment, drones etc
WASHINGTON: Key US officials have told Congress that Pakistan was regaining control over the tribal areas and the North Waziristan operation can bring peace to the entire region if it succeeds. --- I had the best laugh of my life. I literally was about to drown in Atlantic Ocean. It's the same country that said democracy will improve Iraq. Afghanistan. We just want a final surge to bring peace. ALL BS So on - If this ambassador HAS LITTLE SHAME LEFT IN HIM - Resign considering your country's track record. Just one more. Everything will be fine. ..Now they say THIS OPERATION WILL BRING PEACE. I Hope! But if it DOESNT - Those that actively participated in the decision MUST face accountability. If I had my way, those generals that failed in Iraq, Afghan, Pak generals etc - All of them face Uzbek style punishment of failing to bring peace and responsible of wasting huge amount of resources.

Dumb from Dumbistan. Why are they like this when you all are from the same country? Answer lies in FCR!!! Lack of education, health and employment opportunities. Partly due to their malang tribal rituals too!!!! They are people like you and me. You give them education. You minimize the crime. Place yourself in the same situation where after 2001 motherland parado Jernails made $$$. Drug lords $$$. Political agents $$$. For you - It's collateral damage, talib hung ho jawand, IDPs, unemployment, drones etc

You just went full retard, never go full retard.
Zarb-e-Azb: over 50 killed as Pak warplanes pound militant hideouts

June 20, 2014 - Updated 825 PKT
From Web Edition


PESHAWAR: Pakistan’s warplanes and helicopter gunship targeted militant hideouts in North Waziristan as part of a military offensive "Operation Zarb-e-Azb", killing more than 50 insurgents, sources said Friday.

The sources said several hideouts were destroyed in Qutab Khail and adjacent areas in the restive tribal region near the Afghan border.

Identities of those killed are yet to be known.

Zarb-e-Azb: over 50 killed as Pak warplanes pound militant hideouts - thenews.com.pk
Beats the living shits out of me that these so called "hideouts" are so well known and pin-pointed to our intelligence/army .. and some of the hideouts are called "bomb making factories" .. WTF .. and we did nothing about it .. call me happy at this operation .. but also call me angry!

Ok so now where are some photos/videos of the air strikes at least if not the wretched taliban graveyard .. and good, bad, ugly, beautiful or gay .. i don't care which taliban we're talking about!
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