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Faryad of a Mother


Watana Kala Khpa mashay,de pakhtano mandiyo zaman ba de gateena

Ay watan Kabhi khafa mat hona,Pakhtun mao k bete tumhe jeetenge

May Allah give them highest place in Jannat ul Firdous for fighting against the enemies of Islam aka talibandits
Why are they requesting a country like Afghanistan with a President like Karzai who has no real value or power other than to spout nonsense against Pakistan.
Its the US we should be talking too. Today in the newspaper a statement i read from the US were that even they were not taken into confidence before launching operation. What does that signifies? A distrust perhaps since the US too is known for double dealings.
Moreover are their any chances for our forces to take out sanctuaries in Khost, Kunar and other areas which Afghanistan provide to train anti Pakistan elements?
Fundamental mistake made by Pakistan it launches ops in its tribal areas every single time.

It is basic military strategy , a hammer and anvil approach is needed to crush any insurgency.

It is a known fact before any major COIN operation(Blue Star,Black Thunder or numerous COIN ops in Kashmir), the first step Indian army took was to seal the borders with Pakistan. So as to surround the terrorist, give them no opportunity of escape and deny them reinforcements.

Here Pakistan army has launched more than 8 big ops in last 8 yrs in tribal areas, yet every time militants melt into neighboring Afghanistan or neighboring Pakistani provinces to return after a few months later to recapture the area.

Here Pakistan is asking Afghanistan to not allow NWA tribesmen.
Kabul asked not to shelter fleeing NWA tribesmen - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Yet scores are fleeing(including militants) into neighboring Afghanistan.

Fleeing tribesmen consider Afghanistan safer - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
You can not expect another country to do your job...You have to seal your own borders...to act as anvil before you hammer in with big guns and tanks and jets..otherwise it is a futile exercise destined to be repeated again and again.

we'll extend the bombing runs into afghanistan , its only a matter of time.

also tell us , where is the border between afghanistan and Pakistan ? lets hear it from the snake's mouth itself

Why are they requesting a country like Afghanistan with a President like Karzai who has no real value or power other than to spout nonsense against Pakistan.
Its the US we should be talking too. Today in the newspaper a statement i read from the US were that even they were not taken into confidence before launching operation. What does that signifies? A distrust perhaps since the US too is known for double dealings.
Moreover are their any chances for our forces to take out sanctuaries in Khost and other areas which Afghanistan provide to train anti Pakistan elements?

to let that SOB know in diplomatic terms to stop giving shelter to terrorists
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to let that SOB know in diplomatic terms to stop giving shelter to terrorists

Time for diplomacy is long gone imo. Its time for action. Besides we shouldn't be giving that asshole undue importance. He is already done.
I sincerely hope that the scale of this operation is increased and we take out sanctuaries in Afghanistan even if that means by limited air strikes or cruise missiles
thats the Mech Inf unit moving out of Bannu..

on the related issue of the displaced tribal people due to the operation... the Afghan government is offering "cash incentives" and support to the tribesmen who decide to cross over to Afghanistan.

generally such gesture should be applauded from humanitarian point of view but when there are over 6 million Afghan refugees living in Pakistan, and the those that live in Afghanistan are getting their head or thumbs chopped off by Taliban for taking part in the elections then any such offer seems ridiculous, also noting the not so veiled hostility of Afghan regime towards Pakistan.
I wonder what Kabul is trying to achieve here if its not merely propaganda and recruitment against Pakistan army. because its the same Kabul that has failed to repatriate the Afghan refugees and safeguard those that live in Afghanistan from NATO collateral damage and Taliban reprisals.

Kabul asked not to shelter fleeing NWA tribesmen - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
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Imran Khan speech in Parliament he is not whole heatedly supporting operation and if things go wrong it would be now be disaster for Army and Government they have to make sure no terrorism takes place but if things remain pretty much same only 30 to 40 % are decreased than you are just looking at disaster in the making @Aeronaut @Oscar @Slav Defence @balixd and others

only one thing make him agree if he goes against operation than his will loss his political ground. so this retard now become agree half halfheartedly other wise he is not with army.
Time for diplomacy is long gone imo. Its time for action. Besides we shouldn't be giving that asshole undue importance. He is already done.
I sincerely hope that the scale of this operation is increased and we take out sanctuaries in Afghanistan even if that means by limited air strikes or cruise missiles

I agree.

This operation should be ALL or NOTHING and use the most destructive weaponry in it's arsenal

Pak army needs to aggressively bombard all TTP inside Pakistan and destroy targets inside Afghanistan as well

the afgani charsis needs to pay a price for sheltering the TTp scum
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf
2 hours ago

"Since the operation has started, we stand by our army and pray that the operation is successful." Chairman Imran Khan said outside Parliament. He added that "I am concerned about the civilians at North Waziristan. This operation was announced by DG ISPR, why not by the Government? I and CM Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pervez Khattak came to know about #ZarbEAzb through TV. Since a lot of displaced people are going to come in KP, we should have been contacted us so we could have suggested plan for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). Military operation cannot succeed unless it has a political solution too. We trust our army & support them."



Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf | Facebook

Somebody see at his face. How pain he is feeling right now for TTP :lol:
I know his good advise :lol: one and only peace talks :rofl:

give a heads up to all political parties, all leaders of Madrassahs .. so that they can warn their terrorist brothers.

makes perfect sense. always announce .. open a public debate.. with exact timing and area of operation so that all innocent terrorists, butchers and robbers can safely move out

military has complained that in the past their in camera , secret briefings to politicians were leaked out to media and TTP.

give a heads up to all political parties, all leaders of Madrassahs .. so that they can warn their terrorist brothers.

makes perfect sense. always announce .. open a public debate.. with exact timing and area of operation so that all innocent terrorists, butchers and robbers can safely move out

military has complained that in the past their in camera , secret briefings to politicians were leaked out to media and TTP.

Don't make your hatred for Islam so obvious... Not all madarsahs or Islamic leaders support the TTP

it is only the saudi funded wahabis that support them

One of the major reason they get support you end it you end most groups than you compensate those who are fighting for revenge than only those are left who are funded by RAW and Mossad than eliminate those and those who fund them

under any circumstance there is no justification to attack civilians.... so like any other country will annihilate from the source.

you are just sympathetic towards these animals because they share the same wahabi beliefs as you do, but majority of Pakistanis support the army operation and so should you
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