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Operation Tirah Valley | News & Updates

Once a city girl gets married into a fishing community......first thing she started to complain about was the smell of fishes.....after some days she got use to it....so she stands in the village square and starts claiming that "since i have arrived in this village, all the smell has gone"....not exactly a practical example to adopt.....we sitting in foreign lands with a cosy life style, are never short to point fingers at Pakistan and consider our self above the rest. !!

With actually living in Lahore and knowing how the system works, be it Fauji aur Civilian. Pakistan is above all, One's who are sacrificing lifes are above us all,,, Not acknowledging their sacrifices and hiding truth from public are scums.

They are having fun.... is this what you believe.

It is the shameless judiciary and its so called restoration by Asif f Zardari, which is responsible of this blood shed.

Now we have interim govt. which is receiving awards of traitor ship in Indian and Bangladesh.

Shame on you. Did Judiciary or civilian government planned and executed the strategy to send such a large company of soldiers in unprotected pickups or trucks without any aerial backup or clearing the route which is controlled by TTP and Mengal Bagh? It was the upper echelons, sitting their a.s.s.e.s on cozy seats and AC rooms decided to sacrifice soldiers like lambs out there and when they got ambushed instead of using brain to send cobra to pound out the peaks, they sent SSG guys. Wow I mean is it our first year in WoT that we don't know how to fight battles?

and use you brain next time to criticize relevant persons
To reduce the Loss of precious lives, Army must evolve a better battle field intelligence and make a good use of chopers firepower. We will insha allah when this battle too like we did in Bajawar, Swat and SWA.
RIP the Brave souls.
Tirah valley operation intensifies, 23 soldiers killed
PESHAWAR: A decisive operation has been launched against militants in the Tirah valley of Bara by Special Services Groups (SSG) forces along with regular troops, during which at least 23 troops have been killed along with local lashkar men.

Scores of militants have also been killed in the offensive during the last three days.

Official sources confirmed to Dawn.com that several soldiers, including SSG commandos, have been killed in the battle for Tirah valley on Saturday, around 30 militants have also been confirmed dead along with scores of others injured.

On late Sunday evening, a clash took place between security forces and militants in Akka Khel area of Bara tehsil. Ten militants were killed in the fighting, official sources said.

Sources said that SSG commandos along with regular army troops and Frontier Corps are battling to root out the last pockets of resistance in the Tirah valley especially on the border of Orakzai Agency.

The landlocked area is reported to be a bastion of the banned Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and other foreign militants.

The offensive has entered a crucial phase, after softening of targets by gunships and jet fighters.

Ground troops along with local volunteers have been mobilised to clear the area.

Security experts had already hinted at a decisive strike in the Tirah valley as the TTP and Lashkar-i-Islam had started consolidating their positions in the valley.

The two groups pose a serious threat to the settled areas especially Peshawar.

The FC media cell had confirmed on Friday that four soldiers were killed and over 14 militants had died in the clashes which have been continuing since then.

Sources have confirmed to Dawn.com that one dead body of an SSG commando and six injured SSG soldiers along with eight other solders were shifted to the CMH Peshawar on Saturday.

Artillery and mortar shelling has also intensified as troops have started an advance march and door-to-door offensive to clear pockets of resistance.

The former secretary of security for Fata region and an expert on tribal affairs, Brigadier Mehmood Shah speaking to Dawn.com said that Tirah would become a headache for the Pakistan administration if it is not cleared of militants.

He said that militants from Khyber Agency’s Bara area and the Dara Admakhel TTP have also shifted their operational base to Tirah valley as they consider it to be a safer place to regroup.

He added that if Tirah valley is left unattended, it would become even more dangerous than South Waziristan Agency.

The recent clashes between the Ansarul Islam (AI) and the TTP, also supported by the Lashkar-i-Islam (LI), had left many fighters dead on both sides, providing a conducive environment for security forces to launch a major offensive.

Another factor which might help the security forces this time is the internal rift in the TTP after the death of its commander Tariq Afridi.

Following the death of Tariq Afridi, the Central TTP and Afridi’s own faction both have appointed their own chiefs.

This indicates widening rifts between the Hakimullah-led militants and Tariq Afridi’s loyalists who suspect that the TTP central commander was responsible for Afridi’s murder.

The central TTP nominated Umer Khalifa while the Afridi faction nominated Zubair alias ‘Kaka’ as their chief.

But widening difference clearly surfaced after the two factions were unable to consolidate their positions.

The TTP-AI fight has made things more difficult for the TTP in Tirah valley.

The TTP spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan has repeatedly blamed security forces of backing the AI while he has also refused to accept the Dara Adamkhel Taliban chief Zaubair.

Security forces may benefit from the discontent and can take the TTP factions separately who are already at odds with each other.

They can also take on the LI through the AI whose fighters are already part of the Zakha Khel peace committee, which is fighting the LI in Maidan valley
Shame on you. Did Judiciary or civilian government planned and executed the strategy to send such a large company of soldiers in unprotected pickups or trucks without any aerial backup or clearing the route which is controlled by TTP and Mengal Bagh? It was the upper echelons, sitting their a.s.s.e.s on cozy seats and AC rooms decided to sacrifice soldiers like lambs out there and when they got ambushed instead of using brain to send cobra to pound out the peaks, they sent SSG guys. Wow I mean is it our first year in WoT that we don't know how to fight battles?

and use you brain next time to criticize relevant persons

Usually a pakistan offensive as we read from previous records would be,

a) PAF would conduct ground attack and Reconnaissance missions over the areas of operations, Soften the targets, Helping army to hold the area, Close air support if required and providing imaginary for selecting landing grounds for Army.

b) what went wrong in this operation? I think in this operations most of the targets were not destroyed by airstrikes that is the reason TTP was able to inflict this much damage.
How can Media post without the verification of ISPR? if they do that, Army would Give a Big Danda to that particular channel for disclosing such a high fatality rate of Army.

A small example. The incident of N.Waziristan where ISPR disclosed the figure of 20-30 soldiers killed where actually it was 60+

In morning a asked to senior ISPR officer esi news disclose kun nhi ki jate he said this is not an appropriate time ...
and i m confused he said this :confused:

@mafiya @Windjammer
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We need to kill them with hunger... unfortunately, as long Pakistani transit aid to hindus will not stop, Pakistan will continue to suffer.
It is Pakistani politicians who are complicit in killing Pakistani soldiers.
Remember Asif Ali Zardari and Hussain fukin Haqqani, begging US to teach Pak army a lesson.

To kill TTP tranist aid to them must stop.

Are you having a laugh? Being a senior member and the best you can come up with is this rubbish^^^^!!!!

Pakistani politicians got no control over Pakistani soldiers! Only the Generals do. Especially when it comes to these operations.

RIP Soldiers!
I think many of us put too much faith in ISPR. In the end, PR firms, whether private or military, exist to artificially control the perception of their clients in the eyes of the public. In the never ending quagmire that is WoT, our losses have been so significant and so long standing that no military on earth would proudly announce the ground realities of a supposed low level insurgency. The fact that Pakistan is still struggling to wrest control of a significant part of Western Pakistan from extremists shows us far more than any ISPR news release ever could.

The losses suffered are legitimately high. But only if we keep living under the delusion that what we face against these terrorists is a minor and contained insurgency. If we accept this as the all out war that the extremist themselves claim it is, we would realize this is the price to pay for liberty and freedom moving forward. Similarly, if the military establishment truthfully advertised this conflict as the bloody struggle for the nation's survival, the ISPR would find a very sympathetic public to the loss of life suffered by our armed forces. In the end, all Pakistanis feel the pain from the suffering of our brave soldiers. It is a travesty then, that the ISPR and the like prevent the public from properly appreciating and paying respects to the loss of each and every soldier. By censoring information and limiting what the public is told, countless brave souls die without a single person in their nation grasping their sacrifice.

The loss of life, far from demoralizing the public, would further embolden us to support the troops in this very real war. The general population must be made aware of the enormous sacrifice of Pakistani soldiers. They must be given proof of how troublesome the menace of extremism is. Without that, extremist will continue to find sympathizers within our population and our soldiers will continue to die unnamed and unappreciated. The fact that we don't know each and every soldier who has died fighting courageously is almost as sad as their sacrifice.
Does the term ISI means anything.....it's allegedly behind everything that happens or does not happen in India.
By merely applying fair'n lovely doesn't exactly makes you snow-white. !!

India blames pakistan for terrorism

US blames pakistan for terrorism

UN blames Pakistan for Terrorism

"The Pakistani military and ISI also used and supported some of these groups in the Kashmir insurgency after 1989. The bulk of the anti-Indian activity was and still remains the work of groups such as Lashkar-e-Taiba, which has close ties with the ISI," said the panel headed by Chile's UN ambassador Heraldo Munoz.(not India) ;)

Your higher then mountain deeper then ocean friend China Blames pakistan for terrorism

China has blamed terrorists trained in Pakistan for an outbreak of deadly violence and imposed heavy security on Monday in a bid to prevent further unrest

your own leader have blame ISI for acting unlawfully
Many in the Pakistani government, including slain former prime minister Benazir Bhutto, have called the intelligence agency "a state within a state," working beyond the government's control and pursuing its own foreign policy.

Billi Aankh bandh kar doodh peti hain, to wo samajti hai ki koi use nahi dekh raha :taz:

for me you are also just a Alice in wonderland ....have a nice stay there.:cheers:

while those who have woke up from there sleeps works for betterment of pakistan ,South Asia ,Asia and Global region .
It was an ongoing operation.. Any further updates?
@kam22 cut it out mate, not the appropriate thread for such discussion.

Pay your respect to the fallen soldiers, otherwise move on.

I I Sir.............:cheers:
RIP the brave souls that have departed....u served ur country:pakistan:
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Billi Aankh bandh kar doodh peti hain, to wo samajti hai ki koi use nahi dekh raha :taz:

for me you are also just a Alice in wonderland ....have a nice stay there.:cheers:

while those who have woke up from there sleeps works for betterment of pakistan ,South Asia ,Asia and Global region .

Chaar anna ki murghi aur bara anna ka masala.

Five posts and all this banter.....Gadhi ney sher ko dekh kar ankeen bandh kar ley .....soucha sher pahchaney ga nahin.

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