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Operation Swift Retort by Alan Warnes

Shame is for people who have morals. For a Prost****e getting screwed is no big. So is for India if PAF can go to india, bomb their bases (near by it) show actual bomb footage and put a bold claim unchallenged.

If IAF had found the AAMRAM in a village as they claim they could have shown much more segments of the missile as PAF was able to show the remnants of the Nando Craft.

They were able to show only the exploded section of the Aamram that was pulled off the SU-30. Their presentation of that itself is their humiliation. It shows that they were totally not in control and were bewildered.

They went out showing proof that they had been Screwed over. Without thinking of the consequences that it will come back to bite them. They just had to go out to media and claim something.

Their Solace was that they were screwed over by F-16 not the Thunder.
The biggest takeaway from this skirmish is that with entire IAF fleet being equipped with BNET SDR+ODL, PAF's COMJAM capabilities have been rendered completely obsolete and utterly incapable as BNET is simply too advanced so even trying to jam it is futile.
Even latest R&S SDRs were found to be so inferior to BNET that Israel decided to remove them from F-35Is & replace them with BNETs.

If IAF had found the AAMRAM in a village as they claim they could have shown much more segments of the missile as PAF was able to show the remnants of the Nando Craft.

They were able to show only the exploded section of the Aamram that was pulled off the SU-30. Their presentation of that itself is their humiliation. It shows that they were totally not in control and were bewildered.

Other pieces were recovered too but were too small to be centerpiece of press conference.

Anyways the AMRAAM was pulled from ground as it never manages to hit even a wooden board let alone a jet..
Not at all.
Any prudent and professional air force controllers will pull back units which are at severe numerical disadvantage (6:1) and order reinforcements to reach area and IAF did just that (IAF scrambled 16 Su-30 and 8 MiG-29 as reinforcements but by the time they reached PAF OCA package had already left the sector).

Never happened.
I have family members living near LoC and MiG-21 and Su-30 were daily carrying out CAPs over Rajouri till the end of elections.
Even on the international border, MiG-21s and Su-30s carried out BARCAPS from Pathankot.

I understand Indian Public is happy as well as you are that IAF did cross the IB first time after 1971 and did something after Pulwama attack unlike Kargil and 26/11 when India didn't do anything like that. But you also need to understand the price India paid afterwards.

Crossing the border and bombed few trees in enemy's territory is nothing when you lost 2 fighters and one helo in return. I see this a great degree of inferiority complex when you take a pride for merely crossing the border in darkness of night.
I understand Indian Public is happy as well as you are that IAF did cross the IB first time after 1971 and did something after Pulwama attack unlike Kargil and 26/11 when India didn't do anything like that. But you also need to understand the price India paid afterwards.

Crossing the border and bombed few trees in enemy's territory is nothing when you lost 2 fighters and one helo in return. I see this a great degree of inferiority complex when you take a pride for merely crossing the border in darkness of night.

They have a very long history of taking pride in such humiliations.:lol:
The biggest takeaway from this skirmish is that with entire IAF fleet being equipped with BNET SDR+ODL, PAF's COMJAM capabilities have been rendered completely obsolete and utterly incapable as BNET is simply too advanced so even trying to jam it is futile.
Even latest R&S SDRs were found to be so inferior to BNET that Israel decided to remove them from F-35Is & replace them with BNETs.

Other pieces were recovered too but were too small to be centerpiece of press conference.

Anyways the AMRAAM was pulled from ground as it never manages to hit even a wooden board let alone a jet..

haha loved this post, i want to smoke what you are smoking..
Save it. It will come handy.

you have a point Haris, for future Vedic BS.. i gotta say it, Indians are so full of themselves.. as the great Iron Shiekh said to Hulk Hogan, “ i will F*** you in the A** to make you humble” ..
there will be on ultimate akhara anf when the Green flag will fly on red fort, these folks will understand
@airomerix @Shah_Deu Fantastic reply to @jk007

I will just add one more point. The entire narrative has changed when it comes to Indo-Pak Air War. For the past 10-15 years, all i have been hearing is the fact how mighty the SU30MKI is, and the IAF will bring dominance equivalent to that of what Israel brings to her neighbors. There were even Indian members on this forum that were claiming that MIG21 Bison's are good enough to deal with PAF, following favorable results against the F15's in 2004 where the Americans cleverly forced the IAF to reveal all their techniques.

All that bluster and bravado has quietly melted away. India despite being 7 times bigger then Pakistan was exposed at how vulnerable it is to a Pakistani counter attack. But i will circle back to the same point, the entire narrative has changed and the false sense of superiority was completely checked on Feb 27. Members are welcome to go back 5-10 years and study some major threads of Indian members.
@airomerix @Shah_Deu Fantastic reply to @jk007

I will just add one more point. The entire narrative has changed when it comes to Indo-Pak Air War. For the past 10-15 years, all i have been hearing is the fact how mighty the SU30MKI is, and the IAF will bring dominance equivalent to that of what Israel brings to her neighbors. There were even Indian members on this forum that were claiming that MIG21 Bison's are good enough to deal with PAF, following favorable results against the F15's in 2004 where the Americans cleverly forced the IAF to reveal all their techniques.

All that bluster and bravado has quietly melted away. India despite being 7 times bigger then Pakistan was exposed at how vulnerable it is to a Pakistani counter attack. But i will circle back to the same point, the entire narrative has changed and the false sense of superiority was completely checked on Feb 27. Members are welcome to go back 5-10 years and study some major threads of Indian members.

what a disserve they have done to every aircraft in their inventory. the list goes on and on.. same fate awaits Rafael. This is IAFs destiny and will never change, God willingly.
what a disserve they have done to every aircraft in their inventory. the list goes on and on.. same fate awaits Rafael. This is IAFs destiny and will never change, God willingly.

Another thing if you notice; after the Indian strikes on Feb 26, whether it was Indian members, politicians, modi, everyone was gloating and showing their muscle look how strong we are. We can do as we like against Pakistan, just like Israel can act with impunity. The next day when Pakistan struck back, the entire messaging from Indian side changed to 'Peace', and how we should work together. Like WTFFFFFF
Another thing if you notice; after the Indian strikes on Feb 26, whether it was Indian members, politicians, modi, everyone was gloating and showing their muscle look how strong we are. We can do as we like against Pakistan, just like Israel can act with impunity. The next day when Pakistan struck back, the entire messaging from Indian side changed to 'Peace', and how we should work together. Like WTFFFFFF

"Danda peer ae bigrhayan tigrhayan da":lol:
Socra or any other experts: Please help me understand.
On Feb-27,
(a) IAF is out-numbered by PAF 6:1 or something similar, and IAF could not do much against superior missiles other than dodging them (dodged successfully). What is so great the PAF has done when they had numerical advantage? PAF came at the time of their choosing. Credit to PAF that they chose a time, that IAF was not anticipating.
(b) PAF has actually shown IAF's deficiencies in terms of missiles and radio communication. IAF is going to quickly fill those gaps. Has PAF given away a lot while not getting much in return?
(c) Contrary to what many Pakistanis think - Indians (myself included) do not think that IAF / India is humiliated. Are we missing something?
(d) We Indians are actually happy that our jets have crossed the border after many years [remember, they did not cross the border even after grave provocations like kargill war; parliament attack & mumbai attacks].
(e) what makes you think that our leadership is paralyzed? what makes you think that PAF got IAF to surrender?
(f) Forget all this, what did PAF or Pak achieve with all this? Just shot down one aircraft? and that too in Pak territory? and that from a Pilot who broke the ROE and crossed the border? Did that achievement change any thing strategically?
(g) what makes you think that "their (Indian) entire command and control structure" was a casualty? You think an organization (IAF etc) that is built over 70 years will be paralyzed so easily??

Please give valid points from your side.
As other members have already given their opinion, so I will address some specific points.
C), E), F) Its your military establishment who have set up so high standards. According to them IAF would detect PAF's planes as soon as they would take off. A single MKI would claim multiple kills.

This is just us talking relative to those claims. This forum is a perfect example. Go back to old posts and see what torture we had to endure.
As other members have already given their opinion, so I will address some specific points.
C), E), F) Its your military establishment who have set up so high standards. According to them IAF would detect PAF's planes as soon as they would take off. A single MKI would claim multiple kills.

This is just us talking relative to those claims. This forum is a perfect example. Go back to old posts and see what torture we had to endure.

Yeh Hindutvadi barhkain maarnay kay sher haen.:lol:
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