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Big fish getting killed first op in Balochistan and now this.
Yep, looks like somethings cooking, these operations began after both groups declined amnesty. Can't be a mere coincidence.
(we still need drones and mraps)
Yep, looks like somethings cooking, these operations began after both groups declined amnesty. Can't be a mere coincidence.
(we still need drones and mraps)
TTP accused us of using drones in Waziristan as well.
TTP accused us of using drones in Waziristan as well.
Yeah but I doubt their claims, it's more to do with stirring resentment and trying to explain to their fanboys/masters the Ls they just took. Mind you, we do use drones for border monitoring, one crashed into Afg and was quickly recovered, last year or in 2019.
Hmm…this may or may not have been a drone strike.
Yeah but I doubt their claims, it's more to do with stirring resentment and trying to explain to their fanboys/masters the Ls they just took. Mind you, we do use drones for border monitoring, one crashed into Afg and was quickly recovered, last year or in 2019.
I wouldn’t doubt them, The recently purchased army drones have already been used in the region for more than just surveillance, it’s just that we don’t hear about every OP and every strike.
I wouldn’t doubt them, The recently purchased army drones have already been used in the region for more than just surveillance, it’s just that we don’t hear about every OP and every strike.
I just feel this statement has very poor legs to stand on, how would TTP know if drones were used? How are they sure it wasn't a gunship? or a jet? or artillery?
They seem to be making stuff up, a lot of their propaganda is hyperbole.
I just feel this statement has very poor legs to stand on, how would TTP know if drones were used? How are they sure it wasn't a gunship? or a jet? or artillery?
They seem to be making stuff up, a lot of their propaganda is hyperbole.
I’m not saying that going off TTPs words, everything they say is propaganda, they were even trying to use a woman killed in one such strike to say that PA was killing innocents when she was a part of their group.

I’m saying that going off the Army’s words. Drone strikes create a bit of a stir, especially among the part of our population that really thinks these guys are “missing persons” and they have to stay wary of that. Plus, any IBO can have drone cover over it, the drone strikes first Then the cleanup crew goes in and combs the area, which is what I was assuming this last op was. The army is definitely using drones (why else would they have bought a large number of CH4Bs?). The issue here is that these drones aren’t available for 24/7 patrolling to the FC who are the ones that often get ambushed (at this point I don’t care if they’re army drones or not, they should just start flying them over FC convoys without asking because the FC doesn’t seem to be getting it’s own).
Big fish getting killed first op in Balochistan and now this.
Guessing the analysts have begun to read the captured intel from Afghanistan.
The army is definitely using drones (why else would they have bought a large number of CH4Bs?)
The AIr Force bought them not the Army. They used (if they are) Burraqs and Shahpar II.
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