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Operation Peace Spring in Northern Syria : The Turkish initiative to create safe zone

i used to think that its only us the pakistani muslims who dont know anything about Quran and the instructions of the Prophet Muhammad SAW but now i have realized that majority of the muslims have never opened Quran.
if this is true then a disaster is going to happen . two muslim armies are going to kill each other. and the responsibility goes to turkish arrogance. they are falling pray to zionists plans. once again they have succeeded in making muslims fight against each other and destroy each other.

These Alawite Kafirs need to be culled like pests. They have nothing to do with Islam you should watch the torture and killing videos of Syrian army against their own people.
Come again? Didn't I tell you to sit your arse down boi? Dont make me get rough with you like my ancestors did. Before thumbing your chest like a fool and displaying your false bravado. It should be beneficial for you to read your own history. Your nation got its ars handed to it in western Pakistan.
If you want to get real technical, we fucked your mothers first. In reality, you are more Iranian than some hybrid race. Kinda of like breading a dog.

The maps show a span of 1100 years under Iranian yoke.
View attachment 583779
View attachment 583780

Can you read the part reads Anatolia Jack ***.

Now as for your Pan- Turkish dream

Roza Arambievna. "Genogeografiya tyurkoyazichnikh narodov Kavkaza: analiz izmenchivosti Y-khromosomy." Dissertation. Moscow, 2013.
125 Azerbaijani men from Azerbaijan and Daghestan were tested and compared with other peoples of the Caucasus. Azerbaijanis and Kumyks have similar genetic profiles in terms of what Y-DNA haplogroups they tend to have. They share the same 6 main Y-DNA haplogroups but possess them in different frequencies. Excerpts from the paper:

"[...] For Eastern Caucasus Turks - Azerbaijanis and Kumyks - the majority have the haplogroups J1-M267 and J2a-M172 that are also found among other indigenous peoples of the Eastern Caucasus. [...] Analysis of the various subhaplogroups of R1b-M343 indicates an Asiatic influence upon the gene pool of Azerbaijanis and Kumyks. [...]"
Levon Yepiskoposian, Shot Margarian, Laris Andonian, and Vahid Rashidvash. "The Location of Azaris on the Patrilineal Genetic Landscape of the Middle East (A Preliminary Report)." Iran and the Caucasus 15:1-2 (2011): pages 73-78.
The Azeris are more closely related to neighboring peoples than to Central Asians. They are mostly an Iranian people who adopted a Turkic language.

2500 years ago Turks were in Siberia , Mongolia and Central Asia
TURKS came and ruled India , Iran , Anatolia , Egypt , all Middle East , Caucasia , Ukraine and all Balkans , Hungary

Persians are nothing to do with Europeans ( haplogroup R ) ... persians-gypsies-kurds are same

TURKS are FATHER of Europeans , Russians ( haplogroup R ) and Native Americans ( haplogroup Q )

Haplogroup P-M45 ( proto TURKS )
Time of origin : 45.000 years ago
Place of origin : Central asia and Southeast_Asia
Descendants Haplogroup Q and R

Haplogroup R ( Russians,,French,,Germans,,British )
Time of origin : 26,800 years ago
Place of origin : Central Asia

watch you fcking loser ugly smelly persian-kurdish-armenian terrorists fck your kurdistan and persian
Genetic history of P1-M45: Proto-Turkic ancestors of Europeans, Native Americans and Indians
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PKK/YPG realised their end is imminent against Turkish Army so they are playing the final games with inviting Asad army to the place where Turkish Army is planning to enter at first waves. YPG will never make a bargain issue for the rest of territory they are controlling. What they are planning to do is to make Asad fight with Turkey to gain more time. Putin should order his dog to stay away from Turkey's road.
So what will happen ? SAA vs Turk clash ?
These Alawite Kafirs need to be culled like pests. They have nothing to do with Islam you should watch the torture and killing videos of Syrian army against their own people.
when a muslim calls another muslim as kaffir then either one of them is kaffir for sure as per the hadith of the Prophet. so be careful. if they have just recited kalima and believe in Allah and Muhammad and you are calling them kaffir just because they are from different sect then dear as per this hadith you can decide what you are.
when a muslim calls another muslim as kaffir then either one of them is kaffir for sure as per the hadith of the Prophet. so be careful. if they have just recited kalima and believe in Allah and Muhammad and you are calling them kaffir just because they are from different sect then dear as per this hadith you can decide what you are.

Please watch this video.
if syrian army fights against turkish and both the armies destroy each other then guess who will be real victor. zionists.
and funny thing is that both these armies will be calling each other as kaffir. muslims of today are the biggest idiots .
an idiot muslim once sais to Quaid e azam that he wont support you because you are a shia. jinnah replied you must vote for gandhi as he may be a muslim.
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