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Operation Peace Spring in Northern Syria : The Turkish initiative to create safe zone

The Turkish lady owned the chamcha. Awesome response.

Turkey needs to play its cards correctly. It needs support for the operation. They should contact all Turk nations and try to get support. Isolation is not good. The positivity is that Syrian government is quiet on this operation, one surprise is Iraq condemning the operation.

Iraq is a US colony. There are also a lot of Iraqi Kurds there who sympathise with PKK cause. Turkey is not isolated.

The most important thing for any country worth fighting over is its identity, heritage and territory. If any of these become endangered a nation stands up and fights against all odds. It doesn't sit idle and let others hoist a flag in the middle of a square.

We Pakistanis can learn a thing or two from Turks. Turks don't have oil reserves. Turks can be blacklisted and are even threatened with diplomatic and economic sanctions. Yet the Turks don't compromise on their principles. Don't we Pakistanis always have a laundry list of fears? Did you see how the Turkish lady looked the coward straight in the eyes? She was the lion and the host was the jackal. That is how you confidently confront the enemy.
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latest situation around Tel Abyad , 12:30 local time

13:15 local time

From Resulayn: Arabs and Kurds are taking back their cities.


700 ISIS prisoners released from YPG/PKK in YPG/PKK-held Ain Issa town , just now.

Turkish hypocrite weamen,
She thinks people are stupid and the world has forgot the video that Cumhuriyet newspaper that Turkey was Arming ISIS

or wehen Turkey was shipping and buying oil form ISIS and transfer to Israel

even Qatar former Prime Minister Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber al-Thani Confesses Secrets Behind Syrian War

the evidance is overwhelming and in any international court can be proceeded
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Turkish hypocrite weamen,
She thinks people are stupid and the world has forgot the video that Cumhuriyet newspaper that Turkey was Arming ISIS

or wehen Turkey was shipping and buying oil form ISIS and transfer to Israel

even Qatar former Prime Minister Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber al-Thani Confesses Secrets Behind Syrian War

the evidance is overwhelming and in any international court can be proceeded

Cumhuriyet newspaper full of traitor sons of bitches who would do everything to put Turkey under bad situations on international arena. Those ammunitions were for militia and Turkmens. They labelled it like sent to ISIS.
Turkey supported militia and rebels is not secret. Even Turkey did it w/ the Usa openly. All of these are long discussed and debunked multiple times here in PDF. Nobody buys them anymore.
Cumhuriyet newspaper full of traitor sons of bitches who would do everything to put Turkey under bad situations on international arena. Those ammunitions were for militia and Turkmens. They labelled it like sent to ISIS.
Turkey supported militia and rebels is not secret. Even Turkey did it w/ the Usa openly. All of these are long discussed and debunked multiple times here in PDF. Nobody buys them anymore.
The journalist who made this claim fled to Germany. At the moment, He is not only anti-Turkey but also making anti-Iran propaganda.

FETO militants and NATO gladio pawns hate Iran in general. And in the last 20 years they have made dozens of claims about Iran.
Turkish hypocrite weamen,
She thinks people are stupid and the world has forgot the video that Cumhuriyet newspaper that Turkey was Arming ISIS

or wehen Turkey was shipping and buying oil form ISIS and transfer to Israel

even Qatar former Prime Minister Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber al-Thani Confesses Secrets Behind Syrian War

the evidance is overwhelming and in any international court can be proceeded

We will slaughter your brothers in north Syria, just wait...:-)
We will slaughter your brothers in north Syria, just wait...:-)
Not my brothers,( PKK, YPG all terrorist and all Kurdish armed groups are terrorist) please do i cant wait, even if kill Americans is not that we are.........

look at jokes Peshmerga
these are official Kurdish so called Army .with Tank, MLRS, and real heavy weapons,
look how they are crying

I think you got all wrong

we can't care less,
it is win win situation for us
just wait till you finish this so called operation then you find out what we have prepared for you ( Turkey)
we are sitting down and enjoying show, and even more some of our forces has crossed Euphrates river

slaughter your brothers
if you want i can send you link you can see the body count of what took place in Kirkuk.

if that make you more happy
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President Erdoğan: "First of all, we concentrated on the 120 km area between Rasullayn and Tel Abyad. We will split the 480 km terror corridor from the middle.

Then we will take control of Ayn El Arab and Haseke. We're going to go down to a depth of about 30-35 km. "

A small confession from a well-known anti-Turkey account

"Not there are airstrikes on the city. Something is definitely happening. Night time fighting is always brutal because that’s when the Turks come out. Or so they say."
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Hilarious irony is that a Chinese troll hiding behind Uncle Ho .

Very ironic to see chinese behind vietnam and south east asian iconic man


Turkish military convoy consisting of mobile bridges and amphibious bulldozers entered from Jarablus border crossing yesterday, likely to be used to cross the Euphrates into Aynel Arab countryside.

Turkish use unusual circlement as i see in this map
MY only fear is ISIS and i don't to see them rise again in this messy situation
Very ironic to see chinese behind vietnam and south east asian iconic man

Turkish use unusual circlement as i see in this map
In fact, it is a very familiar TAF strategy. Collect the intensity of the enemy at certain points. Then launch a large encirclement.

Funny thing is that : The intensity of the operation is still very low for the first 4 days. There are only a few thousand elements in the field. Armored operations did not begin. We haven't seen any helicopter landing or attack helicopters yet. There is a very limited rotation in SNA side. Also Turkish soldier conducts operations almost only at night.
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Not my brothers,( PKK, YPG all terrorist and all Kurdish armed groups are terrorist) please do i cant wait, even if kill Americans is not that we are.........

look at jokes Peshmerga
these are official Kurdish so called Army .with Tank, MLRS, and real heavy weapons,
look how they are crying

I think you got all wrong

we can't care less,
it is win win situation for us
just wait till you finish this so called operation then you find out what we have prepared for you ( Turkey)
we are sitting down and enjoying show, and even more some of our forces has crossed Euphrates river

if you want i can send you link you can see the nodes count of what took place in Kirkuk.

if that make you more happy
Please shut the hell up. As a Iranian you should be happy about it. Seems you forgot that PKK also has a Iranian branch, the PJAK. Just like Turkey they are also a threat to Iranian unity and land.
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