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Operation Eagle Claw

in those time we were alone.no support from china,no support from soveit,no support from USA,no support from any country!
even we hadnt any military industry.but the GOD,the great helped us aswell.
now we have the military industry too.and for sure we have the GOD support too.
if you think you can stop us then just let the war start!

They all hate us

but let them make a move, which right now they have not shown the balls to.
we will send them all to hell.
Don't blame me!! It was the Longbrained fellow who brought Turkey into this and it was the Iran Zamin or something like that brought India into this!!

this topic is an absolute mess......17 of the 18 pages are garbage.

burda gereksiz bir savas oluyor....neden bilmiyorum

Sakin olunuz, lutfen.......everyone calm down
Enerjisa builts Gas turbines... Tubitak builds steam turbines.... And no... Enerjisa has their patents... Shows how mch a troll you are...

No they dont. They are importers of it. They mostly buy from European firms.

It is not about only turbines. Iran makes lot of things like SLV, reactors, engines, Uranium etc etc. Turkey can not. So Iran is ahead of Turkey.
Guys let me tell you something a secret. Europeans hate Iranians, hate Turks, hate Arabs, hate Pakistan........... Do I need to say more

the real challenge will be how to promote our countrymen to REMAIN in their motherlands instead of leaving to foreign countries for work

no reason why we cant have system that incorporates and benefits everyone --so that the talent remains AT HOME!

hell with those european countries
the real challenge will be how to promote our countrymen to REMAIN in their motherlands instead of leaving to foreign countries for work

no reason why we cant have system that incorporates and benefits everyone --so that the talent remains AT HOME!

hell with those european countries

Not just Europe, look at the Iranian doing so much amazing work for the amricans...
PressTV - Iranian discovers nanoscale energy source
With due respect, what exactly was the topic here? A couple of pics sans comments of rusty tin cans in the desert with a tag of "revenge is sweet" does not make a topic. And then the OP starts an online version of some kind of primeval chest thumping display bringing into the "discussion" irrelevant topics! Makes no sense. Btw, IMHO, Joe's posts ought not to be deleted. They are as humorous and entertaining as informative, not to mention the privilege of reading them is rare these days.
I am more interested in reading some informative discussion on the events which led to the helis ending up e iran rather than reading about indian missile tech and turkish space aspirations -- i have already changed the title , i guess you didnt notice it
With due respect, what exactly was the topic here? A couple of pics sans comments of rusty tin cans in the desert with a tag of "revenge is sweet" does not make a topic. And then the OP starts an online version of some kind of primeval chest thumping display bringing into the "discussion" irrelevant topics! Makes no sense. Btw, IMHO, Joe's posts ought not to be deleted. They are as humorous and entertaining as informative, not to mention the privilege of reading them is rare these days.

well I thought it was straight forward and obvious. The failure of the Americans to rescue their "diplomats"
Here is your link from one of the most respected newspaper of your country. Either he is lying, or your leaders are lying: KAHLILI: Iran already has nuclear weapons - Washington Times
Thank you. Next time you request something of me, would it kill you to be more polite?

I read nothing in the article to back up your claim that its author is a liar, or that America's leaders are. The author cites sources and reports that say Iran already has nuclear weapons; that doesn't mean the U.S. government believes them, nor that the author is telling lies.

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